Part 36

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A month has passed and Lizzie's still shooting Sorry For Your Loss which I'm ok with because that means she gets to stay here longer. While Lizzie is out on set I sit at home with Tom who's actually really fun to hang out with. "Damn it Y/l/n!" He yells, "Why do you always win at super smash bros!?"

I laugh at his annoyance, "Because I'm better than you?" I playfully push him by the arm as he groans.

"I don't know about that. I think I'm just a little rusty." He pouts crossing his arms.

"Rusty or not I can still kick your butt at this game." I shrug as I laugh setting down my controller. "Thanks for hanging out with me today though. You didn't have to"

"No problem, I wanted to hangout with you. I enjoy it" He smiles putting his controller down next to mine. "Oh yea are you coming to Scarlett's party tomorrow night?"

I look over at him confused, "Party? What party?" He looks over at me and covers his mouth.

"Shit was I not supposed to tell you!? Scarlett said she invited Lizzie so I assumed she invited you too!" Tom leans forward running his hands through his hair.

"Hey it's fine, I'll talk to Lizzie about it when she comes over after work." I rub his back reassuringly.

"Ok" He chuckles nervously, "I wouldn't be surprised if I wasn't supposed to say anything and I did because I do that a lot" He rubs the back of his head nervously and sighs. "When is she getting here after work?"

"Uh.." I pick my phone up from the table clicking it on to see the time. "She said around four so in like an hour."

"It's already three!? Crap, I'm sorry i have to go home and clean up then call my mom." He groans standing up from the couch.

"It's ok don't apologize. I'm glad we got to hangout for a few hours." I smile as we walk towards the door. "I'll see you later!"

"See you later!" He waves as I open the front door and watch him walk down the hallway waving back.

A little over an hour later Lizzie knocks at the door so I get up and open it. She immediately throws her arms around my neck kissing me passionately. "Hey babe! How was your day with Tom?"

"It was fun, what about you? How was work?" I grab her hips bringing her into my apartment and closing the door behind her.

"It was good, a little stressful but it's ok. I'm glad I'm here with you now!" She scrunches her nose cutely and gives me Eskimo kisses.

"I'm glad you're here too! I missed you" I smile softly as I put my forehead on hers. Does she not want me to go to the party?

"Babe?" She cups my cheeks in her hands having me look at her, "Are you ok? You seem sad?"

"I'm Fine really.." I lean forward kissing her gently. She smile and walks into the kitchen, "Hey what are you doing babe?" I ask as I follow her into the kitchen.

"I'm gonna make us dinner tonight beautiful." She turns around to face me, "No buts! It's happening!" She turns around starting to gather up some things to cook as I stand silently in the kitchen.

Does she not want me there? "Babe?" Why wouldn't she tell me? "Can I talk to you about something?" Maybe she wants to have fun with her friends without me for once. We're together all the time maybe-

Suddenly I feel Lizzie's warm hands on my cheeks taking me away from the intrusive thoughts happening in my head. "What's wrong? You look upset! Are you ok? Are you sick?" She puts her hand on my forehead as I shake my head.

"No I'm not sick babe, but uh.. why didn't you tell me about the party? Do you not want me to come with you?" I ask sadly as she looks at me confused.

"What party?" She tilts her head slightly as she asks still confused.

"Scarlett's party, tomorrow night?" I furrow my brows at her.

"Scarletts party?..." She stands there deep in thought for a moment before gasping, covering her mouth. "Oh my god! I totally forgot about that! Wait it's already tomorrow!?" I nod silently, she scans my face then puts both hands back on my cheeks. "Is that why you're upset? You thought.. I didn't want you to go with me?"

"Yea.. I mean Tom told me about it earlier and I was confused on why you hadn't said anything about it.." Lizzie pulls me into her giving me a hug.

"Of course I want you to come with me! I'm so sorry I forgot to tell you! Hell I forgot about the party all together! Its been so busy and stressful at work the party was the furthest thing from my mind." Her hold around me tightens as I hear her voice waver trying not to cry.

"Hey don't cry! It's ok i understand!" I hear her take a few deep breathes, "I'm sorry you've been so stressed, you know you can tell me and I'll help."

"I know! I've been just a little all over the place the past week." She sighs nuzzling her face into my neck. "I think the party will be a nice distraction, and of course I want you there! I want you with me all the time."

"I feel the same way.. I want to be with you all the time, all day every day." Lizzie pulls back smiling the pulls me into a loving kiss.

"I'm glad you feel the same way bub! Now I should get started on dinner" she kisses my cheek then walks back over to the fridge.

Maybe my moms right. Maybe it's time to tell her, "Lizzie?"

"Yes my love?" She looks over at me smiling.

"Uh.. I love you." I smile nervously.

"I love you too silly" She blows me a kiss then turns back to the fridge. God damn it why can't I tell her? I lean back on the counter sighing as I stare at the ground. How will she react to Mason being my son not my brother?

Thoughts on that being the secret? 🤔

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