Part 81

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"Come on! Come to the bar with us!" Robin begs for the 5th time tonight.

"It's fine! You two go and have fun, I have Mason here. Besides Lizzie's gonna be off soon and call me anyway." I shrug continuing to wash the dishes from dinner.

"But I don't want to be alone with her again" Robin whispers to me.

"Oh be a big girl and suck it up Robin. Just go have a good time with Scar ok?" I whisper as Scarlett walks into the kitchen.

"What're you two whispering about in here?" She raises an eyebrow at us looking from me to Robin.

"I was just telling her that it's fine if you two go without me! I'll be ok, I can come out next time I promise" I smile as Robin takes a deep breathe.

"Ok then you better, we should get going then Robin" Scarlett walks over bumping into Robin playfully.

"R-Right yea. We should, we'll uh see you later then Y/n" Robin looks at me with a look that says 'help me'.

I laugh giving them both a hug, "Have fun! And get home safely ok?"

"We will, come on Robin. Bye Y/n! Bye Mason!" Scarlett says as she drags Robin out making me laugh.

"Alright ready to get into pjs and watch movies bubba?" I walk into the living room where Masons playing with Teddy.

"Yea! Come on Teddy!" Mason runs upstairs with Teddy following close behind. I follow after them to get changed and lay down.


The next morning I wake up to my phone ringing nonstop. I keep my eyes closed as I look around for my phone with just my hand. I finally grab it and open my eyes seeing who's calling me. "Robin?" I furrow my brows as I look at her texts.

"Y/n! Wake up!! Please!

It's important! I need to talk to you!

Ffs Y/n!

Fine I'm coming over!"

I groan wondering what's going on with her. I text her back saying I'll unlock the door and be in the kitchen. So I get up taking my phone with me and walk downstairs. I unlock the door and walk into the kitchen as my phone rings again. I go to look thinking it's Robin but I get excited seeing Lizzie's name pop up on my screen. "Hey morning baby! I was hoping you were awake!"

"Hey princess, good morning to you too. Is something wrong?"

"No no! I just wanted to talk to you while I get ready to go" She giggles.

"Aw that's sweet I love you"

"I love you too"

"Actually Robin should be here any minute. She said it was important? She seems.. I don't know" I shrug putting my phone on speaker and setting it on the counter.

"Hm well I hope she's ok! Oh hold on Paul's calling me, I'll just put you on hold.

"Ok honey" I sigh as the phone goes silent and I continue making my coffee when I hear the front door open and close. "Hey Robin! You want a cup of coffee?" I ask hearing her footsteps approach me.

"Oh uh sure.." She says quietly.

I turn around to look at her, her hair was messy, she looked tired and then I see it. She has HICKEYS??? "So did some guy hit on you last night and you hooked up with him?" I smirk at her as she takes a deep breathe and her eyes start to tear up. "Whoa hey why are you about to cry Robin?? What happened?? You didn't get.. you know.."

"No no! I... I did something.. I didn't hook up with some guy.." She wipes her eyes with her sleeves.

"What? Then who..." She didn't sleep with a guy.. she slept with.. no way. "ROBIN YOU SLEPT WITH SCARLETT!?!" I yell in shock.

"Shh! Yes I did! We were both really drunk and I don't know. We took the Uber and she had her hand on my thigh... she walked me up to my door and... I invited her to stay since she was drunk. We sat on my couch talking then... all of a sudden we were kissing! Then clothes came off-"

"Ok ok! I don't need a play by play Robin." I sigh trying to wrap my head around what she just told me.

"What am I gonna do?? I'm not a home wrecker!" She runs her hands through her hair flustered.

"Well her and Colin are on a break, she can do whatever she wants and if that's sleep with you then he can't say shit." I shrug pouring me and her a cup of coffee.

"Just don't tell Lizzie please! I don't want her to judge me!" Then I realize. I'm still on a call with Lizzie. Oh please tell me she's been on the phone with Paul this entire time.

"What? Why are you looking at me like that?" She furrows her brows at me taking the coffee cup from me.

"I think she forgot I was on the phone..." Lizzie's voice erupts from my phone.

"You were on the phone with her!?"

"She put me on hold! I forgot I'm sorry!" I rub my hand down my face groaning.

"Hey Robin?" Lizzie starts, "It's ok I'm not gonna judge you for sleeping with Scarlett. I'm surprised since I didn't know you were bi! But I would never judge you, you're my friend too" I watch as Robin starts tearing up.

"Thank you Lizzie.. that means a lot." She smiles.

"Be careful Lizzie I don't need her falling for you too" I tease, Robin shoots daggers at me with her eyes.

"I hate you."

"Hello? Y/n?" I hear Scarlett say from the front door.

"Oh god." Robins eyes widen.

"In the kitchen Scar!" I call to her, a few seconds later she joins us in the kitchen wearing one of Robins hoodies and some basketball shorts.

"Here you are I knew you'd be here. You left your apartment key on the counter so I locked up for you" She smiles handing Robin her key back.

"You want some coffee after your fun night?" I tease smirking at her.

"Sure.. how do you know it was a fun night?" She queries as I pour her a cup as well.

"Oh you know..." I start but am interrupted by Lizzie.

"Just the fact that you and Robin both have hickeys on your necks" Lizzie giggles.

"You told them!?" Scarlett slaps Robins arm.

"I'm sorry! I had to tell Y/n! And she happened to be on the phone with Lizzie" She whimpers.

"I think you two have some stuff to talk about. I'm gonna take my coffee and Lizzie upstairs, so have fun. Well not too much fun there is a child at home."

"Get out!" Scarlett and Robin yell at the same time making me laugh.

"Ok ok I'm going!" I grab my phone and coffee cup and walk upstairs.

I saw this in another story I've been reading and I kinda liked the idea but I'm not sure. What do you guys think about Robin and Scarlett being together?

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