Part 77

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After awhile I finally make my way back to Lizzie's house throwing my cup away in the garbage can outside. I sigh walking up to the door and going into the house being immediately hugged by Lizzie. "Babe! I was so worried about you!"

"Sorry.." I sigh as she lets go of me.

"Why the hell did you walk out like that!?" She yells backing up a few steps.

"I don't want to talk about it." I push past her but she grabs me by the wrist stopping me.

"Stop! What's wrong babe" She says the last part softly. "Talk to me"

I let out a stifled laugh staring at the ground, "What's wrong?" I rip my wrist away from her and turn around. "Maybe the fact that the cashier was totally hitting on you! She's into you Lizzie anyone could see! She put hearts on your cup, winked at you, even called you her favorite customer!"

"Babe you're over reacting! She's just being nice" Lizzie sighs running her hand through her hair.

"Doesn't this sound familiar Lizzie? A barista who's got a crush on an amazingly beautiful and talented actress?" Lizzie furrows her brows at me and shakes her head.

"This isn't the same as us Y/n! This is different!" She walks forward grabbing my hands.

"How is it different!?"

"Because I love you! Not Grace"

I take my hands from her putting my hands on my head, "Stop saying her name!"

"Babe" She reaches up going to grab my face but I swat her hands away.

"Stop! Don't touch me please I don't want to be touched" I back away shaking my head. "I can't, my anxiety is rising."

"Honey it's ok! She doesn't have a thing for me"

"Yes she does! She literally was flirting with you! That's not her just being nice! This is what happened with us, I'm a barista who's got a thing for an actress. Yea maybe we are together, but you're still here for four months! I'm not here I can't be here with you." I groan into my hands covering my face.

"You're being over exaggerate Y/n. Come on! Just because you're not here doesn't mean I'm gonna go and fuck whoever shows interest in me! It doesn't mean I'm gonna go and be with Grace or anyone!"

"So you admit that she has feelings for you?" I cross my arms as she scoffs.

"Ok! Fine! Maybe she does have a thing for me! Is that what you wanted to fucking hear Y/n!?" She yells at me.

I look at the ground and sigh feeling tears threatening my eyes. "Yep. Thanks for the confirmation. I'm done, I'm gonna go out." I walk past her to the door opening it but Lizzie runs over slamming in shut holding it closed with her hand. "Lizzie let me leave."

"No! You're not leaving again!" I hear her voice tremble as I sigh.

"I don't want to be here right now. Let me leave." I try opening the door again but she shuts it again.

She spins me around and pushes me up against the door, "Babe stop! What is your problem!? This was supposed to be a happy couple of days of us spending time together!"

"Let go of me please." I say looking down at my feet.

"No Y/n"

"Let go."

"No Y/n! I'm not letting you go!"

"Let go!" I step forward pushing her hands off of me. Lizzie looses balance and falls back on her butt. I stare at her my eyes wide as she rubs her butt.

"Y/n-" She looks up at me as tears fall down my cheeks. "Babe No don't!" I quickly leave the house slamming the door behind me and just start running. I don't know where, but I'm running.

Lizzie's POV:

"Lizzie! What happened? I heard yelling and the the front door slam" Scarlett comes running down the stairs over to me helping me up. I explain to her the argument that just took place and she sighs. "Oh Y/n.."

"I think she thinks she pushed me to the floor huts that's not what happened! I just lost balance trying to back away.. she looked at me horrified..." Tears well up in my eyes as my voice trembles.

"Lizzie come here let's sit down" She wraps her arm around me leading me to the couch. "You know what's happening right?"

"What? What do you mean?" I wipe my eyes tryin to contain myself.

"Y/n's worried you're gonna leave her for that flirty barista from the cafe." Scarlett sighs.

"What? But.. I'd never do that!"

"Think about it Liz. She is a barista who you fell for and officially left your boyfriend for. He was gone and she was there. And now there's a barista here who has a thing for you.. and Y/n's not here... but that girl is. So.."

"She's scared history's gonna repeat itself... fuck!" I put my head in my hands beginning to sob. "I'm an idiot! I'm so stupid!"

"You're not stupid Lizzie.. oblivious? Yea. But not stupid" Scarlett pulls me to her hugging me tightly. "Y/n's just.. anxious and worried about this distance between you two. Which is understandable, especially when everyone says long distance relationships don't work."

"Im not gonna leave her for anyone else!"

"It's her anxiety Lizzie. You should know that, you've dealt with your fair share of anxiety" She sighs.

"I know but... I don't know.. I can't handle this right now. I need a drink." I wipe my eyes using the bottom of my shirt.

"Is there a club? I could use some booze after this" She laughs standing up, "What about Y/n?"

"I have no idea where she went.. I can put the spare key under the mat and text her" I take a deep breathe as she nods. So I grab the spare key putting it under the doormat as Scarlett texts Y/n letting her know and checking where she is as well.

"Ready to go?" Scarlett asks looking over at me.

"Uh.. yea sure.." I force a smile and get in the car and drive off to the club.

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