Part 85

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"So, Scarlett came home pretty happy last night" I smile over at Robin while I help her make a few drinks.

"She did, did she?" Robin hands the costumer their drink and walks back over.

"Oh don't act surprised! She told me about your little date tonight" I smirk at her as she looks at me wide eyed. "Also I know you two kissed, she didn't tell me but I can tell by the huge grin on her face. And the fact that you're hiding yours right now" I walk over to her nudging her laughing.

"You're annoying" She grumbles, I finish the drink giving it to the costumer. "For your information.. we kissed a few times" She walks past me to the register.

"Well while I'm babysitting, what will you and Scarlett be doing? You know since we get off at 10?" I bump her again smiling.

"Well since everywhere's gonna be closed.. I thought we could have a picnic.. and just talk.." She says shyly looking at the floor.

"I think that's a great idea!" I hug her tightly squealing.

"Whoa why the squealing?" She pushes me off making me laugh.

"Because I'm freaking happy! This is amazing! Robin I'm proud of you" I attach back onto her hugging her tightly again.

"You're proud of me?" She asks confused.

"Yea!" I grab her shoulders shaking her making her laugh, "You're moving on in life, you're embracing your bi side that no one knew you had. And you're going on a date with Scar! So yea I'm proud of you just like you were proud of me"

"You're a dork now let go we have to get back to work!" She giggles as I groan letting go of her.

"Fine fine let's get back to it then"


I walk into the house and am immediately greeted by the kids and Teddy. "Hey kids! Wow I like coming home to hugs" I kiss Masons cheek then Rose's. "Where's you mommy Rose?" I ask squatting down to pet Teddy.

"She's upstairs getting ready! She should be done now" She giggles, "Let's go watch Cocomelon Mason!"

"Ok!" Rose grabs Masons hand and they run back to the living room couch.

I smile at the kids then walk upstairs to the guest room Scarlett and Rose sleep in. "Scarlett?"

"Come in Y/n!" She yells, so I walk in to see her putting her hair up.

"Well don't you look all cute tonight. Hot date?" I smirk, Scarlett rolls her eyes at me throwing a pillow at me.

"Shut it"

"What? That's what it is isn't it?" I toss the pillow on the bed then sit down on it. "Don't have too much fun you do have to relieve me of babysitting" I tease.

"Stop" She walks over slapping my arm, "None of that I promise"

"Hm should I believe you?" I smirk as she glares at me. "Ok ok I'll stop" I get up and pull her into a hug.

"Oh, hi"

"I'm kidding you stay out as long as you want" I pull back smiling at her.

"Thanks for your permission mom" She smiles and sticks her tongue out at me.

"That's mommy to you" I giggle as she pushes me off of her. "I'm kidding! Don't tell Lizzie"

"Ehh I don't know I think I'll tell her" She smirks.

"No I'll play nice I promise." I sit back on the bed.

"Do you think she'd actually be mad about your little comment?" Scarlett laughs walking into the bathroom.

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