Part 44

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Lizzie's POV:

I pull up to Y/n's parents house, I park on the street and quickly jog up to the door and knock. "Hi Lizzie, come in." Her mom opens the door and moves for me to come in with a smile. I enter as She grabs my wrist softly as she closes the door. "She's up in Masons room, I'll show you." She smiles and leads me upstairs, she knocks on the door, "Honey? Can I come in?" But there's no answer, "You can go in, I'm sure she won't mind." I nod silently as she smiles and walks away. I open the door to see Y/n curled up in a ball with Mason attached to her front curled up in her arms on his bed.

"My love?" I say softly walking to the bed, I sit down and Mason looks over at me as I smile.

"Lizzie! Sissy Lizzies here! Will that make you happy now?" Mason asks moving Y/ns hair out of her eyes.

"Lizzie?" She sniffles sitting up looking at me. Her eyes were red and puffy.

"Yes I'm here baby." I smile, Y/n throws her arms around my neck starting to sob into my shoulders. "Shh it's ok.." Mason gets in between us latching onto Y/n as she cries.

"Why are you still crying sissy?" Mason asks.

"Bubba why don't you go make your sissy something to eat with your mom? I'm sure she hasn't eaten for awhile." I ruffle his hair as he moves out from between us.

"Ok! I'll go ask mommy to help!" He smiles and jumps off the bed and runs out of the room.

I scoot closer to Y/n bringing her in closer as I stroke her hair. "Hey don't listen to those people baby.. they're just mad.. they don't know you Y/n!"

She pushes off me as her bottom lip quivers and tears stream down her face. "This is just because I'm friends with Scarlett! What.. what if it's worse when they find out me and you are dating!?"

"Hey.." I cup her face into my hands, she closes her eyes leaning into my touch. "It doesn't matter, We're in this together! You have to ignore them and not let them get under your skin. But no matter what we are in this together. I'm here for you babe.."

"But.. but I don't want to make your life harder than it has to be! No one's gonna like me, when they thought I was dating Scarlett they were saying such mean vulgar things... they still are..." Y/n's voice shakes as she wipes the tears from her cheeks.

"Babe-" I reach for her but she pushes my hands away.

"I can't.. The things they said about me for dating Scarlett even though I'm not... I'm worthless... I don't deserve her... assuming I don't treat her right... then I think.. they're all gonna say that when we go public but worse because it'll be true!" She holds her face in her hands crying once again. I pull her into me and she immediately latches into my shirt. "Why are people like this? Why do they say these things?"

"I don't know baby... I'm so sorry you have to go through this.. but you know.. behind those nasty people who say those nasty things.. there's people who will accept us, and love you and our relationship. And they'll.. what do you they say? Ship us?" I hear her chuckle into my chest and nod. "Don't give up ok? It sounds like your giving up.. I love you and I don't want you to give up.."

Y/n pulls back a little looking at me with tears in her eyes. "I'm not giving up... I love you too.. I'm just.. upset and I feel like shit. I don't want anything said about you either... or Scarlett.. or anyone I'm friends with that are actors actresses whatever!" I smile wiping the tears from her cheeks.

"You're sweet you know that? Still thinking of everyone else..." I lean forward planting a gentle kiss on her forehead. "When we go public, we are gonna get hate babe.. but we can get through it together. We won't let what they say interfere with our relationship ok?"

"Ok..." Y/n stares down at her hands silently, I watch as fresh tears fall into her hands.

"Babe.." I pull her into my chest again, she latches onto my shirt crying again. "I love you, I'm here ok? I'm never gonna leave.."

"I love you too..." She sobs into my chest, I tighten my grip around her kissing her head.

"Sissy! We made you food!" Mason comes running into the room and jumps on the bed.

Y/n wipes her eyes and pulls back to look at Mason. "Thank you bubba, I'm pretty hungry" She smiles at him, I lean forward kissing her cheek.

"Then let's go eat." I smile getting off of the bed holding her hand. She gets up and Mason grabs her other hand beginning to drag us downstairs.

"Hi sweetheart, Are you feeling better?" Her mom asks as she gives her a hug.

"Yea, Lizzie helped." Y/n turns to me smiling so I pull her into a big hug.

"Im glad I helped babe! You can talk to me about anything especially things like this. Remember that ok?" I smile giving her a gentle kiss.

"I will remember" She grabs my face softly kissing me then sits down at the table. "Where's dad at?"

"Im glad you feel better sweetheart and your dad had an emergency at work and had to go. But he said to give you a big kiss on the cheek when you come out of Masons room!" Her mom hugs her tightly giving her a kiss on the cheek.

"Ah mom! Stop!" She yells as she laughs trying to push her mom away.

"I love you sweetheart" Her mom chuckles as she lets go of Y/n.

"I love you too mom" She says as Mason walks over to her grabbing her arm. "Hey bubba what's up?"

"Can I sleep over with you?" I watch as he starts pouting and giving her puppy dog eyes.

"Aw bubba of course but as long as it's ok with mom" She smiles kissing his nose.

"Mommy! Can I please!?" Mason runs to her mom grabbing her hands.

"Of course you can! Let's go pack your bag while sissy and Lizzie eat?" Her mom says picking Mason up smiling.

"Yay! Ok!" He points upstairs excitedly as they start walking to the stairs.

I sit next to Y/n as she begins eating, "Hey... when are you gonna tell Mason.. you know.." Y/n freezes dropping her fork on her plate. Maybe I shouldn't have asked..

"I... I don't know. I know I should tell him.. but he's happy with my parent being his parents.." She sighs beginning to poke at her food.

"That maybe true but Y/n he loves you so much, I'm sure he'll be so happy with you being his mom. Because well you are.. look I'll be there when you tell him ok? Whenever you're ready" I put my hand on hers smiling as she looks over at me.

"I love you" She says leaning over kissing me gently.

"I love you too" I smile resting my forehead on hers. "Let's finish up eating then I'll come with you back to your apartment"

"Ok princess" She kisses me again then we both go back to eating our food.

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