Part 35

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Y/N's POV:

I lay my head on Lizzie's chest while we cuddle in my bed. "Do you want me to turn on the tv love?" Lizzie kisses my head and chuckles.

"Shouldn't we put clothes on first?" She inquires.

"Why? I'm comfortable just as we are" I look up at her smiling, she giggles leaning down kissing me.

"Good point, I don't want to move." She holds me tighter kissing my head. "Here I'll grab the controller." She reaches behind her grabbing the remote and brings it over. She turns on the tv then drops the controller wrapping her arm around me again.

"What are we watching princess? You didn't even pick a channel silly." I chuckle grabbing the controller. Lizzie shrugs putting her face on my head. I turn on a movie and put the controller back down. After awhile I nuzzle my face in her neck.

"What are you doing?" She giggles as I mumble nuzzling further. I feel Lizzie lean down and whispers in my ear, "Darling?" I look up quickly at her my face burning. "Aw love your face is as red as a tomato!"

"Y-You're such a tease.." I grumble as she giggles. I smirk and start kissing her neck. I feel her tense under me as her breath hitches.

"B-Babe.. s-stop." She says gripping the sheets.

"Ok" I stop smirking at her and kiss her lips then lay back down. I her hear grumble under her breath. Suddenly she rolls over on top of me pinning my wrists down next to my head. "Did I make mad princess?" She silently smashes her lips onto mine keeping my hands by my head.

"Y/n! Are you awake!?" I hear my mom yell.

"Shit, did you know they were coming??" Lizzie says lifting herself up.

"What no!" I shake my head.

"I'm here too!" Scarlett says from the front door.

"Shit. Um we'll be out in a minute!" I yell to them as Lizzie gets off of me. "We need to get dressed!" She nods and we quickly get up and get changed. I run out to see my parents chatting with Scarlett, "H-Hey guys! What brings you by?"

"Morning honey!" My mom opens her arms giving me a hug as Lizzie walks out. "Oh you're here too Lizzie! It's nice to see you again." My mom smiles walking to Lizzie giving her a hug.

Suddenly I feel arms around me so I look over to see Scarlett smiling at me. "Hey! I happened to stop by when your parents did!"

"What a nice surprise! Unexpected heh but nice." I smile as she lets go of me and my dad gives me a hug. I look over at Lizzie who hugs Scarlett then walks to me. Lizzie grabs my hips pulling me towards her softly. "Hey babe." I smile at her.

"Do you want coffee my love?" She asks as I put my arms around her waist.

"Sure princess but I can make it you don't have to" I assure her but she shakes her head.

"No insist" She kisses me gently.

"You two are so cute, it makes me a little sick" Scarlett teases making us start laughing a little.

"Would anyone else like coffee? I don't mind making more!" Lizzie looks at them with a smile as I stare at her.

"Oh I'm ok but thank you honey!" My mom smiles.

"I'm ok too but thank you Lizzie." My dad smiles walking to stand next to my mom.

"I'll take some, I'll come in the kitchen with you Lizzie!" Scarlett excitedly walks to Lizzies side as I look at her weird. "Don't worry I won't steal your girlfriend. Yet" She sticks her tongue out at me.

"Wha- Hey! Shes mine Johansson" I furrow my brows at her crossing my arms as she and Lizzie laugh.

"Shes only kidding my love!" Lizzie kisses me softly, "Be glad she didn't try to kiss me like when I was with Robbie!"

"Oh that made him so mad! But I like Y/n so I only teased a little." She smiles at me softly as I sigh. "Don't worry I am only kidding I promise." Scarlett walks up to me and kisses my cheek taking me by surprise.

"Hey." Lizzie glares at us tilting her head like she does as Wanda.

"Damn that's still scary. Sorry Lizzie, let's go make the coffee now." She complies following Lizzie into the kitchen as I laugh.

I turn back to my parents who are now sitting on my couch so I walk over to them. "So why are you guys here? And where's Mason?"

"We came to see how you were doing! And Mason is-" As my mom talks I feel little arms wrap around my legs.

"I'm right here sissy!!" Mason laughs grabbing my hand. "I was hiding in the bathroom! I told mommy , daddy and miss black widow to keep quiet." He smiles widely.

"Miss black widow? You mean Scarlett?" I laugh as he thinks for a moment then looks up at me and nods.

"She is very nice! Where is she at?" He asks tilting his head in confusion.

"Her and Lizzie are in the kitchen making coffee." As I finish he skips towards the kitchen making me laugh as I watch him.

"Honey?" My mom says softly as I turn around facing them. "Don't you think it's time? To tell?"

"I... I don't know. Is it?" I ask looking down at the floor.

"You're 25 years old Y/n. It's ok.." My dad says in a soft tone.

"I know. It's just.. it's been so long.. I don't know how Lizzie or anyone else will react." I sigh sitting in my chair on next to the couch.

"It's not a bad thing honey. I'm sure Lizzie and everyone else will understand. Lizzie loves you, I know she'll understand and still love you the same no matter what." My mom says reassuringly reaching over placing her hand on mine.

"Ok.. I'll tell Lizzie first then.. I'll go from there." I say taking a deep breathe as Mason runs back out.

"Coffees ready babe!" Lizzie walks out behind him and Scarlett behind her. She hands me a cup of coffee then sits down.

"Thank you my love!" I smile taking a sip of the coffee she handed me. We visit for a little before my parents and Mason leave. Then Scarlett stays over for a little while so we decided to watch a movie while she's here. After a few hours a have to go to work I have a late shift for once. I say bye to Scarlett and Lizzie who are leaving to go home then I drive off to work.

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