Part 90

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The next morning I wake up with Lizzie practically laying on top of me. Her legs are tangled with mine, her head on my chest and arms wrapped securely around me. I smile down at her admiring her beautiful peaceful face. I hear her phone going off, I reach over grabbing her phone and see her alarms going off. I turn it off and wrap my arms back around her. "Baby? Wake up" I move my leg but all she does is groan tiredly and wrap her legs further with mine. "Princess wake up, you have to get ready for work"

"I don't wanna..." I barely hear her say, her voice raspy as she's still half asleep.

"I know babe but you have to go. I'd much rather we stay like this all day but I don't want you to get in trouble" I chuckle tightening my grip around her and kissing the top of her head.

"Five more minutes..." She mumbles tiredly causing me to let out a little chuckle.

"Fine. But in those five minutes you have to start waking up" All she does is silently nod in agreement. I turn on my side making her go with me as she groans.

"No why'd you move!" She whines and nuzzles her face into my chest.

"Because I can't have you falling back to sleep" I smile as she pulls back and untangles her legs from mine.

"I'm gonna miss you when you leave in two days..." She sighs rubbing her eyes then props her head up on her hand.

"I'm gonna miss you too. But luckily you're almost done with filming then we can be together every day again" I lean forward pressing my lips softly onto hers.

"I can't wait. I miss having you with me everyday.. I miss waking up and seeing your beautiful face every morning" She smiles softly placing her hand on my cheek.

"I do too" I scoot closer to her kissing her again as she giggles against my lips. "Ok you really have to get up. Because I'm one kiss away from keeping you in this bed princess"

"That's very tempting darling" She whispers against my lips. "But you're right I do need to get up" She giggles getting up as I whine turning on my back. "You said I had to get up so don't whine"

"I know, I did it to myself" I turn over grabbing my phone as Lizzie gets changed. "Oh Robin texted me"

"What'd she say?" Lizzie asks as she puts on a pair of leggings.

"She said she has something important to tell me when I get back" I sit up stretching and then text her back.

"Hm I wonder if it's something about Scarlett" She slips her shirt on and walks over to me kissing my cheek.

"Maybe, they have been going on dates and hanging out." I shrug and get out of bed wrapping my arms around her waist. "Let's not worry about it now, you have work. I'll walk you down"

"Thank you my love" She grabs my face kissing me and smiles. I grab her hands and walk downstairs with her. We walked out to her car then she immediately pulls me into a hug. "I love you, I'll see you after work"

"I love you too, see you soon" I smile cupping her face in my hands and kiss her. I back away as she gets into her car, I wave to her as she backs out of the driveway then go back inside.


(Sorry Time Skip)

I grab me and Masons things out from the car and hand Mason his bag. I shut the trunk and walk to the front door with Mason. We walk inside and I set my bag on the ground looking around, "Scarlett!?" I yell but nothing.

"Are they here mommy?" Mason asks grabbing my hand.

"Her cars outside" I think for a moment the chuckle to myself. "Honey! I'm home!" That's when I hear footsteps quickly approaching from upstairs.

Sure enough here comes Scarlett down the stairs, "You guys are back!" She runs over almost tackling me into a hug.

"Whoa hey Scar! Missed me much?" I laugh as she squeezes me tightly.

"Yes and I've been needing to talk to you!"

"Hey don't I get a hug?" Mason huffs crossing his arms.

"Of course I'm sorry!" Scarlett picks him up hugging him and giving him kisses on his cheeks as he giggles.

"Where's Rose?" I query as she puts Mason down on the ground.

"With her dad, I'm picking her up later" Scarlett smiles, "Oh and Robins coming over she should be here a-"

Before she could finish I'm tackled into a hug from behind, "Y/n!!!"

"Ow! Jeez Robin, hi to you too" I laugh as she gets off of me and helps me up.

"And a hug for my favorite little man!" Robin squats down as Mason runs to her hugging her tightly.

"Hi auntie Robin!"

"Hey can you go put your stuff upstairs and play while we talk to your mommy for a minute? Then we can hangout and play" Robin asks him kissing his forehead.

"Ok auntie!" He kisses her cheek, grabs his bag and runs upstairs.

"So what's up? Is everything ok?" I look at them confused as they both smile widely. "What?"

"I told Colin that we have to officially break up" Scarlett says nonchalantly.

"Oh? Wait what? Hold on I need more than that" They both chuckle at me.

"Well as you know we've been going out a dates" Robin starts.

"And I came to the conclusion that.. I don't want to be with Colin anymore. I love him I do but.." She sighs and looks over at Robin.

"You've got the hots the Robin?" I tease as Scarlett kicks her foot at me. "What! You do!"

"Don't put it like that!" She swats at me as I laugh.

"Ok ok sorry, continue"

"I like Robin a lot and I'm willing to end what I have with Colin to be with her. I explained it to Colin.. he was confused and of course hurt but he said he understands and that he wants me to be happy. And if this. If she makes me happy then I should be with her" She looks over at Robin and grabs her hand.

"Wait so.. are you two together now!?" I exclaim jumping forward as they both laugh.

"Not yet" Robin smiles as my jaw drops.

"Not yet!?"

"Hey I just broke up with Colin ok?" Scarlett giggles rolling her eyes at me.

"It'll happen bestie I promise" Robin grabs my hand pull me into a group hug with her and Scarlett.

"As long as you two are happy! Im excited about this!" I giggle hugging them both tightly. "I love you both you know that?"

"We love you too, right Scar?"

"Of course!" Scarlett agrees and kisses my cheek.

"Ok well when you two officially get together we are celebrating! Now let's get Mason back down here" They nod in agreement as I smile at them and walk upstairs to go to get Mason.

Sorry if you were expecting smut😅 I kinda like that this has been just a fluff story. But I'll attempt to do smut in my next Lizzie story I've been working on! I hope you all still enjoyed this chapter🙂

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