Part 89

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It's been a few hours since our family run, Lizzie's at work and Mason's sitting with me playing with his cars. Lizzie should be home soon actually, so while I wait I go on Instagram. While scrolling I go to my tagged photos and see pictures of us when we were on our run. There's some of me and Lizzie holding Masons hands, of me and Lizzie kissing, and all running with together. "Aw these are cute... our little family..." I sigh happily when the front door opens and closes. "Hey welcome home babe"

"Hey baby! So you wanna go out and spend some alone time together?" She walks up behind me wrapping her arms around around me and kisses my cheek.

"Uh I'd love to babe but what about Mason?" I query looking over at her.

"Paul said he could watch Mason for a few hours while we have some alone time. And he has kids so Mason will be pretty entertained the whole time" I turn around getting on my knees to face Lizzie who's smiling brightly at me.

"Are you sure it's ok with him? I don't want to impose" I frown grabbing her sides pulling her closer.

"It was his idea actually, he insisted. He knows I miss you a lot when you're gone and wants us to have a few hours just to ourselves. He's kinda coming to pick him up now" She chuckles nervously as she wraps her arms around my neck.

"Well if he insisted then I'll have to take him up on the offer" Lizzie squeals in excitement and kisses me. "Hey Mason, are ok staying with Paul and his family for a few hours while me and Lizzie go on a date?" I turn my head to him as he looks up from his cars.

"Yea! I like him he's really nice to Me" He stands up and jumps onto the couch.

"You be good for him like always ok? He's on his way so why don't you clean up your cars for me bubba" I tuck his hair on one side behind his ear and give him a little kiss on the cheek.

"Ok mommy!" He hops down and starts cleaning up his cars and other toys.

"So have anything planned princess?" I hum turning my attention back over to Lizzie.

"Well I was thinking we go out to eat and then maybe go to a club because you owe me a dance beautiful" She smirks bringing me to her by my chin.

"You're right I do, then it sounds like a plan" I lean forward kissing her when there's a knock at the door. "I got it" I get off the couch and walk over to the door opening it, "Hey Paul it's great to see you again!" I open my arms giving him a big hug. "Thank you so much for offering to watch Mason for a few hours"

"It's great to see you too. Oh it's no problem at all really. My kids have been wanting a new play mate anyway and I know you and Lizzie would like some alone time" He smiles kissing my cheek.

"Well it's greatly appreciated! Mason are you ready bubba?" I call to him, a few seconds later he comes running to the front door.

"I'm all ready!"

"Say bye to your moms and let's get going then, we can get you some ice cream on the way" Paul ruffles his hair as Lizzie walks in with a smile. Moms.. I like that.

"Be good for Paul ok bub? We love you" Lizzie squats down giving Mason a hug and kiss on the cheek.

"We will see you in a few hours" I squat down next to Lizzie and Mason kisses her cheek then walks to me kissing mine.

"I'll be good I promise! I love you both too!" I smile pulling him into a hug.

"Alright let's get going, we will see you later!" Paul waves as Mason runs over grabbing onto his hand.

"Bye!" Mason waves to us following Paul out of the house.

The front door shuts and Lizzie immediately tackles me into a hug then smashes her lips onto mine. "Hi to you too"

"Ready for our date night?" She smiles against my lips.

"Definitely princess" I kiss her and pick up my bag. "After you my love" Lizzie just smiles grabbing my hand and kisses me cheek. She drags me out of the house, locks the door and then drags me to the car. "You know you don't have to drag me around" I laugh as she unlocks the car.

"I know, but it's alot faster" I look at her offended making her giggle, "Get in the car!"

"Alright alright" I climb into the car and we drive off to go eat. Dinner was great, the food was great and we talked and laughed. I've missed it. After dinner she drives us to the club that her and Scarlett had gone to before. "Alright babe if you want to drink you can, I'll be the dd" I wrap one arm around her waist keeping her close.

"Are you sure? I can be the dd" She offers as we walk up to the bar.

"It's ok, you can drink. Just don't get fucked up that's all I ask" I smile giving her a kiss then order us drinks. I drink some of my water while Lizzie drinks from her drink.

"Let's dance!" She sets down her now empty cup and grabs my hands pulling me onto the dance floor. Lizzie smirks dropping her arms over my shoulders swaying her hips back and forth. I laugh putting my hands on her hips bringing her closer to me. "I love you so much" She scoots closer kissing me lovingly and then continues to dance.

This goes on for a bit until, "Hey princess I have to go to the bathroom! I'll be right back!"

"Ok baby! I'll go get another drink then" She gives me a quick kiss then we go our separate ways.

Once I've finished up in the bathroom I walk out scanning for Lizzie. Finally I catch a glimpse of her dirty blonde hair and make my way towards her. When I get close enough I see she's talking to someone, "Who... are you kidding me!?" I see Grace standing in front of Lizzie who occasionally looks around the room I'm assuming for me. "What is she a stalker?? How does she know.." I've had enough. I walk over grabbing Lizzie and pulling her into me.

"Baby hi!" She answers wrapping her arms around my neck.

"How did you know we were here!?" I yell angrily as Grace smiles crossing her arms.

"I didn't know. But I saw Lizzie here all alone so I thought I'd keep her company" She snickers.

"I was gone for 5 minutes I was in the bathroom. There was no need." I growl, Lizzie let's go of me grabbing my water and handing it to me smiling. "Thanks babe you didn't have to get me another one"

"I've been worried about Lizzie, so when I saw her I had to talk to her. You understand" She smirks and reaches for Lizzie's hand.

I quickly slap her hand away and stand in front of Lizzie. "Don't you fucking touch her" I hiss at Grace. "You need to leave"

"Why don't you make me? Maybe Lizzie doesn't want-" Before she could finish I hold up my fist to punch her making her stop.

But before I could make contact Lizzie grabs my arm, "Babe stop! Please. I know I said when you beat the shit outta that guy it was hot but don't hit her ok?" I turn around to face her with a confused look. "and it's not for the reason you think dummy! She is still my friend in a way. But you know when I'm done filming that's done"

"Ugh... fine. But can we go home?"

"What about Mason? Shouldn't we pick him up?"

"I have something fun we can do before picking him up" I smirk bringing Lizzie to me and kissing her passionately. She blushes grabbing my hand and pulling me through the crowd of people. I look back to see Grace glaring towards us. I smile smugly at her giving her a small wave then continue out to go home with Lizzie.

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