Part 39

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I sit on my couch after taking a nice warm shower. I look at my phone waiting for Lizzie to text me when I hear a knock at my door. I get up to open but before I get to the door it swings open, "Honey I'm home!" Lizzie yells slurring her words as she stumbles into my apartment. I catch her as she starts to fall giggling.

"Babe! Did you drive here?" I walk her over to the couch.

"No! Scarlett drove. I think" She giggles pulling me into a sloppy kiss.

"I love you but I can taste what alcohol you drank" I say smacking my lips."So I take it you had fun with Scarlett?" I chuckle sitting next to her.

"I did! Oh sorry I didn't mean to yell." She giggles again wrapping her arms around my neck. "You're pretty.."

"Thank you my love, you're pretty too" I chuckle kissing her nose. "Let's get you some water beautiful" I go to get up but Lizzie pulls me back down.

"No stay here!" She pouts holding my arms to keep me on the couch.

"I'm just going in the kitchen silly, come on you can come with me." I grab her hand pulling her up into me for support. I drag her to the kitchen grabbing her a water bottle. I open it and hand it to her, I watch her down the whole thing in awe. I grab her another water bottle then walk into the living room to turn off the tv. I turn to see Lizzie walking over to me with a smirk on her face, "Hey, let's go lay down in my-" Before I can finish Lizzie pushes me onto the couch then sits next to me. She pushes me back making me lay down then climbs on top of me. She leans down smashing her lips onto mine slipping her hand up my shirt. "B-Babe you're drunk" chill run up my spine as her hand roams up my torso.

"So?" She says beginning to kiss mg neck.

"S-So I think we sh-should just cuddle. You need to drink water and rest." I gulp as she stops kissing my neck and sits up pouting.

"Fine!" She gets off of me and starts towards my room. I get up taking a deep breathe and grab her water bottle. I walk into my room where she lays on my bed with her eyes closed.

"Babe? Are you asleep?" I ask as I walk up to the bed. She quickly sits up shaking her head making me chuckle. "Here's your water my love I'm gonna take a shower real quick ok?" She moves closer to me on the bed wrapping her legs around my waist. I smile at her then lean forward kissing her. I feel her hands on the waistband of my bottoms as she starts pulling at them. "Ok horndog, you need to sober up while I shower ok?" I laugh as she groans.

"Ok I will." She crosses her arms pouting again.

"I love you" I pull her closer giving her a peck on the lips.

"I love you too" She wraps her arms around my neck pulling me into a hug. "I'm cold baby!"

"Let's get you under the covers and I'll make you hot chocolate does that sound good?" I asks kissing the top of her head.

"I'd like that very much" She pulls back smiling at me goofily.

I lean kissing her, "Ok then you crawl under the covers and I'll go make you a cup of hot chocolate" She nods in agreement then crawl as to her side of the bed getting under the covers. I walk into the kitchen and make her a cup of hot chocolate. When I'm done I walk into my room to see the tv on and Lizzie changing into some of my clothes. "Heres you hot chocolate my love"

"Thank you baby! I thought my clothes would smell bad so I I put on your clothes! They smell like you." She giggles sniffing my shirt as I walk over to her.

"You're welcome princess, I'll wash your clothes in the morning. Now let's lay your cute butt back in bed and I'll be right back" I smile leading her over to the bed. She climbs in bed getting back under the covers. I hand her the cup as she smiles brightly. I kiss her forehead then go to take a shower. After I finish up before I turn off the water I hear the door swing open and then I hear Lizzie start throwing up. I quickly turn off the water hopping out of the shower grabbing my towel. I wrap my towel around my body then pull Lizzies hair back as she throws up in the toilet. I slowly rub her back as she starts breathing heavily. "Do you thing you're done my love?" She nods silently so I get on my knees grabbing some toilet paper, "Let's wipe your mouth." I smile starting to wipe her mouth. I drop the toilet paper in the toilet then flush. I get up grabbing Lizzie's arm helping her up on her feet. We walk back into my room and I help her over to the bed. She climbs into bed and I put the covers over here. So I get dressed really quick and dry my hair then I climb into bed next to her. "Have you had anymore water princess?"

"Yep! Now I want cuddles!" She exclaims opening her arms with a big smile. I chuckle moving closer to her opening my arms for her. She latched onto me wrapping her arms and Leah's around me as she nuzzles her face into my chest. "So warm..." I hear her mumble as I hold her close to me.

"Want me to keep the tv on?" I query, she nods quietly so I put the controller on the end table then wrap my arms around her again. We snuggle up under the covers before we both eventually fall asleep.

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