Part 63

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I lay back in the hospital bed with Tom and Lizzie sitting in the chairs next to me. We wait for the doctor to come back to tell us if somethings wrong with me. I can tell Lizzie's nervous so I reach over putting my hand on hers, "I'll be fine babe, it's probably nothing"

"What if it is something?" She frowns furrowing her eyebrows at me.

"If it is then it's not like it'd be life threatening princess" Lizzie sits quietly looking down at her hands. I sigh and pull her softly towards me, "Come here babe" She gets up and sits next to me, I wrap my arms around her tightly kissing her head. "Everythings gonna be ok I promise. Don't worry, I'm ok"

As I say that the doctor comes back into the room. "Ok miss Y/l/n, so it seems like there's nothing internally wrong. No broken or fractured ribs, no internal bleeding or anything like that."

"Thank god" Lizzie sighs in relief.

"See babe I told you it's fine" I smile giving her a kiss on the cheek.

"You'll be sore and tender where you've been hurt, I say take Advil or some kind of pain reliever for the next week at least. And I'd say no.. strenuous activities until you're fully better"

"Oh heh ok. Thank you so much!" I hug Lizzie again tightly as she still looks worried.

"When we were coming inside she was holding her stomach in pain" Lizzie frowns.

"I'm sure it's just bruised and sore. It doesn't feel good getting kicked in the stomach Lizzie" Tom smiles, "Y/n is fine, just a few bruises and cuts is all right?"

"Right! See Lizzie? I'm fine I promise you, let's go home" I lean forward giving her a kiss then get to from the bed. "Thank you again doctor"

"Of course, I'll see you out"

We follow the doctor out then start walking to the car. At this point Lizzie's been holding onto my arm for support the whole time. "Lizzie my love? You don't have to hold onto me"

"I know but I want to.." She looks over at me sadly.

"Ok my love" I smile and kiss her softly as we approach the car. "Thanks Tom for helping"

"It's no problem, you're my friend too Y/n" He smiles and climbs into the car.

Me and Lizzie follow after climbing into the car and putting our seatbelts on. "You're my friend too, and I appreciate you" I reach forward putting my hand on his shoulder smiling making him look back at me. Suddenly my phone starts ringing again so I pull out my phone and it's from my mom. "Hey mom"

"Are you ok honey? Are you still at the hospital?"

"I'm ok mom, we are leaving now. The doctor said I'm ok just sore and tender"

"Thank god! I haven't told Mason because I didn't want to freak him out"

"Oh ok thank you, can you bring him to my apartment?"

"Of course honey I'll see you there, love you"

"Love you too mom bye" I hang up and take a deep breathe. "Can we go back to my apartment Tom?"

"Yep on it"

"How are we gonna get anywhere with our cars at my house?" Lizzie queries.

"Uh.. Tom can drop me off at my apartment then he can take you to your house and you can drive my car back to the apartment" I suggest.

"Hm ok. That's fine. Tom?" Lizzie looks over at Tom.

"That's fine with me, I didn't know I would be a chauffeur today." He laughs playfully.

"You know you loved chauffeuring us around today Tom" I tease.

"Maybe, I mean I had nothing better to do today. Since we aren't filming today" He shrugs chuckling.

"Oh yea you're filming the new spider man right? What's it called?" I query.

"I can't tell you that! It's a secret!" He grumbles.

"Aw come on! Is it... SpiderMan Finally home?"

"SpiderMan finally home? Really?" He says in a judgmental tone.

"Well yea you know since you've just been blipped for five years. Now Endgames over, Tony's gone and you're home. I don't know man" I huff sitting back in my seat crossing my arms.

"Well it's definitely not SpiderMan Finally Home I'll tell you that" Tom laughs shaking his head as Lizzie covers her mouth laughing.

"I'm glad you think this is funny too babe" I take my foot and push her seat forward laughing.

"Hey stop!" She slaps my foot away as I laugh.

"You don't like when I do this?" I push her seat again and she slaps my leg away.

"Stop it"

"Make me" I challenge her. Suddenly Lizzie takes off her seat belt as we pull up to a stoplight. She begins climbing into the back seat, "Wow hey what are you doing!? This isn't safe!" She sits next to me and starts tickling my side as I erupt with laughter. "B-Babe stop!"

"No I'm ok" She giggles tickling me more. I grab her face smashing my lips onto her passionately causing her to stop tickling me. She leans forward making me lean back when Tom takes a roll of paper and hits my leg.

"Hey hey! Keep it in your pants you two!" He yells as we pull up to my apartment.

"Sorry Tom" Me and Lizzie giggle as we sit up straight.

"Yea yea sure. Do you need help getting up to your apartment?" He checks.

"No I'm ok but thank you, I'll see you later. And I'll see you soon babe" Me and Lizzie get out of the car and she grabs me by the collar of my shirt giving me a soft kiss.

"See you in a few beautiful" She smiles kissing my nose.

"Bye Y/n" Tom waves to me and Lizzie hops back into the car.

"Bye Tom thanks again" I wave to them as they begin backing out of the parking spot. I quickly walk up to my apartment and go in to wait for my mom and Mason to arrive.

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