Part 50

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The next day my nerves have kicked in when Lizzie texts me that the interview is about to start. I sit in the break room with Mason who had to come to work with me. My parents couldn't babysit today so he's been hanging out in here. "Are you ok? You seem nervous." Mason checks looking up at me from his hot wheels.

"I'm ok bubba, just nervous about Lizzie's interview." I take a deep breathe as Mason stands up.

"If you're nervous about people leaving hate comments on your page, then put your account on private" Robin walks in the break room going to the fridge.

"You think I should?" I sit back in my chair pulling my phone out of my pocket.

"Well you'll avoid the hate comments more effectively if you do." She grabs a water bottle and takes a drink.

"Hm.. maybe I should. Then what about Lizzie? Her account.." I sigh opening my Instagram and going to her account.

"She's used to it, besides I don't ever see that much hate in her comments" She shrugs sitting down on the other side of the table.

"I don't know I guess.." I sigh going to my settings on Instagram, I switch my account to private. "There we go. I did it"

"There now you can relax at least a little. Now come on we have to get back to work." Robin gets up walking out of the room.

"I'll be back ok bubba? I'll be out there if you need me" I bend down kissing Masons head.

"Ok sis- mommy! I'm sorry I call you sissy still.." His expression saddens, I get down on my knees pulling him into a hug.

"It's ok, take your time bubba. You're not used to it, and I'm not mad that you keep calling me sissy" I smile moving his hair from his face. "I love you bubba"

"I love you too. Don't you have to go back to work?" He laughs as I stand up quickly.

"Crap! Yea I do, I'll be out there if you need me" I kiss his head and run out of the break room.


(The Next Day)

I wake up to an empty bed remembering Lizzie didn't end up coming by last night. I look around to find Mason walking out of the bathroom. "You're awake!"

"Morning Mason, what are you doing up?" I yawn sitting up.

"Your phone woke me up and I had to pee" He yawns climbing up on my bed and lays on my lap.

"My phone?" I reach over grabbing my phone from the end table and see Lizzie called me a few times. I press on the missed call and call her back, she almost immediately answers. "Hey babe, sorry I was still sleeping"

"Hey It's ok! I did it, and now we wait for the interview to air"

"Ok.. I put my Instagram on private, Robin suggested it. Im gonna be nervous for a whole week"

"It's ok babe, I don't have work today so I can go to work with you and chill there for a little while!"

"Really? I'd like that.." I smile softly as she laughs a little.

"Then I'll see you there my love!"

"See you soon, bye love you"

"Bye, love you too!"

I hang up and pat Masons butt, "Get up bubba we gotta get ready and go" I start laugh as he groans curling up into a ball.

"I wanna sleep more.." He shuts his eyes tightly and covers his face.

"You can sleep in the car bubba, and at grandma and Papas house. You know I'd love to just lay in bed with you all day but mommy has to go to work. Soo get up!" I scoop him up in my arms tickling him as he bursts into laughter.

"Stop it! Ok ok we can go mommy! Stop tickling me!" He starts kicking his feet as he laughs and laughs.

"Ready to get dressed then?" I raise an eyebrow at him cuddling him into my chest as he laughs.

"Yes!" he exclaims, I put him down kissing his head. "Can I pick out my clothes?"

"Sure bubba. Go ahead" I smile as he runs to his side of the closet. While he looks I quickly slip my work clothes on. I turn to see him holding some little jeans and a flannel. "Aw that's a cute little outfit you picked out Mason!"

"Did I do good? I've seen mo- grandma put out clothes before" He smiles putting the clothes on the bed.

"You did great! Now let's put your clothes on!" I grab his pants from the bed but he stops me.

"Can I put them on by myself?" He asks giving me those little sad puppy dog eyes.

"Of course bubba" I kiss his head and walk into the bathroom brushing my hair.

"Ah mommy help!" I run out to see Mason with his shirt stuck on his head. "I can't get it past my head!"

"Come here silly" I squat down in front of him and unbutton the top button of his shirt. I pull his shirt over his head and flatten it out. "There we go all better"

"Thank you mommy" He smiles kissing my cheek. "Time to brush our teeth!"

"That's right!" I pick him up walking fast into the bathroom. I set him down on the counter by the sink. We both brush our teeth and then I brush Masons hair. Afterwards I drop him off at my parents and head to work. I walk in waving hi to Robin. Suddenly I feel arms wrap around my waist from behind and a kiss on my cheek.

"Hi baby!" Lizzie squeezes me lifting me off the ground a little as I giggle.

"Hey princess! Can I turn to see you?" She giggles releasing her grip a little. I turn in her arms wrapping my arms around her kissing her gently. "How are you this morning?"

"Great now that I'm here with you, how about you?" She asks as I look around to see peoples looking.

"Huh? Oh It's good because I get to see your beautiful face" I lean in kissing her again.

"Are you ok?" Lizzie checks furrowing his brows.

"Im ok. Just people staring.." I chuckle nervously as she rolls her eyes at me.

"Who cares? I love you and I wanna kiss you without worrying about who sees. So" She cups my face in her hands pulling me closer smashing her lips passionately onto mine. I wrap my arms around her waist pulling her closer.

"Hey horndogs you got work" Ryan walks out glaring at us.

"Sorry Ryan, coming now" I kiss Lizzie one more time, "I'll take your order beautiful" I wink at her as she giggles against my lips. I walk over to the other side of the counter as Lizzie gets in line. Once I take her order the day seems to go by quickly. Lizzie stays for a few hours then leaves back home. After work I pick up Mason and Lizzie meets us at my apartment. We all cuddle in bed watching movies until we eventually fall asleep.

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