Part 72

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I lay on my bed in sweats and Lizzies favorite hoodie with Mason and Teddy laying next to me. I sniff her hoodie that still smells like her, Y/n!!"

"Auntie Robin!" Mason sits up pausing the movie as Robin walks up the stairs.

"Hey Mason!" He jumps into Robin's arms as she kisses his cheek. "How're you holding up Y/n?" She checks setting Mason back on the bed.

"Fine, I miss her. It's only been two days but I miss her" I sigh leaning back on the head board.

"I know, I'm missing her too. And you're lucky Ryan loves you enough to let you have a few extra days off." She laughs sitting next to you and playfully nudging my arm. "You're gonna have to come back to work tomorrow"

"I know I know, I'll be back tomorrow" I look over at her as the movie resumes.

"Were you smelling that when I walked in?" She laughs.

"No." I look away from her crossing my arms.

"You're a horrible liar" She chuckles as Teddy gets up and walks up to her wagging his tail.

"Yea ok maybe I was, it smells like her still.." I huff looking forward at the tv.

"Let me guess you also gave her your hoodie that smells like you too?" She looks over at me while petting Teddy.

"Yes.. don't judge me" I playfully push her as she laughs.

"I'm not judging you" She shrugs smiling at me.

"It sounds like you are" I glare at her as she gets up from the bed.

"If you wanna be a hoodie sniffer than you do that" She shrugs walking towards the door.

"So you are judging me!"

"Hey Mason you hungry?" She looks at Mason smiling as he sits up.

"Hm. Yea I'm kinda hungry" He shrugs at her.

"Don't change the subject Robin!" I chime in as she laughs.

"Let's go get you food then, we'll make your mommy some lunch too while she sniffs her hoodie" She teases.

I groan, "You're annoying" I sit back rolling my eyes at her.

"Maybe, but you love me" She laughs picking Mason up from the bed. "Now you lay there and sniff Lizzies hoodie wheels we go make lunch"

"I hate you!" I yell as she walks out of the room.

"I love you too"

"Hmph. I'm gonna text Lizzie" I sigh pulling out my phone and going to Lizzie's messages. I send her a text then click off my phone. A few seconds later my phone starts ringing and it's Lizzie. "Hey babe!"

"Hey love what are you up to?"

"I'm in my room with Teddy, Robin and Mason are downstairs cooking lunch apparently" I laugh.

"Why aren't you helping?" She chuckles.

"Robin teased me about smelling your hoodie"

"Sounds like something she'd do" Lizzie laughs.

"Do I hear talking? Where are you at?" I query.

"Oh I'm at a cafe. I'm waiting for me and Paul's coffee to be done so I thought I'd call you"

"Is it better than my coffee shop?"

"We'll see"


"I'm kidding! Nothing will ever beat your cute little cafe beautiful"

"For Lizzie?" I hear An unfamiliar female voice from the other side of the phone.

"Oh that's me! Ok babe Ill call you later tonight! I love you"

"Oh ok I love you too, have a good rest of your day"

"You too! Bye love you!"

"Bye love you too" I hung up and sigh putting my face in my arms. I decide to get up and help Teddy off the bed then walk downstairs.

"Hey were you just talking to yourself upstairs?" Robin asks as I walk into the kitchen.

"Funny Robin. No I was on the phone with Lizzie" I walk over to the counter where Mason sits and give him a kiss on the cheek.

"Aw you were on the phone with Lizzie? I want to say hi to her" Mason frowns.

"I'm sorry bud she had to go before I got the chance, she'll call us tonight then you can talk to her ok?" I smile as he nods happily.

"Can we send her a video saying hi? Then Auntie Robin can say hi as well!" He says excitedly.

"Sure that sounds like a great idea bubba" I kiss his cheek making him giggle. I pull my phone out again and start recording. "Hey babe, Mason and Robin want to say hi!" I turn the camera onto Mason.

"Hi Lizzie! We miss you already! I can't wait to see you soon" Mason makes a heart with his hands smiling.

Then I turn the camera to Robin, "Hey Lizzie! You should have Y/n hurry to see you. She's resorted to sniffing your hoodies!"

"Ok that's enough outta you" She laughs as I take the camera off of her. "We love and miss you babe! Call me when you're done with filming!" I end the video and send it too her then put my phone back into my pocket.

"Hey you know that the first episode of her new show is gonna be filmed in front of a live studio audience?" Robin looks at me as she finishes up lunch.

"Wait really??" I look at her confused.

"We should surprise her mommy! We can be in the audience! Can we please!" Mason frowns giving me his puppy dog eyes.

"I love that idea bubba! You can't say anything so it'll really be a surprise" I grab him from the counter and smile.

"My lips are sealed!" He covers his mouth giggling.

"I love you bubba" I laugh kissing his head and tickling him making him laugh.

"I love you too! And you too auntie Robin" He looks over at Robin who walks over.

"I love you too" She kisses his cheek, "Now let's eat because I'm starving!"

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