Part 94

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(One Month Later)
I sit in the little office room that Lizzie set up for me in our house in England. She has me working as kind of an assistant, I help sort through her emails just small things like that. At the same time I get to watch Mason all day too. I'm happy because Toms been here visiting for a few weeks so we I have some more company when Lizzie's at work. Also he has offered to babysit Mason anytime we want so we can have like date nights. Which is really sweet I appreciate him, and we have taken him up on that offer.

"Mommy!" Mason comes running into the office with Teddy close behind.

"Yes my little prince?" I peak over my laptop looking at Mason who's standing there out of breathe. "Is everything ok bubba?"

"Mhm I just wanted to ask if you could make me Mac and Cheese, I'm hungry" He smiles clasping his hands together behind his back.

"Of course I will bubba, I'll start it right away" I smile closing the window on my laptop then shut it. I stand up walking over passed Mason, as I walk passed him I ruffle his hair giggling. He latches onto me grabbing my hand and following me out and into the kitchen. "Ok I need my hand silly" I squat down grabbing a pit from the lower cabinet while also giving Mason a kiss on the cheek.

"Ok! Can you come get me when you're done mommy?"

"Yep I will, take Teddy with you too!" I laugh as he nods and picks Teddy up then Carrie's him into the living room. I begin cooking when my phone goes off. "Oh it's Robin" I smile and put the phone up to my ear, "Hey bestie!"

"Hey! How's England life?"

"It's great, here Im gonna FaceTime you" She goes to object but I immediately press FaceTime. She answers it scooting over slightly, "Hey Scar"

"How'd you know I was in here?? I was gonna surprise you!" She whines.

"I saw your blonde hair when Robin scooted away" I laugh as Robin rolls her eyes scooting back to Scarlett.

"Are you liking it there?" Scarlett asks while I place my phone up against the toaster so they can see me.

"Yea it's really nice here! It's really nice being here with Lizzie and Mason. But I do miss you guys like crazy, we all do"

"We miss you too!"

"So when are you gonna finally propose to Lizzie Y/n?" Robin chimes in taking me by surprise.

"Ok we're talking about that"

"Come on! You know she's gonna say yes. You could ask her right now and she'd say yes to you!"

"Eh she'd say no because I'm asking while she's at work"

"Dont listen to that last part. But Robin is right, she will say yes"

"I know it's just.. I want it to be special.." I sigh.

"It doesn't have to be special you know" Robin rolls her eyes.

"I know Robin! But it's Lizzie, she deserves a special proposal. And that's what I'm gonna give her" I smile as they both chuckle.

"Got an idea for a special proposal then?" Scarlett queries.

"Hm maybe, but I'm still trying to figure it out"


"I'm not telling you don't ask" I stop Robin mid sentence.

"Aw come on!"

"I'll tell you when I officially figure out what the special proposal is I promise"

"You better" Robin and Scarlett say at the same time. They then awe and kiss.

"Glad to see you two are doing good" I smirk at them as Scarlett giggles.

"Don't change the subject Y/n" Robin glares at me.

"I have to finish the Mac and cheese for Mason, I'll talk to you later! Bye!"

"Ugh fine bye we love you!" Robin grumbles.

"Love you both too! Give Rose a kiss for me, bye" I laugh hanging up the phone and shove my phone back in my pocket. I sigh finishing up Masons Mac and Cheese setting him a bowl out on the table. "Mason!"

"Coming!" I hear his footsteps approach as he runs into the dining room. "Mm it smells good!" He giggles climbing into his chair, "Thank you mommy"

"No problem bubba" I bend down kissing his head and walk into the living room.

After a little I hear Mason put his bowl on the counter then see him walk into the room while I flip through channels. "Are you ok mommy?" He furrows his brows at me, I smile turning it to Disney.

"I'm ok. Come here" I put the controller next to me as Mason walks over and climbs onto my lap. I kiss his cheek and wrap my arms around him as he curls up in my lap. "Do you like it here bubba?"

"Yea! I miss everyone but I do like it here" I hear him sigh as he nuzzles his face in my neck.

"I miss everyone too.."

"But I'm happy we get to see Lizzie every day again! I missed her when she was gone" I smile tightening my grip around him slightly.

"Hey.. what do you think of me marrying Lizzie?" I query, i realize I've never asked him.

"That means she'd me my mommy too right?" He looks up at he smiling.

"Yes it does bubba" I say smiling back down at him.

"Then.. I'd love it! I love Lizzie, and you! We can be a big happy family!" He giggles as I squeeze him tightly and start kissing him all over his face. "Ahh mommy! No! Stop!" He laughs pushing me away as I keep leaving kisses all over his face.

"I love you baby!" I give him a big kiss on the cheek as Teddy jumps up on the couch barking and jumping on us. "Oh I love you too Teddy!" I pick Teddy up putting him on Masons lap. "We'll be one big happy family huh... I'd love that.." I start tearing up and pull the two of them into a hug.

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