Part 40

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I wake up feeling eyes on me, I keep my eyes closed and smile. "I can smell the alcohol in your breathe love" I feel her love off of me so I open my eyes chuckling.

"I'm sorry I'll brush my teeth!" She starts getting up, but I quickly pull her back onto the bed wrapping my arms around her.

"Im just teasing! I don't care how your breathe smells" I stare kissing her all over her face as she giggles.

"Im sorry I was so drunk last night.." She hides her face in my chest as I stroke her hair.

"Hey you don't need to apologize it's fine! I'm glad you had fun with Scarlett" I sit up in bed as Lizzie keeps her face in my chest, "Look at me princess" She lifts her head up to look at me and I smile, "I love you"

"You do? Even after you witnessed me barfing in the toilet?" She furrows her brows at me.

"Yes even after that, even with your stinky alcohol breathe! I'll always love you" I smile softly at her as she just stares at me. "What?" I tilt my head looking at her curiously. Lizzie's eyes start tearing up as she grabs my face slowly. "Are you ok?"

"You're so amazing.. I love you so much. If I came home like that last night when I was with Robbie he wouldn't have stayed with me while I threw up. He would've got mad at me and started a fight.." She puts her forehead on mine.

"Well I'm not him. You went and had fun with your friend. I'm glad you had a good time, I'm glad you came to my house even though you were being a drunk horndog" I laugh as she pulls back chuckling.

"Why did you take a shower again? You texted me saying you got out of the shower before I got there." She looks at me confused.

"Oh you remember that?" I chuckle nervously, "Um no reason.."

Lizzie looks at me for a moment then covers her mouth gasping, "Did you have to take a cold shower!?"

I feel my face burn in embarrassment, "What no! I don't know what you're talking about!" I hide my face as Lizzie laughs. She then wraps her arms around me hugging me tightly.

"I'm glad you're not him.. I don't know how I got so lucky to have you but I love you so much. " she squeezes me tighter, I can hear it in her voice that she's starting to get teary eyed.

"I'm the lucky one.. I love you too Lizzie" I slip my hands out from between us and wrap them around her torso.

We sit there holding each other silently for a few minutes when I hear her groan, "I don't want to go to work.. I feel icky.. but I have to go to work. We are filming an important scene today." She groans again nuzzling her face into my shoulder.

"Well how about I run you a nice warm bath, I'll make us coffee and wash your clothes. Does that sound nice princess?" I look over at her as she pulls back teary eyed.

Lizzie cups my face in her hands kissing me passionately as I hold her closer to me, "I'd love that.. you're so good to me babe."

"Then I'll get that bath running and coffee started" I bring her closer kissing her happily. "I want you to be happy and have a good day today." I smile kissing her nose then I walk to the bathroom drawing her a nice warm bubble bath. "Babe it's done!" I call to her, I hear her footsteps quickly coming towards the bathroom.

"Thank you babe!" She throws her arms around my neck and kisses me.

"Not a problem princess, now you take your bath and I'll wash your clothes and make coffee." She nods kissing me again, I smile softly then I leave the room with a small sigh.

Lizzie's POV:

As I sit in the bath relaxing I can't help but notice when Y/n left the room she seemed a little sad. I feel like she's always doing things for me but I don't do much for her. Maybe she realizes that, maybe that's why she seemed sad. What if that causes a fight? I need to do something. I finish up my bath getting out wrapping a towel around my body as I drain the tub. I dry off and out on some clothes I had left here one time. I dry my hair and brush it then quickly run out to the kitchen. "Hey princess here's your coffee!" Y/n hands me a coffee cup. I take a drink the set it down grabbing her by the hips and pulling her towards me. "Is everything ok?"

"Do you want to go on a date tomorrow night?" I smile as she sets down her cup of coffee.

"I'd love to go on a date with you beautiful! We can go-" I kiss her stopping her from continuing.

"I'll take care of it my love, you don't worry your cute butt about it. Just show up and look as beautiful as you do every day." I watch her cheeks turn bright red as I giggle. I give her a gentle kiss the grab my cup of coffee taking a drink.

"Takin charge for our date this time princess?" She chuckles kissing my cheek, "I know it'll be an amazing date." She smiles softly.

"Any date will be an amazing one as long as you're there with me" I put one hand on her cheek bringing her in for a kiss.

"Are you still drunk?" Y/n teases, I roll my eyes as she snickers and takes a drink of coffee.

"I think I'll cancel the date.."

"No! I'm sorry!" She yells wrapping her arms around me as I lift my arms up laughing.

"It's ok my love I'm just teasing you back." I stick my tongue out at her as she steps back rolling her eyes. "Do you have work again today?"

"Yep, in a few hours." She says as she yawns and stretches her arms out. "You want me to come to set till then?"

"If you want to I'd like that! But if you want you can stay here and relax before work you know?" I smile reaching for her hand and swaying our arms back and forth.

"I know, but I'd much rather come to set and support my beautiful girlfriend." Y/n smiles kissing my hand.

"Thank you babe, I'll have to come back to your work too. I love that little coffee shop! You make the best coffee" I walk forward kissing her as she laughs.

"Really? It's just coffee!" She laughs again before finishing her cup of coffee.

"Even so you make it the best!" I chuckle then kiss her. I finish up my coffee, "I'm gonna brush my teeth then we can go!"

"Ok my love, I'll meet you there I still gotta get ready" She smiles as we walk towards her room.

"Ok baby!" I kisses her again then walk into the bathroom.

"Now I don't have to smell your alcohol ridden breathe." I hear her say from her room.

"I heard that!" I yell as she laughs.

"Good! Brush your teeth!" She yells as we both start laughing. I brush my teeth, tell Y/n I'm leaving then head off to set for a busy day.

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