Part 67

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Y/N's POV:
I sit watching Mason play with Danny in the living room waiting for Lizzie to get home. She had to go to set when Danny came over. "Mommy!"

"Huh? Yes bubba?" I sit forward as he grabs my hands happily.

"Can I go to get ice cream with Danny? Please!" I look over at Danny then back to Mason.

"Sure bubba if that's what you want" I kiss his forehead.

"Yay! Thank you mommy!" He jumps into my lap and throws his arms around me.

"We'll be back right after we get the ice cream" Danny smiles standing up on his feet. "Do you want anything?"

"No I'm ok thanks, be good Mason" I smile kissing his cheek making him giggle.

"I will!" He kisses my cheek back.

"Let's go bud, we'll be right back" Danny holds out his hand for Mason. Mason smiles grabbing his hand and quickly leaves.

"Well now I'm alone.. hm I wonder what Lizzies doing right now" I get up stretching and walk into the kitchen. I hear the front door open and shut, "Did you guys forget something?" I assume it's Danny and Mason as I open the fridge. I grab a water when I feel arms wrap around me. "Babe?"

"Hi! I'm home my love"Lizzie giggles giving me a kiss on the cheek.

"Hey princess! I'm glad you're home but I thought you still had work for a few hours" I turn around shutting the fridge door.

"I got to come home early! We just had an early day" She wraps her arms around my neck and gives me a peck on the lips.

"Well welcome home princess" I wrap my arms around her waist pulling her into a hug.

"Where's Danny and Mason?"

"They went to go get ice cream real quick" I shrug kissing her cheek. She sighs and nuzzles her face into my neck. "Are you ok love?"

"Mhm just tired and cuddly" She hums happily pulling me closer.

"I love cuddly Lizzie" I tap her thighs for her to jump up and wrap her legs around my waist. I carry her out into the living and lay her down on the couch. I lay ontop of her as she giggles wrapping her arms around me tightly. "I love you"

"I love you too beautiful" She kisses my head as I cuddle up on her. "Should we be like this when the boys come back?"

"All we're doing is cuddling" I look up kissing her chin making her giggle. "It's fine.. I'm comfortable" I close my eyes and hum happily.

"Oh yea tomorrow's my sisters last day in LA so they invited us over for dinner! My mom will be there too" Lizzie tightens her hold on me while I feel my anxiety grow.

"And now I'm nervous" I chuckle nervously.

"Don't be nervous baby! My mom is gonna love you! I'll be there with you the whole time! And so will my sisters" She grabs my face and starts kissing me all over.

"Babe what are you doing?" I laugh as she keeps leaving kisses all over my face.

"Making you feel better!" She giggles kissing my face again. "Here sit up my love" I sigh and sit up. Lizzie sits up grabbing my face smiling softly. "My mom is really gonna love you I know it. You're amazing and really hard not to love. My sisters have probably been talking you up too so that's a plus" She winks at me.

"You really think she's gonna love me?" I wrap my arms around her torso.

"I do babe. She's gonna love you so much" She smiles and kisses me softly.

"So she's gonna love me more than any of your boyfriends?" I raise an eyebrow as she rolls her eyes.

"Yes more than any of them! I love you more than any of them. You're the love of my life baby" She wraps her arms around my neck kissing me passionately.

"You're the love of my life too, I love you way way way more than any of my other boyfriends. Even the one hanging out with my little Prince right now" I give her a kiss and smile.

"Well id hope so!" She laughs laying her head on my shoulder. I kiss her cheek as the front door opens.

Mason comes running into the living, "We're back! Hi Lizzie!"

"Hey there's my favorite little man!" Mason hops up on our laps hugging Lizzie as Danny walks into the room.

"Hey Lizzie" He says standing awkwardly. "I should get going, I have work in like two hours so I should go get ready."

"Oh ok I'll walk you out" I kiss Lizzies cheek and get up. "Mason say bye to Danny"

"Bye Danny thank you for the ice cream! I had a lot of fun today!" He gets up and hugs Danny's legs.

"Bye little man, I had fun too! I'll see you sometime again" He squats down hugging Mason and kissing his head. "Keep being good for your mom and Lizzie ok?" 

"Ok I will I promise!" Mason smiles and bounds back over to the couch.

"Ok come on" I laugh.

"Bye Lizzie" He waves to Lizzie and follows me outside to his car. "Hey would it be ok if I saw Mason again?"

"He did seem to have a fun time with you. If he wants to hangout with you again then I'm not gonna deprive him of that"

"So.. that's a yes?" He smiles.

"Yes" I laugh rolling my eyes.

"Hey. Im glad you're happy with Lizzie. She seems great"

"Thanks Danny.. she is. She makes me really happy" I smile at him.

Danny pulls me into a hug taking me by surprise, "Then don't ever let her go. Because you deserve to be happy"

"Thanks Danny. You do too" I hug him back patting his back. He lets go and gets into his car. "I'll see you later"

"Bye Y/n" He smiles and closes the car door. I watch him drive off then walk back into the house to Lizzie and Mason.

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