Part 24

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It's been a month since me and Lizzie went to dinner at my parents house. She's finished up Endgame a while ago and has now started Sorry For Your Loss. I've visited her on set a few times, today I'm going again but I have to babysit Mason so he's coming with me. We arrive on set and I grab his hand so he doesn't wander off as we walk to Lizzies trailer. I knock on the door waiting for an answer but nothing. "Where's Lizzie sissy?" Mason asks tugging my arm.

"She must be on set. Let's go see!" We walk off to set. I see Lizzie as she finishes up a scene. Mason sees her and darts towards her, "Mason!" I run after him grabbing his shirt skidding to a stop. I bend down holding onto him, "Hey you can't just do that. They are filming bubba."

He crosses his arms pouting, "Ok sorry." I chuckle and kiss his cheek then stand up. Lizzie finishes and sees us so Mason waves her over. Lizzie walks over to us happily.

"Hey you two!" Lizzie bends down giving Mason a hug. Then she stands up giving me a kiss, "This is such a nice surprise! I'm glad you two came to visit me!"

"Sissy has to watch me today so I asked if we could come see you!" Mason says wrapping his arms around her legs hugging her.

"Well I'm glad you're here! I have about another two hours on set though but you can stay if you want?" Lizzie smiles at Mason then looks up at me.

"Can we stay sissy!? Please!" He turns to me giving me his cute little puppy dog eyes.

"Yes yes we can stay! You know I can't say no to you when you give me those eyes." I sigh as he giggles hugging my legs. We hangout on set watching Lizzie act until she's done. There's still a few hours left till I have to take Mason home so we all go back to my apartment. I put on a movie but Mason starts playing with his cars. So I go to the bathroom and when I come back I see Lizzie sitting with Mason playing with his cars. I smile at them leaning against the wall as I watch them laugh and mess around with the cars. Lizzie ruffles his hair scrunching up her nose in the cute way she does as Mason giggles.

Lizzie then looks over at me noticing my staring, "It's not nice to stare babe." She winks at me sticking her tongue out at me as I roll my eyes. She kisses Masons head standing up and walks over to me. She wraps her arms around my torso kissing me. "Everything ok?"

I smile wrapping my arms around her shoulders, "Yea. I was just watching the two of you have fun. It was cute" I lean forward resting my forehead on hers. "You're really good with kids"

"You think?" She tilts her head smiling.

"I know! You're really good with Mason, and he really likes you. I'm glad he really likes you because I REALLY like you.. I mean it's important that all my family likes you and they do!" I sigh leaning back on the wall, Lizzie smiles softly. She leans forward kissing my lips softly then nuzzles her face into my neck.

"I really like you too, and I'm glad your family really likes me. You'll have to meet my family soon too! Whenever they aren't busy" She sighs nuzzling her face further into my neck as I tighten my grip around her.

"And I can't wait to meet your family either, I really hope they like me." I rest my head on top of hers.

"They'll love you I promise." She looks up giving me a quick kiss. After a few hours I take Mason home and then drive me and Lizzie back to the apartment. I walk her to her car, she stops and pulls me into a hug. "Sorry I can't stay, I have an interview to go to on Jimmy Fallon."

I kiss the top of her head, "Hey it's ok you don't have to apologize. Good luck with your interview tomorrow babe!" I cup her face in my hands giving her a passionate kiss.

"Thank you, goodnight babe." She smiles kissing me again.

"Goodnight!" I watch her get into her car and drive away. The next morning I get ready and head to Jimmy Falcons set to be apart of the audience to surprise Lizzie. I sit with a bunch of girls around my age and watch what's happening. Lizzie comes on and I stand up clapping as she walks out. After a few minutes I hear the girls next to me chatting about Lizzie.

"I wonder how her and Robbie are doing?"

"They're still together right?"

"Yea! There's never been proof otherwise."

I clear my throat and turn to them, "Excuse me uh.. Lizzie and Robbie are still together? I thought they broke up?" I ask hoping what I heard was a mistake.

"Oh, no they are still together! I bet Jimmy will ask her about him too." One of the girls says.

"Yea I'm sure if they broke up she would've said something!"

"Oh I see. Thanks for the clarification.." I turn back to Lizzie and Jimmy starting to bite my nails.

"So Lizzie how's your love life? You and Robbie are still good?" Jimmy asks as I'm now at the edge of my seat.

She's silent for a few moments before she speaks, "Y-Yea my love life's going great! We're great!" My heart breaks, why didn't she deny it? After the interview I was able to find her car so I leaned on the hood of it waiting for her. I look down at the ground with my arms crossed when I'm snapped out of my daze. "Y/n!? Babe what are you doing here?"

I take a deep breathe to try and keep my composure so I don't look up at her when I speak. "I came to.. surprise you. By being in the audience while you did the interview..." I hear her gasp, I look up at her as she stares at me.

"Y-You were in there!?" She says, I can tell she's getting nervous.

I feel my anger begin to grow as tears threaten my eyes, "Why..."

"What?" She takes a step towards me.

"Why the hell didn't you deny that you're still dating Robbie!? I know we are secret but why do people not know you aren't with Robbie!?" I yell as traitorous tears fall from my eyes.

Lizzie quickly grabs me by the shoulders, "Babe let's get in the car and talk about this ok?" I push her arms off of me walking away a few steps. "Babe please."

"No. I don't want to get in the car! I. I can't do this right now..". I wipe my tears away and run off to my car as Lizzie yells after me. I get into my car and drive off.

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