Part 42

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Lizzie's POV:

"Babe? Did you just call in sick?" Y/n says walking out of the bathroom slowly.

"Yep! Now come on let's get you in bed." I walk over to her grabbing her arm.

"But.. you have to go to work.." She shakes her head trying to push me to the door.

"I'm gonna take care of you! I am not leaving you here alone! Besides you take care of me all the time so it's my turn to take care of you" I kiss her head then push her softly towards her bed. "I love you and I believe what you said about Scarlett. I just was so mad and confused Im sorry for yelling at you"

"It's ok... if I had know.. I would've told you.. before you saw it.." She yawns as I have her lay down in her bed.

"It's ok love, now you rest Im gonna get you a cold washcloth and I'll make you some toast." I smile at her as I start out the door.

"Can you get me.. some seven up too? I have some.. tucked away in the pantry." She says rolling on her side looking over at me

"Of course I will babe, I'll be right back." I blow her a kiss and walk into the kitchen. I grab the bread out of the pantry and put a piece in the toaster. I search for a bottle of 7Up and finally find one so I put it by the paper plate I grabbed. I go into the bathroom and get a washcloth running it under cold water. I wring it out and walk into Y/ns room. "Here my love I have your washcloth. I'll bring you your toast and Seven up now."

"Thank you princess.." She smiles tiredly as I lay the washcloth nicely on her forehead. I walk into the kitchen grabbing her toast and putting it on the plate. I decide to put some peanut butter on it so it's not so bland. Once I do that I grab the plate and soda then walk back into her room. I set it on her end table next to her bed. "Thank you.."

"Of course babe, here I'll open up the drink for you then run you a nice hot bath!" I grab the soda and open it up for her.

"You're so sweet to me Lizzie" She smiles at me and sneezes into some tissue she had set next to her.

"You're lucky I love you" I chuckle sticking my tongue out at her. "Ok try eating some toast while I run you a bath."

"Ok I'll try" she sits up a little grabbing the plate as I walk into the bathroom. I turn on the water for the bath checking the temperature of the water when my phone goes off and I see it's Scarlett.

"Hey Scarlett what's up?"

"Lizzie Y/n won't answer her phone! And there's this thing going around that we are dating! And-"

"Scarlett calm down!" I stop her, I hear her take a deep breathe then I start again. "I saw the news and Y/n explained it to me. And she isn't answering because she's feeling sick so I'm taking care of her" I inform Scarlett as I turn off the faucet.

"Oh thank god, I mean not that she's sick! Tell her I hope she feels better"

"I will! I should check on her and have her take a bath now"

"Ok I'll talk to you later! Bye Lizzie"

"Bye" I hang up and put my phone back in my pocket. I get up and walk into her room where she's laid back down fully. I look at her now half eaten toast and smile.

"Sorry babe.. I couldn't eat it all." She sighs looking over at me.

"No it's ok! I'm glad you ate any of it. Now come on your bath is ready, I'll help you" I grab her arm as she sits up. I help her into the bathroom and help her take off her clothes as she laughs. "What?"

"I can undress myself you know?" She giggles.

"Maybe, but I want to help" I chuckle and kiss her cheek. I help her in the tub then grab her clothes to wash them.

"I love you!" I hear her yell as I leave the room.

"I love you too!" I yell back then go to wash her clothes. I come back and she's out of the bath drying off. "Do you want me to help you beautiful?"

"No it's ok.. thank you though." She smiles slipping on some new pajamas I grabbed her. She smiles and opens her arms, " Can you take me to my bed princess?"

"Of course" I laugh as she wraps her arms around me and jumps up wrapping her legs around my waist. I walk her over to her bed and lay her back down.

"You shouldn't be too close to me babe.. I don't want you to get sick too." She warns me.

"It's ok babe, I'll be fine, let's just worry about you right now" I smile as her eye's slowly close.

"Ok.. babe..." I watch as she slowly falls asleep. I put the washcloth back on her forehead and turn on the tv turning the volume down low. After a few hours I get up to make Y/n some soup for lunch. As I make it I hear her from her room, "Baby? Where'd you go?"

I walk back into her room with a smile, "I'm right here my love, I'm making you soup in the kitchen."

"Oh .. ok.. I am kinda hungry. And that bath and nap made me feel somewhat better" She sits up rubbing the sleep from her eyes.

"Good I'm glad you feel better my love! I'll go finish up your soup." I blow her a kiss as she smiles and blows one back to me. I go back into the kitchen finishing up the soup. Once I'm done I pour some in a bowl and walk back into Y/n's room. "Here, it's hot my love be careful"

"Thank you princess" She sniffles as I hand her the soup, "This looks good"

"Hopefully it tastes good too!" I kiss her head then walk over to the other side of the bed. I climb into bed and watch her shakily take a bite. "Do you want me to feed you bub?"

"Huh? No I can do it" She chuckles taking another bite. She looks over at me rolling her eyes, "You don't have to watch me eat weirdo!" She starts laughing, god I love her laugh I can't help but smile when I hear it. "I love you, let's put on a movie and relax"

"I love you too" I lean forward to kiss her but she stops me.

"No no I'm sick I don't want to get you sick too!" She pushes me softly back.

I groan rolling my eyes, "Fine fine no kissing" I chuckle.

"Can you.. stay the night with me?" She looks shyly over at me as her cheeks turn red.

"Of course I'll stay with you!" I kiss her head as she smiles brightly at me. I turn on a movie and we watch while she eats her soup.

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