Part 6

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It's the next day and I sit in my living room waiting for Robin to Burst into my apartment. Sure enough after waiting for an hour she comes running in. "Tell me everything!!"

I laugh patting the seat on the couch next to me. She hurries to my side and sits down with a big smile on her face. I explained what happened and she gives me a hug.

"Oh Y/n I'm so sorry! I can't believe he had the nerve to come find you! And of course when you're on a date!"

"It's ok, Lizzie comforted me. Then we watched movies and cuddled for awhile till she had to go. I walked her down to her car and kissed her goodbye then watched her drive off." She gasps covering her mouth.

"See I called it! You really do like her!" She grabs me by the shoulders starting to shake me back and forth.

I push her hands off of my shoulders laughing, "Ok ok chill! You were right, I hate when you're right! Because then you get like this." I roll my eyes as she gives you a smug look. "Hey shes still on a break with that Robbie Arnett guy ok?"

She rolls her eyes crossing her arms, "Yea but you told her not to officially end it yet you idiot! Who does that!? You need to tell her today to officially end it!" I'm taken aback by Robins outburst.

"But I said after our-"

"Who cares how many dates you go on!? Don't you want her all to yourself!? She's busy who knows when that second date will happen! What if Robbie comes and asks for her back??"

I sit silently for a few moments thinking. "You're right. AGAIN!" She laughs playfully bumping my shoulder with hers. "Fine I'll do it tonight"

"Good! I'm proud of you! Getting over Danny! Asking a celebrity on a date! Telling her you want her all to yourself! Look at you!" I roll my eyes at her then we both laugh.

Just then my phone goes off and it's Lizzie. "Speaking of Lizzie, she's calling me." I answer and put the phone up to my ear. "Hey Lizzie! I was just talking about you."

"Hey! Really?? To who? Wait let me guess... Robin?" She giggles from the other side of the phone.

"You are correct! She's sitting next to me right now with the biggest smile on her face haha" I laugh as Robin sticks her tongue out at me. "Anyway, what's up?"

"I was wondering.. if you wanted to come to a party with me.. we are getting together to hangout." She gets quieter and more nervous as she speaks.

"Hm uh sure but Who's we?" I let out a small chuckle.

"The cast of Avengers." She says quickly but I still understood her.

"THE AVENGERS CAST!?" I yell into the phone making Robin jump. "Sorry sorry! Just wow. Wait you want me to join you for a party with you and your marvel friends!?"

Lizzie laughs erupts from the phone. "Yes silly! Scarlett said I could bring you.."

"I'd love to go! Spending more time with you and meeting the Avengers cast!? Count me in!" I stand in excitement as Robin begins asking me questions so I shush her.

"Great! It's tonight! I'll come pick you up at 6:00!"

"Can't wait! I'll see you at 6!"

"See you! Oh and you don't have to dress fancy or anything! Just wear whatever you want. Bye!"

"Ok thanks for the heads up! Bye!" I hang up and shove my phone in my pocket. "Oh god how am I gonna function tonight?"

Robin gets up laughing and pulls me into a hug. "You'll be fine! They're gonna love you, and you better tell Tom Holland I said hi!" She backs up pointing her finger at me.

"Of course how could I forget!" We laugh as I roll my eyes. For the next few hours we hung out in my apartment until she left and I got ready for the party. At 6:01 I hear a knock at the door. "Coming!" I run over to the door and open it to see Lizzie standing there smiling. "Hey! You look as beautiful as always!" I smile and wink at her.

"Well aren't you a charmer tonight! Thank you, You look beautiful like always as well." She blushes, then kisses my cheek. "Ready to go?"

"Thank you! Ready as I'll ever be to meet the cast of Avengers!" I smile as Lizzie takes my hand in hers.

"Well then let's go." I walk out of my apartment and lock the door. We walk down to her car hand in hand then drive off towards Scarlett Johansson's house. When we arrived we are greeted by Scarlett with a smile.

"Lizzie hi! Glad you could make it! And you must be Y/n. It's so nice to meet you! I've heard a lot about you!" Scarlett grabs my hands smiling as I just stare at her nervously.

"Yea that's because Lizzie doesn't shut up about you!" Chris Evans walks over laughing then gives a little wave. "Nice to meet you Y/n, I'm Chris Evans as you probably know I'm assuming."

"Hi! It's nice to meet you guys too. I'm Y/n Y/l/n!" Scarlett invites us in so we walk side by side and I playfully bump Lizzie. "I didn't know you talked so much about me Olsen!" She rolls her eyes bumping me back.

"Shut up! You weren't supposed to know about that yet!" She says as her cheeks turn bright red, so I kiss her cheek and smile.

After she introduced me to everyone, I decided to stay close to her but socialize with others as well. After an hour or so I pulled her aside, "Hey I need to tell you something." I feel my nerves heighten as she tilts her head in slight concern.

"Oh ok whats up? Everything ok?" She puts her hands in mine causing me to calm down some.

"How do you do that?" I ask not realizing I said it out loud.

She lets out a soft chuckle, "Do what?"

My eyes widen and cheeks turn red, "Um did I say that out loud?? Well.. how do you calm me down? I was nervous then you grabbed my hands and it just started going away."

Lizzie smiles and kisses my nose, "You're cute, but I don't know. You must like me or something." She teases as she scrunches up her nose.

I laugh rolling my eyes at her. Then I clear my throat, "About that actually. I know I said we should wait but I-" suddenly commotion comes from the living room of Scarletts house. So we walk in and stop next to Scarlett.


"Oh shit"

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