Part 73

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"Ok ready bubba? We are in the second row ok?" I carry Mason up to the seats as he leans on his head on my chest.

"Mhm I'm ready! I can't wait to see the look on Lizzie's face when she sees us" He giggles as I sit him down in a chair.

"I can't either, she'll be so happy" I kiss his head the take the seat next to him. Soon it starts and we watch Lizzie, Paul, Kathryn and everyone act. She hasn't noticed us yet which might be for the best since they can't make mistakes. It was fun watching Lizzie play Wanda like that. Now it's over so we stand up to applaud them, I put Mason on my shoulders so Lizzie would see. She finally looks right at us and covers her mouth in surprise. Me and Mason wave to her. Everyone started leaving so I take Mason off my shoulders grabbing his hand tightly navigating to get to Lizzie.

Once we have a clear view of Lizzie I feel Mason let go of my hand, "Lizzie!"

He makes a break for it to her, "Wait Mason!" I laugh as Lizzie squats down opening her arms for Mason.

"Mason!" She hugs him tightly and lifts him up. "I missed you so much!"

"I missed you too!" He smiles kissing her cheek as I quicken my pace.

She kisses his cheek then sets him down as I get closer. I quickly wrap my arms around her waist and pull her into a passionate kiss. "Well hi to you too my love!"

"I missed you so much princess" I kiss her again lifting her up and spinning her around.

"It's only been a week! But I missed you too" She giggles against my lips. "What are you two doing here?? I thought you said you couldn't come for a few weeks!"

"We wanted to surprise you! Robin told us that you were filming in front of a live studio audience for the first episode so we came to surprise you!" I smile pulling her into a hug.

"Me too!" Mason tugs at my jacket.

"Come here bubba" I pick him up, "Ready? Group hug!" We pull Lizzie into a big group hug as she chuckles.

"I'm surprised Ryan let you get days off work" Lizzie smiles taking Mason from me and gives him a kiss on the cheek.



"Please Ryan! I won't call out sick or miss any days for a whole month! Just let me have two more days off so I can spend time with Lizzie" I beg Ryan as we stand in the break room.

"Why should I let you?" He raises an eyebrow at me.

"Because you love me and I'm your little sisters best friend. And you've known me since we were little kids. And uh.. I love you like a brother?" I smile widely as he chuckles shaking his head.

"You're not gonna let this go are you?" He crosses his arms and leans back on the counter.

"Nope never. I'll just keep asking and asking and asking" I smile tilting my head to the side.

"Two says that's it. You already have the weekend off so you can have Thursday and Friday off too. But I better see you back here on Monday got it?" He points at me giving me a stern look.

"Yes! Got it! Thank you!" I run over giving him a hug.

"Ok ok get back to work jeez!"

(End Of Flashback)

"So yea.."

"Aw babe you wanted to see me that bad?" She smiles softly as she grabs my hips bringing me closer to her.

"Well yea. The only crappy part is after this I can't see you for a while. A month to be exact" I sigh looking down at the ground.

"Hey it's ok, I'm glad you're here now! Besides a month will go by faster than you know it" She quickly gives me another kiss. "And I'm fine for the day so let me go get changed and then I can show you where I temporarily live!"

"Ok love we'll be out in the parking lot in our car" I give her a kiss as she hands me Mason.

"See you out there, love you"

"Love you too!" I watch Lizzie walk away to get changed. Then I walk out to the car and open the back door letting Mason in. "We'll wait here for here"

"Ok mommy, do you know where my tablet is?" He furrows his brows at me.

"Yep I put it one of your small suitcases. I'll get it for you" I go into the trunk of the rental and grab his tablet. Then I walk back over to him and hand it over.

"Thank you mommy!" He sits in his car seat opening his tablet.

After a maybe 20 minutes I look up to see Lizzie walking towards us with Paul close behind. "Hey love! Paul wanted to say hello" She quickie gives me a kiss then goes to Mason giving him a kiss on the cheek as Paul walks over and hugs me.

"It's so great to see you Y/n! What a lovely surprise! I hope you both enjoyed the show" Paul takes a step back smiling.

"It's great to see you too! We very much enjoyed it right Mason?"

"Yea! But why were you blue? I thought you were supposed to be red" Mason looks at Paul confused.

"Well that's a secret, want me to tell you?"

"Yes please! I promise I won't tell anyone. I pinkie promise!" He holds out his pinkie to Paul making him laugh a little.

"Alright, pinkie promise it is then" Paul takes Masons pinkie with his and smiles. "Now it's official. Are you ready?" Mason nods excitedly, "Well I had to change colors because it'll look weird when the episode airs."

"Wow.. wait why would you look weird?"

"Sorry lad but that you'll have to wait and see. I'm sure once the trailer comes out you'll be right on the nose about why I'd look weird" Paul smiles, "Well now I should let you all get going. I'll see you later" He gives Mason a high five then gives me and Lizzie both a hug before leaving.

"Ok I'll bring my car around and then you can follow me to the house. Is that ok?" Lizzie asks wrapping her arms around my waist.

"That's perfectly ok princess, I'll get Mason all buckled in then" I grab her face softly and give her a kiss then another one.

"Ok I'll be quick, I'm not parked too far. I'll be right back Mason" Lizzie walks over giving Mason a kiss on his cheek.

"Ok Lizzie!" He smiles then goes back to watching his tablet. She smiles then leaves to her car so I buckle Mason up. Then when I see her coming I get into the car and start it up. She starts leaving so I follow her out of the parking lot and off to her house.

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