Part 74

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I yawn walking back downstairs in Lizzies small two story air bnb house. "Did you read him a book?" Lizzie smiles as I walk back over to the couch.

"Yea, he wouldn't let me leave until I read to him. He's asleep now" I laugh as she pulls me onto the couch.

"I've missed you.. even though it's only been a little over a week" She sighs nuzzling her face into my chest.

"I missed you too. And I'm gonna miss you so much when we leave" I plant a kiss on her head.

"I don't want you to leave" Lizzie looks up at me pouting.

"I know I wish I could stay but.. I don't want Ryan to fire me. As much as that man loves me, I'm pretty sure if I miss too many more days he'll fire me" I sigh holding Lizzie tightly as she nuzzles her face back until my chest.

"I know it's ok my love" She scoots up kissing my cheek gently. I smile sadly at her then look off to the side. "Babe?" Lizzie places one hand on my cheek making me look back at her. "What's wrong?"

"Are we gonna be ok? When I go back? When you're finally done filming? I've.. never done this and I'm just really nervous.." I sigh, Lizzie turns from between my legs now facing me. She grabs my face softly and presses her lips onto mine.

"Y/n my love, we will be ok I promise" She kisses my nose gently.

"You promise?" I look at her sadly sticking my bottom lip out.

"I pinkie promise beautiful, just because we are apart doesn't mean my love for you is going to go away. Or change in anyway, I'm always gonna love you no matter how far apart we are" Lizzie wraps her arms around my neck kissing me lovingly. "I love you ok?"

"I love you too, thank you.. I love you so much and I never wanna loose you. I will love you forever and always, no matter what" I smile and then kiss her softly. I wrap my arms around her lower back deepening the kiss. Lizzie's hands tangle in my hair as I lean forward making Lizzie lay on her back. I climb on top of her leaving kisses from her lips down to her neck and back up.

"Babe.." Lizzie almost moans as I start kissing down her neck. "B-Babe we can't! Masons here" She says gripping my shoulders having me stop kissing her neck.

I sigh kissing her lips gently, "He's sleeping princess, and I've missed you.." I slip my hand up her shirt feeling her body tense up under me.

"I've missed you too.. we'd have to be quiet" She grabs my face as I smirk down at her.

"That might be hard for you, you don't know how to be quiet my love" I laugh as she slaps my arm.

"Shut up and kiss me before I change my mind"

"Don't have to tell me twice" I smash my lips onto hers starting to unbutton her pants.

"Mommy?" I hear Mason's faint voice from the top of the stairs.

"Yea bubba?" I look over towards the stairs.

"I need help..." He says sadly.

"With what bubba?"

"I.. don't wanna say.. I'm embarrassed..."

"I think I know. Ok bubba I'm coming" I sigh sitting up and climbing off of Lizzie as she buttons her pants back up.

"Want me to come?" Lizzie checks standing up.

"Eh.. Stay down here for now, I'll tell you what happened when I come back" I kiss her softly then walk upstairs to the room where Mason will be staying in. I turn on the light to see him standing in the middle of the room with tears falling down his face.

"I wet the bed..." He sniffles as I walk over to him.

I squat down grabbing his arms, "What happened bubba?"

"I don't know... I just.. had to pee in my dream and I went pee in real life when I went pee in my dream.." He wipes the tears from his eyes with his arms.

"Aw my poor baby" I bring him closer kissing his forehead. "You don't have to be embarrassed, you had an accident is all"

"But I'm a big boy... I shouldn't pee the bed" He sniffles as his bottom lip quivers.

"You are a big boy, but even big boys have accidents and that's ok." I smile moving her hair out of his eyes. "Everyone has accidents when they're kids. I did it some when I was a kid. I'm sure Lizzie did it too, so did auntie Robin. Even Ryan and Danny!"

"They did?"

"Yea it's natural, and now you know when you have to pee in your dream wake up and go pee in reality" I chuckle kissing his nose as he smiles. "Let's get you changed and find some new clean sheets"

"Ok! I'll get changed" He walks over to his suitcase to get different pajamas.

I look around and find some clean sheets, so I quickly change his sheets and grab his dirty clothes. I set them in a pile in front of the door and walk over to his nicely made bed as he climbs into it. "Ok bubba let's get you back to bed ok?"

Mason stands up wrapping his arms around my neck hugging me tightly. "I love you mommy.. thank you for making me feel better"

"Of course my little Prince, I love you too" I give him kisses all over his face as he giggles. "Ok lay down silly"

He lays in bed smiling, "Goodnight mommy, tell Lizzie I say goodnight again too"

"Ok I will, goodnight" I kiss his forehead and walk to the door turning off the light. I grab the sheets and pjs and put them in the washer. I walk downstairs where Lizzie looks like she's drifting off to sleep. "Babe?"

"Hm? Oh hi baby" She opens her arms to me smiling.

"Maybe we should go up to bed you seem tired" I laugh as she whines.

"Carry me?" She pouts sticking her bottom lip out at me and gives me puppy dog eyes.

"Ugh. You're lucky I love you" I pick her up bridal style and walk up to our room. I lay her on the bed and lay next to her.

"Thank you my love" She giggles turning over on her side.

"Yea yea you're welcome. Oh yea Mason said goodnight again"

"What happened with him?" She asks.

"Oh.. he just had a little accident in bed. It's ok I'll clean the sheets and pjs tomorrow morning." I get under the covers as Lizzie does the same.

"Poor Mason, was he upset?"

"Yea he was but he's ok now, hopefully we're be accident free from now on" I chuckle as she smiles closing her eyes.

"You're.. a good mom.." Lizzie says I can tell she's drifting to sleep slowly.

"Thanks my love, you are too you know" I scoot cell to her wrapping my arms around her.

"Thank you baby..." She sighs happily and nuzzles her face in my neck.

"Goodnight my love" I kiss her forehead as her breathing slows.

"Goodnight.." I smile and close my eyes laying my leg over Lizzie bringing her closer to me until i finally fall asleep.

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