Part 29

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I nervously drive to set where Lizzie had invited her publicist to meet me. I arrived parking in the lot, I pull out my small book I write lyrics in sometimes. I take a deep breathe when suddenly there's a knock on my window. I quickly close the book seeing Lizzie waving at me with a smile. I put the book in my glove box and get out of the car. "Hey babe!" I pull her into a big hug squeezing her tightly.

"Hey my beautiful girlfriend! What was that you were looking at?" She leans back smiling brightly.

"Oh Um.." I chuckle nervously debating on if I should tell her. She stares at me smiling waiting for me to answer. "It's embarrassing..."

She quirks an eyebrow at me, "Embarrassing? What is it your diary baby?~" she teases.

"No not a diary. It's uh... my song book..." I say quietly, Lizzie cups my face in her hands making me look at her.

"You have a song book!? That's not embarrassing! That's amazing! Can I see or hear a song of yours?" Lizzie bites her bottom lip as her excitement rises making me laugh.

"You're excitement is cute you know that?" I pull her to me kissing her softly. "Sorry princess but you're gonna have to wait a little longer to hear one."

"Aw why do I have to wait?" She pouts crossing her arms.

"Because the first song I want to show you is special but not quite done. It's almost done, but if you wanna see it that bad..." I turn to my car but she quickly spins me back around to face her.

"No no I want to hear it when it's done!" She says excitedly making me chuckle.

"Ok that settles it then!" Lizzie excitedly throws her arms around my neck, I wrap my arms around her picking her up. "While my nervousness is gone let's go meet your publicist!"

Lizzie grabs my hands, "She's in my trailer!" She says as we start walking towards her trailer.

"We kept her waiting!? Oh no I'm getting nervous again." Lizzie chuckles wrapping her arms around my arm holding onto me.

"It's ok babe! I told her I'd come get you, besides it's only been like 7 minutes." She reassured me laying her head on my shoulder as we approach her trailer. "She's gonna love you."

"I hope so.." I take a deep breathe as we approach the door. I open the door with Lizzie's arms still wrapped around mine. We walk in where her publicist is sitting on her couch. "Hi you must be Lizzies publicist! I'm Y/n Y/l/n.. it's nice to meet you!" I smile widely at her.

"It's nice to meet you too miss Y/l/n." She stands up and holds her hand out, I take it shaking it. "So Lizzie has informed me on the.. situation."

"Ah yes.. I just thought before we do anything rash.. me and you could meet and you could get to know me?" I say shyly as Lizzie slips her hand into mine.

"Hm... I don't see why not. Let's sit shall we?" Her publicist sits back down on the couch.

I motion for Lizzie to take the couch, "You take the comfier seat princess." I smile as she kisses my cheek and sits down.

"So Y/n, from what Lizzie said you are a barista is that correct?" Her publicist asks.

I gulp as my nerves rise, "Y-Yea" I take a deep breathe to calm down a little. "I've been working there for a few years now. It's a nice little coffee shop on the outskirts of LA." I notice as I talk Lizzie just staring at me with a smile. I smile at her and look back at her publicist.

Lizzie turns to her publicist and begins talking, I watch her talk smiling. "It really is a cute little coffee shop and the coffee is so good!" After awhile of talking back and forth her publicist stands up.

"I do have to go but it was nice chatting with you both. Lizzie we'll talk later, bye then." Her publicist bows her head and turns to leave.

"I-It was nice meeting you!" I smile as she turns around. She smiles back silently and leaves. Once the door closes I feel my whole body relax. Lizzie reaches over grabbing my hand. She pulls me to her on the couch making me laugh. "Well hey! Do you think that went well?"

She grabs my face, "I think that went great! I think she likes you" Lizzie pushes me back softly making me lay down. She climbs on top of me and lays her head on my chest.

I wrap my arms around her kissing her head, "You're cuddly this morning princess ~"

"You're really comfy.." She says situating herself on me more as I giggle.

"You think I'm comfy?" She nods silently. "I love how cuddly you are.. it's nice" I sigh happily as I close my eyes.

After a few minutes there's a knock on the door, "Lizzie? You're needed back on set!"

"Coming!" She yells sitting back up, I sit up and she wraps her arms around my neck kissing me. "I'll see you tomorrow! I'd say tonight but I think it's gonna be a long work day.."

I lean forward kissing her again, "It's ok, I'll see you tomorrow!" She goes to get up but I quickly grab her and push her back on the couch climbing on top of her.

"Babe! What are you doing!?" She laughs as I smirk.

"This" I lean down kissing her passionately, she wraps her legs around me bringing me closer. "Ok sorry babe I don't want you to get yelled at so we'll have to continue this later."

She groans kissing me again, "Fine fine!" I get off of her and hold out my hand. She takes it and I help her up off the couch. I keep her hand in mine as we walk out of her trailer. I give her another kiss before we go out separate ways. I went home for an hour then went to work. After work I go home and relax till I fall asleep.

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