Part 60

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After dinner we all move into the living room and visit for awhile. "You two really hated Robbie?" Lizzie asks confused, "You always were so nice and seemed like you liked him"

"Of course we hated him!" MK rolls her eyes.

"Lizzie he was an ass! Such a tool" Ash says making me laugh.

"We were so happy when you told us you broke up with him! We love Y/n so much more!" MK smiles wrapping her arms around my side hugging me.

"She's way better than him! I was wondering when you were gonna get fed up with all the arguing he started" Ash shrugs hugging my other side as Lizzie rolls her eyes.

"Wow, you guys really had me fooled. You two are still great actors" Lizzie sighs leaning back in her seat.

"Thanks" The twins say at the same time flipping their hair back.

"You two are annoying sometimes" Lizzie runs her hand through her hair as the three of us laugh.

"Aw are you getting annoyed princess? I'm sorry" I get up and sit next to her, I wrap my arms around her holding her close to me. She lays her head on my chest pouting.

"See? So much better" Ash points to us as I chuckle kissing Lizzie on the head.

"I'd hope so, I'm not an asshole" I huff holding Lizzie closer to me. "Trying to break us up"

"We heard about that. Ugh I hate him" MK grumbles.

"Can we stop talking about him now?" Lizzie asks putting her face in my chest.

"Hey you're the one who brought him up babe" I shrug and laugh hearing her groan as she slaps my leg. "It's true!"

"God you really are better" Ashley sighs smiling over at us as I kiss Lizzie in the forehead.

"Thanks" I stick my tongue out at her making the twins laugh.

"Oh wow it's late. We should head out back to moms" MK stands up followed by Ash.

"Oh ok we will walk you out" I smile standing up with Lizzie.

"You'll have to meet our mom while we are down here Y/n right Liz?" Ash watches as Lizzie wraps her arms around my waist.

"That's a great idea Ash! What do you say babe?" Lizzie looks at me and kisses my cheek.

"I say, I'll happily meet your mom. Finally" I tease making Lizzie roll her eyes at me. "Ok let's walk you out" We all three walk outside and start towards the twins car when we see a man walking towards us. "Who..."

"Robbie!?" Lizzie gasps as he gets closer.

"Lizzie I want to talk to you" He says slurring his words.

I stand in front of the sisters, "Stay behind me. He's drunk" I instruct them as he stops.

"G..get out of my way" He points at me.

"Go home Robbie! You're drunk" I feel Lizzie grab onto the back of my shirt as Robbie takes a step forward. "Hey stop!"

"This is my home" He growls.

"No it's not Robbie. You need to leave or I'll call the cops" I warn him.

"I don't care.. you. You stole my girlfriend!" He yells at me.

"This again?? Really?" I groan.

"She didn't steal anyone asshole!" Ash yells making Robbie angrier.

I turn to them as Ashley quickly covers her mouth. Then I turn back to Robbie, "All I'm seeing his Y/n and Lizzie, Y/n and Lizzie! Nobody can shut up about it! Lizzie was supposed to be with me! I was gonna ask her to marry me! I bought a ring and everything" He yells stepping towards me again.

"I'm sorry Robbie that it didn't work out but she chose me get over it! I thought you said you'd give up?" I sigh.

"I can't stand seeing all these posts and articles about how cute you two are together! Or just you two being together! Lizzie come here I want to talk!" Robbie demands making my anger rise.

"Hell no!" Lizzie yells.

"I'm not letting you go near her or the twins Robbie. Get the hell out of here! She's not talking to you." I growl. I notice him ball up his fists. "Lizzie. I want you and the twins to go inside and lock the door.

"What!? No!" Lizzie grabs onto my shoulders.

"Lizzie now" I notice Robbie get closer to me so I push Lizzie back into her sisters. Once I do that Robbie's fist connects to my cheek knocking me onto my back. "Fuck!" I yell as the girls gasp.

"Oh my god Y/n! Robbie what the hells wrong with you!?" Lizzie yells taking a step towards me.

"No stop! Go inside!" I hold my cheek getting up.

"No Y/n! We need to call the cops!" MK yells holding onto Lizzie and Ash.

"Lizzie I love you, run inside all of you and call the cops" I quickly give her a kiss, "Go please"

"I love you too.." She hesitates for a moment then runs inside with her sisters.

"You asshole! What's your problem!? Hitting me really?" He swings again but I duck and punch him in the stomach. "What the hell dude!" Suddenly his foot hits my stomach sending me back. I cough up blood as he steps on my stomach.

"You stole my girl! Lizzie loves me! But then you came into her life and manipulated her!" He yells kicking my stomach making me roll over.

"I.. didn't m-manipulate her.. you drunk asshole.." I cough blood onto the ground holding my stomach.

"I hate you!"

"The feelings mutual.." Once again he kicks me in the side saying he hates me over and over. He kicks my stomach again then my side as he continues to say he hates me. I feel tears threaten my eyes as I try and ignore the pain as he kicks my side and stomach.

"Hey hey! What the fuck bro!" I hear a familiar voice and footsteps quickly approaching. "Get the fuck away from her!" I look up to see Tom tug Robbie back throwing him to the ground.

"T...Tom.." I groan coughing blood again.

"Y/n oh my god are you ok love?" He grabs me helping me sit up as police sirens approach. Tom helps me stand to my feet as I hold my side. I talk to the police as they arrest Robbie, once that's done it's time to go back inside. Lizzie's gonna be freaking out..

I know I probably don't NEED to say this but again I don't know Robbie personally and I'm pretty sure he wouldn't drunkenly beat a girl or probably anyone. But I hope you enjoy this part still.

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