Part 65

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"Are you sure you want to drive by yourself babe?" Lizzie asks putting a box of my clothes into my car.

"I'll be fine! Masons going with you, my parents are going together. I'm fine" I kiss her, "I promise"

"But.. it's raining, I'd feel a lot better if you have someone go with you" She sighs closing my car door.

"I'm a good driver princess, I'll be fine" I wrap my arms around her, "If you keep putting that something bad's gonna happen out in the universe something bad might happen" I tease, Lizzie covers her mouth quickly making me laugh. "I was just teasing babe" I take her hands away from her mouth and press my lips onto hers softly. "I love you"

"I love you too. Is this the last box?" She smiles tucking my hair behind my ear.

"I hope so, we've be been at this for like three days! I have to go back to work tomorrow" I grab her hand as she laughs, "Let's get back inside it's cold and rainy out here"

"Ok beautiful let's go" She pulls me with her back to the apartment.

"There you two are! I think we are all done here" My mom smiles with Mason in her arms. I look around my mostly empty apartment. My photos are packed up, my tv and coffee table are gone. "Are you ok sweetheart?"

"Yea. It's weird seeing my apartment like this" I sigh and look over at Lizzie smiling, "But I'm happy to move in with Lizzie"

"Aw you two are still so cute! Oh hi by the way why isn't Robin here today?" My mom asks setting Mason down.

"She had work, she'll be over after work. We should get all the stuff to the house" I smile bending down and kissing Masons head. "You're going with Lizzie ok?"

"Ok mommy! Lizzie!" He opens his arms for Lizzie to hold him.

"Come here little man" She picks him up and kisses his cheek making him giggle.

We all leave in our separate cars heading to now our house. It's super rainy and I can barely see, at a stop light I see a box in the middle of the road up ahead. I drive up to it and I see something moving in it. I pull over and get out of the car. "Oh my god" I look in the box to see a poor little lab puppy. "Aw you poor little thing. Come here" I quickly grab the puppy from the box. "You're soaked" I see a car coming so I quick run back to my car. I climb into the back grabbing a towel from a box. I lay the towel on my lap and set the puppy down on my lap. I carefully dry the puppy off as it shivers. "You poor little pup, let me wrap you up in a warm blanket huh?" The puppy whines at me. I grab a small blanket and wrap it up in a warm blanket. I quickly get out and get into the front seat, I set the puppy down in the passenger seat. I hear my phone buzzing, i grab it from my bag and look. "Holy shit, thirty missed calls from Lizzie!" Suddenly my phone goes off again and it's Lizzie, I quickly answer it. "Babe!"

"Oh my god! Babe are you ok!? Why haven't you been answering! I've been worried sick!"

"I'm so sorry! I'll explain when I get there! I'm perfectly fine and I love you! I'll see you in a few minutes"

"Fine you better have a good explanation! I love you too, drive safe"

"I will, bye" I hang up and drive off to the house. I wrap the puppy in my arms and get out of my car. I hurry inside where I'm immediately met with Lizzie hugging my tightly.

"What took you so long?" She crosses her arms glaring at me.

"I have a perfectly good explanation princess. I found this little guy in the middle of the road" I walk to her showing her the little puppy in my arms.

"Oh my gosh he's so cute! Wait you found him in the middle of the road!?" She frowns as I nod, "Who would ever drop him outside to die like that"

"Can we keep him babe? Look he's so cute! And you know Masons gonna love him, I've always wanted Mason to have a fluffy best friend" I look at Lizzie giving her puppy dog eyes and I add a pout, "Please?"

"How can I say no to this face?" She giggles squishing my cheeks. "Yes we can keep him"

"Yes! You're the best princess!" I place one hand on her cheek and kiss her. "I love you"

"I love you too babe" She kisses my cheek as Mason and my parents walk in.

"There you are sweetie, what do you have there?" My dad asks as the three walk over to us.

"I found this little puppy in the middle of the road, i so dried him off, wrapped him up and brought him here. You wanna see the puppy Mason?" I smile as his face lights up.

"Yes!" I get down on my knees in front of him as the puppy pops his head out from the blanket. "He's so cute!"

"Let's see if he's comfortable to be out of the blanket" I set the puppy down unwrapping him from the blanket.

The puppy looks around as Mason opens his arms for the it. "Come here puppy, come here" Mason giggles as the puppy runs and jumps into his lap and starts licking him. "Mommy can we keep him please!"

"Of course we can bubba!" I lean forward kissing his forehead as Lizzie sits next to me.

"Why don't you pick out a name for the pup bub?" Lizzie puts her arm around me and smiles at Mason.

"Is the puppy a boy or a girl?" Mason checks.

"Well let's see. Come here little puppy!" I say causing the puppy to look at me and Trott over. I pet him then pick up the puppy to see. "He's a boy. Who's a good puppy?" I hold him close petting him as he licks my face.

"Hm... I wanna name him.." Mason scrunches up his face as he thinks of a name for our new little puppy. "Teddy! I wanna name him Teddy! Do you like that teddy?" Teddy looks over at Mason wagging his tail.

"I think that's a yes" I laugh putting him on the ground.

"Come here Teddy!" Teddy trots over to Mason and barks at him wagging his tail. "He really likes it!" Mason gets your and hugs me and Lizzie at the same time. "Thank you for letting us keep him!"

"Aw you're welcome Mason" Lizzie smiles kissing his cheek.

"We love you Mason, besides what's a kid with out his fury best friend?" We hug Mason again as Teddy bounds over yipping at us.

"I think Teddy wants to be in the group hug too!" Mason giggles picking him up.

"We should unpack.. why don't you play down here with Teddy while we go unpack ok?" I smile fixing Masons hair.

"Ok mommy!" He sets Teddy on the floor starting to play with him. So me, Lizzie and my parents go and begin unpacking.

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