Part 33

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I lay in bed staring up at my ceiling with my tv on in the background. I got home after work and texted Lizzie to tell me when she's off so I've been relaxing till then. Finally my phone goes off and I quickly grab it seeing Lizzie's contact name pop up on it. "Hey babe!"

"Hey bub, um I'm sorry I don't think we can have dinner tonight... I'm working late tonight. I'm so sorry! I wanted to have dinner with you so bad."

"Hey hey it's ok my love! Don't stress about it, I'm not upset I understand."

"Are you sure?"

"I'm sure babe, I love you I'll see you later."

"I love you too, bye"

I hang up the phone sitting up, I look at the time and decide to take dinner to Lizzie since she seems stressed. I get up turning off the tv then go into the kitchen to cook dinner. After I finish I put the food in tupperware then head over to where Lizzies been shooting her show. I go into her trailer hoping she's not in there and sure enough she isn't. Knowing that I set up the food on plates on the little table in her trailer. I peak out of her trailer to see her walking towards me so I quickly close the door and stand next to the table. The door opens and she gasps covering her mouth in surprise, "Surprise princess!" I watch as her eyes tear up, before I can say anything she runs to me throwing her arms around my neck. "Babe are you ok??" I hear her sniffle as she buries her face in my shoulder. "Do you like your surprise?" She nods silently making me laugh, "Then why are you crying?"

She pulls back as tears roll down her face, I grab her face softly making her lean into my touch. I wipe the tears away with my thumbs, "Today's been so stressful, and I felt bad about having to cancel our dinner.. My anxiety starting rise and then you surprise me with this cute little dinner which I love and you're just so sweet and I love you.." I kiss her then pull her into a big hug as she buries her face in my chest.

"I'm sorry you're so stressed my love, that's why I thought I'd bring you dinner. You sounded stressed on the phone so I wanted to try and help." I tighten my grip around her swaying back and forth. "I'll stay here as long as you need to make sure you feel better! I love you too."

She sniffles pulling back a little looking at me with her beautiful jade eyes. "You'd do that?"

"Of course I would! I'd do anything for you Lizzie." I place one hand on her cheek as she leans into it. I lean forward gently kissing her, "Are you hungry? I cooked for you and set it up all nice." I smile proudly as she lets out a stifled chuckle.

"I'd love to eat with you" She smiles as I wipe the tears from her dampened cheeks. She grabs my hand brining me to the little table with the food. I smile at her as we sit down and start eating, "This is amazing, thank you bub!"

"Of course babe! I still like your cooking way better." Lizzie rolls her eyes laughing kicking my foot with hers playfully. After a little bit we finish our food and now Lizzie looks down at her hands. "Hey what's wrong? Come here." I pat my lap motioning for her to come to me. Lizzie gets up walking to me then sits sideways in my lap. I wrap my arms around her tightly as she looks down at me. "Tell me what's wrong princess?"

"This helped it did but.. When you leave I'll just be more stressed again! Todays just been a tough day..." She sighs sadly looking at her hands beginning to play with the ends of her hair.

"How about I stay here in your trailer or on set with you? Then after I'll go back to your house with you, run you a bath then we can cuddle till we fall asleep." She looks over at me as a small smile tugs the edges of her lips. "Is that ok?"

"I'd love that! But you don't have to do that.." Lizzie slowly brings her hands to my face cupping my cheeks.

"I want to! I want to make sure you're ok, I don't want you to be stressed." I hold her tighter smiling, she kisses me pushing me back in the chair.

"I love you.. thank you." She turns her body to face me now straddling me with my face still in her warm hands.

"I love you too, and I'll do anything for you I've told you this!" She giggles against my lips, starting to give me Eskimo kisses.

"Lizzie!? You're needed back on set!" A crew member yells from outside the trailer.

"Ok coming!" She gets off my lap pressing her lips onto mine bringing me up off the chair with her. "I'll be back as soon as I can, or you can see me on set they don't mind."

"Ok my love, I'll hang back in here for a little then I'll come see you on set!" I kiss her lifting her up off the ground and starting towards the door as she laughs. I set her down at the door cupping her face in my hands. "You go out three and keep being the amazing actress and now producer like you always are! You got this!" I give her a reassuring kiss as she giggles against my lips.

"Thank you my love, you're so amazing to me!" She pulls me into a big hug swaying us back and forth. "Ok ok I should go before I get yelled at. Oh and I have something to tell you after work!" She smiles excitedly.

"Ok princess, I'll be here for you!" I grab her hand opening the door, she starts out the door kissing me on the way out.

"See you in a little!" She blows me a kiss as she quickly walks away.

I close the trailer door and sit back on the couch pulling out my phone. I go on Instagram and see a message from Robin. She sent me a post and right away I see Lizzies face so I immediately click on the post. I scroll threw the pictures confused seeing a few of her and Robbie from before the break. I look at the caption for the video which reads, "I can't believe Lizzie and Robbie broke up! It's all over the place. I wonder what happened?" WHAT!? Ok ok maybe this is what she was going to tell me. Before long I find myself looking at headlines and articles about it. It had just happened, after awhile I stop looking and just decide to go watch Lizzie so some scenes and finish up before going back to her house.

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