Part 46

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Y/n's POV:

Robin eventually got me to the couch still holding me in her arms rubbing my arm slowly. The door opens as Lizzie walks in with Mason on her shoulders making me sit up straight. "Mason! Lizzie!" Lizzie shuts the door smiling at me, she takes him off her shoulders and set him on the floor.

Lizzie kisses his forehead then motions towards me. Mason walks over to me so I get on the ground on my knees. Mason wraps his arms around my neck hugging me. "I'm sorry for running away.. I didn't mean to make you upset."

"N-No it's ok bubba! I'm sorry I didn't tell you..." I wrap my arms around him.

"Lizzie helped me not be confused anymore! She took me up to the roof and talked to me. So you're my mommy?" He asks pulling back a little to be face to face with me.

I reach forward cupping his cheeks in my hand as tears form in my eyes. "Yea.. I'm your mommy."

"Does that mean.. I can come live with you now?" He tilts his head with a shy look on his cute little face.

I let out a small chuckle, "Yes if you want, you can come live with me." I rest my forehead on his closing my eyes.

I feel his little hands on my cheeks making me look at him. "I want to live with you... mommy." A big smile forms across his face. Tears fall down my cheeks as I pull him into a big bear hug as he giggles. I grab his face kissing his cheeks as he pushes off me laughing "Hey stop it!"

Robin hugs my side and ruffles Masons hair, "Now you can finally call me Auntie Robin! I've been waiting for this your whole life little man!"

"But you're not my real Auntie" Mason taunts her with a evil little giggle.

"Oh is that right!?" She grabs him pulling him into her and begins tickling him.

"Ahh! Not the tickle monster! No!" He laughs as she keeps tickling him.

I look over at Lizzie who's watching us with a smile plastered on her face. I get up and run to her throwing my arms around her neck kissing her passionately. "I love you!"

"I love you too babe, you're not mad at me for telling you to tell him?" She asks seemingly nervous.

"What no! I'm glad you went after him and talked to him. Thank you" I hug her tightly and laugh as she picks me up spinning me around. She sets me down laughing when Mason runs over hugging my leg. "Hey bubba, are you sure you're ok now? I know this was a lot for you.." I put my hand on his head moving his hair out of his eyes.

"I'm ok! It's weird calling you mommy" He giggles and I bend down giving him a kiss on the cheek.

"Take you time ok bubba? You don't have to start calling me it right away if you're not comfortable." I smile giving him an Eskimo kiss, "You'll eventually have to call mom and dad grandpa and grandma too"

"Oh yea! That's weird. But can we go tell them that I'm gonna live here now!?" He starts jumping up and down excitedly.

"You want to do it now?" I laugh as I stand up, "Should I give them a warning?"

"No! I wanna surprise them" He giggles grabbing my hand starting to pull me.

"Come on! Let's go!" I laugh pulling him towards me and picking him up.

"Slow down there bubba, let's get dressed first and say bye to Lizzie." I kiss his cheek as he furrows his brows at me. "What?"

"Why are we saying bye to Lizzie?" He looks over at Lizzie who smiles at him.

"I have to go to work bub but I'll come by afterwards and see you again!" She leans over kissing his cheek then lays her head on my shoulder.

"Oh ok! Sissy.. oh wait sorry!" He shyly shrinks back in my arms.

"It's ok bubba, don't worry. I don't have.. wait shoot! I do have work today! Aw man, we gotta get you changed!" I quickly walk into my room with Lizzie close behind.

"I'll head out I need to get some new clothes real quick from my house" I turn around to face her smiling, she first gives Mason a kiss on the cheek. Then she smiles and gives me a soft kiss on the lips. "I'll see you when I get done on set!"

"Ok! Bye Lizzie!" Mason smiles waving bye to her.

"Bye babe I love you, have a good day at work!" I smile as she gives me another quick kiss.

"I love you too, you have a good day at work too! Bye you two" She flashes us one last smile before turning away and leaving.

I quickly change Mason then I get myself ready to go and walk back out to Robin. "Hey Robin can you go in and tell Ryan I'm gonna be a little late? You can tell him why since he knows."

"Of course bestie." Robin gets up giving me a big hug. Then she bends down giving Mason a big hug, "I'll see you later little man! And I'll see you at work" She smiles and we all three leave my apartment.

I drive me and Mason to my parents house quickly but carefully. We pull into the driveway and park, so I get out, unbuckle Mason and we both walk up to the door. I knock and my mom comes to the door smiling, "Hey my sweet babies! How was your sleepover?"

"It was good huh Mason?" I look down at him as he nods squeezing my hand.

"Hi grandma!" He blurts out taking my mom by surprise.

"What!? Did you tell him honey!?" My mom puts her hands on her cheeks gasping.

"Calm down mom! Yes I told him, he knows" I smile picking him up.

"Oh honey that's great!" She reaches forward grabbing Mason from my arms hugging him tightly.

"I wanna live with sis- I mean mommy! Can I please!" Mason begs grabbing my moms face making me chuckle.

"If you want to then of course you can! It'll be a little weird not having you running around everyday." She laughs kissing his cheek.

"Well hopefully you and dad will still babysit him when I have work, like now" I laugh as she gasps.

"Of course I will! I can help you pack up your things for when your mommy gets home! Wait don't you work at 10:00? It's past 10! You need to get to work young lady" My mom points her finger at me. I laugh as I roll my eyes at her.

"I'm going! I needed to bring him here. Bye mom see you later." I give her a hug as she kisses my cheek. "I'll be back in a few hours to pick you back up ok bubba?"

"Ok! Bye have a good day at work!" He giggles as I kiss his forehead.

"Bye! Have fun with grandma!" I wave to them as I walk back to my car. I get in watching them walk inside then I drive off to work.

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