Part 8

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Suddenly Robbie walks forward pushing me to the ground. "Lizzie!" He goes to grab Lizzie but I quickly sweep his feet out from under him making him fall. Lizzie runs to me helping me up. "Go inside and get Evans or Hemsworth! Now!"


I kiss her and push her towards the door,"I took self defense it's fine. Go now!" She quickly runs inside as Robbie gets up. I stand in his way so he doesn't follow her. "Look Robbie I get it you're mad but I highly doubt you're this aggressive normally! Come on we can talk about this. Like adults!" I put my hands out so he doesn't come any closer.

"What's so great about you? That's she's dumping me to date you!? We were in love,  we've been together for two years!" He yells, I remember how Danny dumped me after four years.

My anger grows more and more till I start yelling back. "Hey at least she gave you a reason!! At least she's not leaving you high and dry! Yea I don't know why she has a crush on me but she does! What with all the arguing she says you two do no wonder! That's not fun arguing over and over with the person who's supposed to make you the happiest!! So I'm sorry if while we hang out I make her happier than you do!!" I quickly shut my mouth as I see his whole face turn red from anger. "Shit. I'm dead."

He comes at me and I start panicking some, I close my eyes ready to get hit. But the I hear Evans voice. "Hey what the hell are you doing!?"

I open my eyes to see Evans and Hemsworth grabbing Robbies arms as he tries to squirm away. "Oh thank god" I sigh. Then I fell arms wrap around me from behind. I turn my head and see Lizzie with her face buried into my back.

"Let me go!!" I turn my attention back in front of me as the two Chris's drag Robbie off to his car.

I look behind me again at Lizzie, "Can I at least turn around so I can hug you back?" I feel her nod and loosen her grip around me allowing me to turn around. I wrap my arms around her holding her tightly. "Are you ok? I'm sorry this happened. We can go if you want? I can stay with you at your house or you can come over to my apartment." She moves her arms around my neck pulling me closer and puts her face in my shoulder sniffling.

After a few minutes she answers, "Um.. I want to stay a little longer.. then can I come to your apartment?"

I can't help but smile at the fact she wants to come spend the night again. I tighten the hug swaying back and forth. "Of course you can come over!"

Another few minutes pass and Evans and Hemsworth come back over to the two of you. "Hey you two ok? I've never seen Robbie like that." We let go and turn to them as Evan smiles at us.

"I'm ok. Lizzie?" I look over at her as she takes a deep breath.

"I'm better now. Thank you both and you Y/n." She smiles as she slips her hand in mine.

"That's good. I'm glad you're both ok now." Hemsworth walks over smiling, "Are you two gonna hangout for awhile then or go home?"

"We are gonna stay for a little while still." I answer smiling.

"Great! Let's get inside, I'm sure Tom and Scarlett are worried. They heard what was happening." Evans stands next to Hemsworth.

"Oh, right. I didn't mean to worry them.." Lizzie says, I bring her hand up to my lips kissing it.

"Hey it's not your fault. Let's go inside and have fun" I smile at her, she nods smiling back. We all walk back inside then Scarlett runs to us hugging Lizzie then me.

"Are you two ok!? I was scared when Lizzie came frantically running in here!" Scarlett looks from me to Lizzie. Tom then follows after hugging us.

"We are ok now, Robbies gone and hopefully will never bother us again." I sigh looking at Lizzie whos looking at the ground. A few hours later Lizzie drives you and her back to your apartment. You walk in with her and close the door. "I think I'm ready to go to bed. You can have my bed again I'll sleep out here." I kiss her forehead the go to turn on the tv when she wraps her arms around me from behind.

"Can you... sleep in the bed with me?" I feel my cheeks burn at her question.

"I-If you're ok with that then sure.. I'd like that." She let's go grabbing my hand then leads me to my room making me giggle. I hand her clothes to wear to bed then go change in the bathroom. I come back to her pulling up the bottoms while in her bra. "Ah sorry!" My face turns bright red as I cover my eyes. Suddenly I hear her chuckle and feel her body against mine as she wraps her arms around me.

"Dont apologize it's fine. You can open your eyes" my face gets hotter as I think about what I saw.

"D-Do you have your shirt on now?" I ask nervously, my breathing hitches as I feel her hot breath against my lips.

"Why don't you open your eyes and find out silly." Her soft lips press against mine as I uncover my eyes but keep them closed making her giggle. "Hey look at me."

I open my eyes making eye contact with Lizzie and smiles, "Hi"

She scrunches up her nose smiling, "Hi" She wraps her arms around my neck pulling me into a kiss. I place my hands on her sides pulling her closer to me deepening the kiss. After a few minutes I feel her smile against my lips.

I place my forehead on hers, "You Wanna go swimming?"

She moves her head looking at me confused, "Swimming?"

"In the pool my apartment complex has. No one should be there right now." I smile at her.

"I don't have a bathing suit." She raises her eyebrows at me.

"I can give you one of mine. I have two that I use back and forth." A smile forms across her lips.

"Ok, let's go swimming." I smile and go to grab both bathing suits. I hand her one of them then go change in the bathroom and wait for her on the couch. She walks out and you blush as she stands smiling at you. I get up walking over to her, "Hey beautiful. I haven't seen you in such little clothes before." I grab her hips pulling her over to me. She giggles placing her hands on my shoulders. She presses her lips onto mine again.

"Well maybe soon you can see me in no clothes at all." She bites my bottom lip as my face turns bright red and my eyes widen.

"Elizabeth Olsen! What has gotten into you!" The two of us laugh as she pushes me playfully.

"I just really like you what can I say!" A smirk forms across her lips.

"Yea? Well I really like you too." I pull her into me kissing her. "Let's go swim." She smiles taking my hand and we go down to the pool.

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