Part 75

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It's now the last day we are here in Atlanta with Lizzie, I wake up to the sun beaming in through the curtains. I look down to see Lizzie asleep on my bare chest, I can't help but smile admiring her beauty. I'm gonna miss her so much. "I can feel you staring my love.." She says still half asleep.

"I'm not staring, I'm admiring. There's a difference" I laugh kissing her head, she looks up at me and smiles. "Morning princess"

"Morning my love" She sighs happily as she starts drawing circles along my chest.

"Are you ok?" I check.

"I'm gonna miss you" She whines continuing to draw circles on my chest.

"I'm gonna miss you too, but I'm sure it'll go by fast. And before you know it I'll be back here with you again" I take my hand placing it under her chin and have her look up at me. "It'll be ok, we still have a little time today too, I'm not going back until late afternoon. You also don't have to be on set today"

"Thankfully" She giggles kissing my jawline.

"Mommy? Lizzie? Are you awake?" I hear Mason as the door opens slowly.

"Oh uh yea bubba we are" I pull the sheets higher up on my and Lizzie.

"Are you ok sweetheart?" Lizzie asks poking her head out from under the sheets.

"Mhm.. I'm just hungry and didn't want to be in my room anymore" He shrugs yawning.

"Ok well why don't you go pick out an outfit for the day and then we can go out and eat somewhere?" I smile over at him as his face lights up.

"Ok! I'll be right back!" He quickly runs out and into the other room.

"We should get dressed before he comes back" I chuckle as Lizzie nods in agreement. We both get ip and quickly change, I changed into leggings and a gray t-shirt and Lizzie changed into joggers and a white t-shirt. I look over at her noticing a hickey on her neck, "Oops.." I chuckle nervously.

"What?" Lizzie looks at me confused.

"I left a hickey on your neck on accident" I rub the back of my neck as she walks into the bathroom looking at her neck.

"Jeez babe! I thought I said to leave hickeys where no one can see! I have a show to shoot" She laughs walking back out into the bedroom.

"I'm sorry! I got too.. excited ok? We can cover it up it'll be fine" I walk over to her giving her a kiss then look at her neck. "It's not too bad. And it's only one so I still count that as I win" She laughs hitting my arm. "Rude. I'm surprised you were quiet princess usually you're really loud"

"Why would she be loud?" Mason asks as he walks into the room.

I laugh as Lizzie covers her face, "Snoring, when she's really tired she snores loudly" I tease nudging her a little.

"I do not snore!" She exclaims hitting my arm again.

"Ok stop hitting me snorelax!" I laugh getting a little giggle from Mason.

"I hate you" She groans walking into the bathroom.

"If you keep saying that I might just start to believe you!" I yell as she slams the door shut. "I love you!?"

"I love you too idiot!" She yells from the other side of the door.

"Ok Mason" I turn my attention back towards him chuckling. "Oh look at you, you're so handsome" I walk to him picking him up and give him a kiss on the cheek. "Wow you're hairs getting long, we'll have to get you a hair cut"

"Is it ok if I keep my hair a little longer? I always have my hair the same way" He whines as I walk into the other bathroom.

"Well I don't see why not, how much longer do you want it?" I query setting him down on the counter by the sink.

"Hm..." He sits thinking for a moment putting his hand under his chin. "Can I see your phone?"

"Sure bud why?" I ask as I walk into the bedroom grabbing my phone.

"I wanna show you a picture of what I want!" He yells as I walk back into the bathroom.

"Ok here, stay on safari" I kiss his cheek and grab our toothbrush's. I put toothpaste on both our tooth brushes and hand him his.

"Here I want it like this but a little longer" He hands me my phone starting to brush his teeth.

He pulled up a picture of Chris Evans in Avengers Infinity War with his longer hair. "I can deal with that Yea. Whatever you want bubba" I smile at him and start brushing my teeth.

"Yes! I can have hair like Captain America!" He cheers as Lizzie walks over to us.

"What's happening?" She raises an eyebrow at us.

I show her my phone, "Mason wants his hair like this but a little longer"

"Aw that would look so cute!" She walks behind me and gives Mason a kiss on the cheek.

"I think so too, we can still give you a little trim but nothing major" I spit into the sink and rinse out my mouth. "You're turn Bub" Mason nods and spits into the sink then rinses his mouth out as well.

"Ready?" Lizzie asks wrapping her arms around me from behind me.

"Yep, Mason?" I smile as he nods excitedly, "Then let's head out!" I help Mason off the counter and he walks out and immediately heads downstairs. I turn around and look at Lizzies neck, "You did a good job covering up that hickey up good babe" I giggle proud of myself as she rolls her eyes at me.

"Yea I had to cover it up thanks to you!" I smile and give her a kiss.

"I love you"

"I love you too, let's go. Masons waiting downstairs" She kisses my nose letting go of me.

"You first" I smile letting Lizzie go out the door first. She gives me a weird look as I smirk walking behind her.

Before we get to the stairs and I smack her ass and walk past her, "Oh! Babe!" I turn around sticking my tongue out at her and wink. "I'm gonna get you for that!" She grumbles making me laugh.

"Mason we gotta go!" I pick him up quickly and run out the door as Lizzie chases after us.

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