Part 3

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It's been about a few weeks now since I've met Lizzie. We have talked everyday and even hung out a few times since. Now today we are going to eat at a small Cafe in the outskirts of LA. As I arrive at the cafe I start feeling nervous because I'm not sure if this is a date or just two friends hanging out. Robin has started getting into my head about this being a date. I sit down in the back of the cafe and wait, about 5 minutes later I see Lizzie walk in. I wave to her and she sees me, a smile instantly forming across her lips. She excitedly and quickly walks over to me and sits on the other side of the table. "Hey Lizzie! It's good to see you."

"Hi! It's so nice to see you too! I can't believe we've known each other for a few weeks now already." She smiles taking her sunglasses off and setting to the side on the table.

"I know it's still crazy to me. And I Still can't believe that's how I met you, it's embarrassing." I hide my face in my hands groaning.

"Oh stop it, we were both their drinking and it's not like you were hammered!" She laughs and reaches for my hands moving them from my face. "I don't think it's embarrassing, I promise."

Lizzie flashes me a soft smile as she holds my hands. I can feel my cheeks getting warmer so I stand up and clear my throat, "Can I get you anything? I'll pay."

She then stands up shaking her head, "I can pay it's fine Y/n."

"Its ok Lizzie, I can pay for it. So you sit down and I'll be right back." I smile walking to her side of the table and softly pushing her down to her seat as she chuckles. She tells me what she wants so I walk over and wait in line behind one person. "What is happening? Do I like her?!" I think to myself as I run my hand through my hair. After a minute I'm up so I order our drinks and then I stand there for a few minutes waiting til I get the drinks. I grab the drinks and walk back to our table handing Lizzie her drink and sitting down.

"Thank you Y/n! But next time I'm paying!" She smiles and scrunches up her nose cutely making my heart beat faster.

"Next time?" I raise an eyebrow at her trying to ignore my heart rate rising.

Lizzie reaches over placing her hand on top of mine, "Of course there's gonna be a next time silly! I really enjoy spending time with you and talking with you. Besides this isn't the first time we've hung out"

She likes spending time with me!? I turn my hand over and interlock my fingers with hers. "I enjoy spending time with you, a lot actually." We spend the next hour chatting about random things.

"Hey you want to come over for dinner tomorrow tonight? I'd say tonight but I'll be busy around dinner time."  Lizzie tilts her head with a small grin on her face.

"Really? You want me over for dinner? Well how can I say no when you look at me like that!" She rolls her eyes as we both laugh. "I'd love to come over for dinner!"

Suddenly Lizzie seems nervous, she looks at her hands beginning to play with one of her rings. "Would you.. want to come over early tomorrow and then stay for dinner?"

"Really? Sure I'd like that Lizzie!" I place my hand on hers making her look up at me smiling. I look out the window to see paparazzi on the other side of the street, they were look over here at us. I grab Lizzie's sunglasses walking to her side of the table and put them on her as she looks at me confused. I take my jacket off and put it over her head so only I can see her face.

"What are you doing weirdo??" She asks going to take off my jacket from her head.

I grab her hands and motion towards the paparazzi outside. "There's paparazzi outside, I don't think they know it's you for sure so I don't think they got pictures."

I can see her furrow her brow in confusion as she looks up at me. "You.... Thank you." Her expression softens and a smile forms across her lips.

"Of course! I'm assuming you don't want people getting the wrong idea about us. Now I didn't drive here, do you think you can give me a ride to my apartment? That way we can chat some more." I raise an eyebrow at her waiting for an answer as she just stares at me. "Lizzie? Are you ok?"

Lizzie stands up quickly, "I'm sorry." I look at her confused as she grabs my face with her warm hands. She quickly pulls me towards her pressing her lips onto mine causing me to grab onto her waist. I feel like my stomach is doing flips and my hearts going a hundred miles an hour. I instinctively pull her closer to me, after what seemed like an hour she broke the kiss.I rested my forehead against hers as our breathing began to slow again. "Ah I'm sorry Y/n I don't know what came over me!" She takes a step back as I still hold onto her waist. "You probably think I'm weird now for kissing you!"

I pull her closer to me again shaking my head, "No, the only reason I think you're weird is because you still have my jacket on your head and sunglasses on. You look like a weirdo." I chuckle fixing the jacket on her head. "We should go now before those paparazzi realize it was you and come back."

She pushes me playfully, "Thanks! You're the one who put this on my head. Let's go" She grabs my hand interlocking our fingers making my cheeks warm up again. We walk to her car and get in and she drives off a little before taking off my jacket from her head.

"Here I'll take it back." I smile at her as she looks at me handing me the jacket real quick. I take a deep breath looking forward once again as my mind goes a thousand miles a minute. Like why did she kiss me? Why did I like it so much? Do I really have a crush on her!? What does this mean?

Lizzie's voice brings me back from my brain, "Are you ok over there? You're awfully quiet."

"Oh yea sorry. I just was deep in thought." I look over at her as she smiles looking forward.We arrived at my apartment and she walked me upstairs. "Thank you for bringing me back, I'll see you tomorrow night."

"See you tomorrow!" Lizzie hugs me tightly so I hug her back swaying back and forth.

After she leaves I walk into my Living room of my apartment and sit on the couch. "This is gonna be a restless night for sure."

{The Next Day}

I arrive at Lizzies house and knock on the door, she opens the front door with a smile inviting me in. "Wow.. you're house is so nice!"

"Thanks, come on let's go to the living room for a little."she grabs my hand pulling me towards her living room. We sit down and begin talking while watching tv.

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