Part 88

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The next morning I wake up to an empty bed, I sit up stretching. "She must have work... I should go for a run.." I rub the tiredness from my eyes swinging my legs off the side of the bed. I get up and change into my work out clothes which is, a sports bra, leggings and my running shoes. I put my hair in a ponytail when the door opens and Lizzie walks in all dressed. "Hey there's beautiful, I thought you left for work."

"No.. I uh.." I watch as her eyes scan me up and down. "I uh I.." I laugh as her eyes never stop looking me up and down.

"Baby stop drooling over me and speak English please!" I laugh, her eyes shoot up meeting mine as her face turns red.

"I-I wasn't drooling over you!"

I walk over grabbing her hips giving her a quick kiss, "So work?"

"I wouldn't leave without saying bye and also I still have two hours before I have to go. I just got ready early" She smiles, I watch her gaze slowly drift down my body.

"You really like my toned body huh?" I laugh grabbing her chin softly and lifting her head back up to my gaze.

"Don't get me wrong love I loved your body before but.. I don't know! There's something about your new toned body that just..."

"Makes you cuckoo for Cocoa Puffs?" I smirk as she giggles rolling her eyes.

"Yes cuckoo for Cocoa Puffs," She presses her lips onto mine, "But seriously babe I didn't think you could get any hotter"

"Well thanks babe, I'm actually gonna go for a run but I can wait if you want" I kiss her gently.

"Or I can come with you" She smiles widely at me.

"But you're all dressed, I don't want to make you run in that or have to change." I frown as she shakes her head sighing.

"I don't care if I have to change. We can take Mason too! We can go on a cute little family run! Please baby" She wraps her arms around my neck sticking out her bottom lip pouting.

"How can I say no to your beautiful face? If that's what you want then I'll go wake Mason while you change" I kiss her nose gently bringing her closer to me.

"I love you" She giggles bringing me in for a kiss.

"I'll take that as a yes. I'll be right back" I give her a quick kiss then walk to the guest room where Masons sleeping. "Bubba? Wake up my little prince" I shake him soft making him groan and flip over.

"I'm sleepy..." He mumbles keeping his eyes closed.

"I know bubba, but wake up. We are gonna go on a run, Lizzie's coming too" I chuckle bending down kissing his forehead.

"Oh.. ok mommy.." I watch him stretch out his whole body.

While he sits up rubbing his eyes I go to his back grabbing him some shorts and a T-shirt. "Here you go bubba, but this on then we can go."

"Aren't you and Lizzie faster than me?" He asks starting to change into the clothes I grabbed.

"We will go your pace don't worry, we've gone on a run before you know" I chuckle kissing the top of his head. "I'll go check to see if Lizzie's finished getting ready"

"Ok mommy I'll be in there in a minute!" He giggles.

I smile and walk out to Lizzie's room, "Princess are you done?" I open the door and smile seeing her now in a black pullover, yoga pants and a ponytail.

"How does it look? I just bought it for when I workout" She smiles as I walk over to her giving her a kiss.

"It looks amazing, you're as beautiful as always" I wrap my arms around her smiling, "God I love you" I bring her closer kissing her passionately.

"I love you too, you have no idea" She smirks against my lips.

"I'd ask you to prove it but I don't wanna scar poor Mason" I chuckle as Lizzie hugs me putting her face in my shoulder. "What?"

"I'm ready mommy!" I turn to the door still holding Lizzie to see Mason smiling at us.

"Alright let's get going, you ok Lizzie?" She silently nods making me laugh. "Are you a lil embarrassed princess?"


"Liar." I laugh as she pulls back rolling her eyes at me.

"This conversation will be saved for later. Now let's go do Im not late for work! I now I have to be there in an hour and a half!" She pushes off me laughing and runs over to Mason picking him up. "Ready Mason?"


"Then let's go!" She puts him on her shoulders and hurried down the stairs.

"Hey careful!"

"Hurry up mom!" Lizzie yells from the stairs.

I laugh following them down the stairs. I meet them at the bottom of the stairs kissing Lizzie's cheek, "I'm gonna let that mom comment slide from you" I smile and she giggles.

"Oh yea? What would you do about it?" Lizzie challenges me.

"I could spank you" I smirk as Lizzie's turns bright red.

"Wait am I gonna get a spanking too!?" Mason looks at me frightened.

"No of course not!" I take him off of Lizzie's shoulders kissing his cheek. "You're a good boy my little prince. Besides have I ever spanked you?"

"No you haven't" He smiles kissing my cheek in return.

"You ok Lizzie?" I giggle as she begins stuttering.

"I hate you" She glares at me.

"Love you too now let's go times a tickin!" I put Mason down and he runs to the door.

"Come on!" Mason holds out his hands for us to hold.

I walk over with Lizzie and we both grab his hands, "let's have as Lizzie said a cute little family run"

"Yay!" Mason cheers as we start out the door and begin our run.

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