Part 69

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I sit on the couch while Scarlett and Lizzie cook in the kitchen. I'd help but they won't let me like usual so I put on one of Lizzie's old movies I've never watched. "How's it going in there babe?" I hear Lizzie yell from the kitchen.

"Fine I guess considering you won't let me come in there and help" I scoff hearing her and Scarlett laugh.

"I never cook with Lizzie so sorry Y/l/n" I hear Scarlett giggle.

"It's fine, at least I can watch this movie! Lizzie baby you look really hot in this movie by the way" I laugh taking a drink of my water.

"Huh what movie is it babe?" I hear slight confusion in her voice.

"Uh.. oh you're in a towel. Oh you're kissing and the towels.. oh. Oh my god! Oh my god!" I watch as Lizzies now naked on my tv.

"Babe no!" She runs in covering my eyes.

"Wow hey! Wait stop it!" I try moving her hands off of my face.

"Damn Lizzie you have a nice body" Scarlett chimes in as she walks out of the kitchen.

"Scarlett no stop it!"

"Wow it's getting wow" I watch as the scene finishes and Lizzie covers my eyes again. "Will you stop that please?"

"Why'd you choose this movie!" She lets go of me and covers her face.

"Well I didn't know you were gonna be butt ass naked in it my love" I turn around on the couch and move her hands seeing her bright red face. "What's the matter? I see your naked body all the time"

"Yea but not like that! It's just I don't know. Weird I guess. I didn't want you to see that" She furrows her brows at me as I chuckle softly.

"You're a dork" I cup her face in my hands, "I can take seeing well that on tv. It's just a movie it's not like it was actually happening. Also this was way way before we met. And again in a movie" I chuckle and give her a kiss. "Shouldn't you two get back to cooking?"

"Crap the food!" She yells dragging Scarlett back into the kitchen as I laugh.

I turn back around to keep watching the movie. "Wait.. No! That's just no! Wait is... oh my god Lizzie!"

"What?" She walks back out and covers her mouth.

"That almost sounds like your real moans babe" I laugh as she runs over grabbing the remote and muting the tv. "Hey you woke up Teddy"

"Babe!" She smacks my arm, "I forgot that uh that was apart of the movie" She covers her face embarrassed.

"I'm a little surprised I heard you over him yelling no no please god no" I laughed as she shakes her head. "You are pretty loud princess" I smirk making her face turn a bright red.

"I hate you"

"I love you too" I get up kissing her gently, "I'm just teasing, kinda. I think I'm gonna stay away from that movie. And In Secret that was.. yea"

"You don't have to watch any of my movies you know love" She sighs wrapping her arms around my neck.

"I will watch all of your movies, every single one. Because I love you, and I've always loved your movies. You've always been my favorite actress" I wrap my arms around her waist kissing her softly.

"Rude!" Scarlett yells from the kitchen.

"Love you too Scarlett!" I laugh as she scoffs.

Suddenly Lizzie smashes her lips onto mine, "Hi babe" She does it again this time for a longer amount of time.

"Ok horndogs it's time for dinner!" Scarlett walks out into the living room.

"Oh right yea dinner" I chuckle awkwardly feeling my cheeks burn a little. "Not my fault with the movie"

"Get in the kitchen!" She laughs pushing me into the kitchen.

"Ok ok I'm going! No need to push Scar" I laugh as Lizzie follows us into the kitchen laughing as well. We eat and talk and laugh until Scarlett eventually goes home. I drove her home since her and Lizzie had been drinking but I stuck with apple cider. I get home and look around but I don't see Lizzie, "Lizzie? My love? Where are you?" I ask but no response. Then Teddy comes running over to me jumping up at my legs. "Hey Teddy" I smile picking him up as he licks my face. "I love you too buddy!" I kiss his head and start petting him as I walk into the kitchen. "Hm not here either. Do you know where mommy went Teddy?" He starts panting and licks my face again. "I'll take that as a check upstairs" I chuckle walking up the stairs still holding Teddy. I walk into our room where Lizzie is laid on the bed. "Uh hey babe, you asleep over there?"

"Hi baby!" She jumps up and walks over to me kissing me passionately. "Let's have some fun" She says pulling at my pants.

"Ok horndog but I have a dog in my arms at the moment" I laugh as she realizes I'm holding Teddy.

"Hi sweet boy" She starts petting him making his tail wag and kiss his head. "Why don't you put the dog down and then we can have some fun?" She wraps her arms around my neck kissing me again.

"Maybe I wanna cuddle with Teddy" I laugh as she rolls her eyes.

"Don't you want to hear the real thing baby?" She whispers in my ear making my whole face start burning.

"Hey Teddy why don't you go lay in Masons room for now Yea?" I quickly take Teddy in Masons room and lay him on his little doggy bed since Masons not here. I quickly walk back into our bedroom closing the door where Lizzie has already starting taking her clothes off. "Hey wait for me" she giggles as I get on the bed smashing my lips onto hers making her lay back.

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