Part 19

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"Lizzie babe I know that sounded bad.. but I said all that stuff back in highschool! I was just a stupid kid who was in denial about being anything but straight!" I grab her arms holding onto her.

"Even me? You'd never ever date me?" She raises her eyebrows.

"But obviously you proved my high school self wrong!" I laugh nervously.

"That doesn't make me feeling better." She says pushing my hands off of her. "Is there anything else? What did you hate me before too? Got anyone else who's gonna profess there love to you!?" She huffs taking her sunglasses off and putting them on her hat.

"No no! Not that I know of..." I gulp as Lizzie scoffs turning away. "Lizzie this was years ago! Why are you so mad?" She turns around tearing up, "Lizzie..."

"I don't know! I thought maybe you'd tell me this! Instead of hearing if from the guys who's been obsessed with you since highschool!" I can sense her beginning to spiral, "I don't care that you were in denial! But I just thought this would be a funny story you'd tell me one day!"

"Babe-" I try interrupting but she continues to spiral.

"And I don't know it's just upsetting that you said that you'd turn apparently even me down? I don't even know what I'm mad or upset about anymore! I just-" I've had enough at this point. I quickly cup her face in my hands smashing my lips onto hers causing her to walk backwards into the fridge in the break room. She wraps her arm around me pulling me closer as I deepen the kiss. After a few minutes I break the kiss breathing heavily resting my forehead on hers.

"Babe, I'm so sorry. I'm sorry I didn't tell you, I'm sorry Liam is an asshole. I never meant what I said to him. When I said I would turn you down, I was definitely straight back then but if a beautiful actress like you had asked me out back then hell no I wouldn't turn you down. You're beautiful, funny, kind hearted, the sweetest person I've ever met, you make me feel safe and cared for, I could go on and on." She grabs my facing kissing me passionately.

"I'm sorry for getting mad and spiraling. I don't know what I did to deserve you..." she says a little sadly.

"Hey.." I press my lips softly onto hers, "That's my line." I smile making her chuckle. "I don't know what I did to deserve YOU"

"Copy cat." She smiles.

"Me? Never!" I laugh as she scrunches up her nose. I giggle pushing her back up against the fridge kissing her. I lift her up as she straddles me wrapping her legs around my waist.

"Hey hey ok! I will spray you two with the sink water!" Robin walks in abruptly.

I turn my head looking at her squinting my eyes at her. "You wouldn't dare."

"Oh really? You don't think so?" I shake my head as Lizzie hides her face in my shoulder. Robin smirks walking towards the sink.

"Robin, I know you wouldn't dare." I glare at her. All she does is smile at me and in one quick movement she grabs the faucet to the to the sink pointing it at us and turns on the water. "Ahh! Robin what the hell!?" She laughs evilly as she sprays us with water. "Stop it!" I yell trying to block the water as me and Lizzie join Robin I'm laughing. I put Lizzie down getting in front of her reaching for Robin, "Robin!"

"Hey what the hells going on in here!?" We all look towards the door to see our boss standing there.

"Hi!" Robin yells quickly turning off the water and putting the faucet back. Lizzie hides behind me putting her head on my back. "Um sorry about the mess heh.."

"You're so lucky you're my sister Robin! Or else I'd fire you so fast." He groans rolling his eyes.

"Hey I haven't made a mistake in awhile ok!? Would you have rather me let them keep making out in here?" Robin blurts out.

"Robin! What the hell!?" I slap her arm.

"Oh, is that little Y/n's girlfriend I've heard so much about? You know you never told me anything about her just how much you like her." He teases crossing his arms.

"Yea well I'm not sure.. if she wants a lot of people to know." I say looking down kicking the air softly.

"Well she's here isn't she?" He says confused.

"It's ok babe." Lizzie peaks out from behind me waving, "Hi."

"You're dating Elizabeth Olsen!?!?" He yells as his jaw hits the floor.

"Ryan shut up!" Robin snaps.

"Sorry sorry! But wow it's uh nice to meet you! I'm Ryan, Robins older brother." He smiles nervously.

"I'm Elizabeth but you can call me Lizzie. It makes me feel old when people call me Elizabeth" Lizzie smiles at Ryan making him fan boy.

"I can't believe this!" Ryan yells.

I laugh, "Ok ok calm down Ryan! Don't you think we should get back to work? You're out boss remember?"

"Aw come on this is the longest break we've ever had Y/n!" Robin complains making us all laugh.

"No but Y/n's right you two need to get back to work! I need to go back in the office area anyway. It was nice meeting you Lizzie!" He smiles at Lizzie waving.

"Nice to meet you two!" She says now standing next to me holding my hand.

"Now you two get back to work!" He walks out of the room.

"Ok let's go Y/n." Robin groans walking to the door.

"I'll be out in a sec." She nods leaving the room and I turn to Lizzie. I grab her face softly and smile, "Are we ok then beautiful?"

"We're more than ok, we're great!" She wraps her arms around my waist pulling me closer to her so I lean down kissing her.

"Good, I don't wanna fight.." I stick my bottom lip out sadly.

"Neither do I! But we are good I promise, I have to go now." She gives me a peck on the lips. "I'll see you later. What are you doing tonight?"

"Ugh... I'm actually going to my parents for dinner tonight. But we can have lunch or dinner tomorrow!" I smile kissing her nose.

"Oh ok, that's fine! I'm not gonna be mad at you for being with your family silly! Have fun and how about lunch tomorrow?" She smiles rubbing my back.

"I know! Well I should get back to work before I get yelled at. Sorry Robin sprayed us also." I chuckle as Lizzie laughs giving me an Eskimo kiss.

"It's ok, it was funny!" She kisses me softly then wraps me up into a hug. I wrap my arms around her tightly nuzzling my face into her shoulder swaying us back and forth.

"I never want to let you go.." I tighten my grip on her making her giggle.

"This is very nice babe but I don't want you to get in trouble! I'll see you tomorrow ok?" Lizzie says grabbing my face having me look at her. She softly kisses me and smiles as I groan.

"Ok ok fine! Come on let's go." I kiss her one more time as I grab her sunglasses from her hat. I slip them on her face smiling, I hold her hand walking out of the break room looking around to make sure no one sees Lizzie. I blow her a kiss as she leaves the cafe. I work for a few more hours then head out to my apartment to change. Once I'm changed I send Lizzie a text then drive off to my parents house.

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