Your biggest mistake my love• TH

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Summary: what the title says

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Summary: what the title says...
Warnings: swearing, angst, mentions of love and hate, mentions of blood, graphic, mentions of death, character death, I don't want to spoil too much.
Pairing: knight!tom x knight!reader (y'all are from enemy kingdoms)
Word count: 1.1k
A/n: I'm not going to lie, this is hella dark for my kind of writing, if you're not into that then I wouldn't read it! Thank you.

Your pov:
The thunder roared in the skies above, the sounds of lightning cackling like a witch standing next to her cauldron. The metal of your armour clunked together with every gallop your horse made as you rode closer and closer to the kingdom of Kingston.

King Harrison Osterfield had his coronation only days ago and had already vowed to his kingdom that he was to take your noble kingdom, Kensington, that you served. Your Queen Grace James was not standing for it. She sent you over on your steed to declare mercy for your kingdom, before she would unleash war on their kingdom.

You couldn't tell if it were the rain or just your salty tears that were sliding down your face anymore. The love of your life, head knight of Kingston, Tom Holland will be sent to kill you once they find out you had entered their 'wealthier land', he was loyal to his king, you knew this, just like he knew you were loyal to your queen.

It was only a matter of time now before Tom would appear on his horse from the shadows. You had already heard the whispers of the townsfolk as they muttered about your arrival, and only the lord knows how quickly gossip gets around this time.

You approached the castle walls and climbed off of your horse. The atmosphere had shifted, something darker had changed the way your heart thumped in your chest.

"Why'd she send you?" Your heart clenched as you heard his voice, the voice you swore you'd listen to every night. But something in your head was screaming betrayal.

"Because I'm the best of the best Tommy. But I'm not here to fight. I'm just here to kindly tell your king to back off our land" you smiled falsely, though your statement was nothing but the truth.

"You mean the land that was his grandfathers before his dad gave it to you guys? He's just taking back what's his. And it'll do you lot some good no? You guys are.. how do I say this nicely.. more on the poor side.. no?" He smirked, your fists clenched around the sword handle that was tucked away nicely, just behind your waist.

"One day Thomas, Kensington will be one of the richest kingdoms in London. I promise you that. Now why don't you let go of your sword?" You nodded, letting your eyes wander to the sword that he was also clinging onto for dear life. His body was covered in the finest metals from Kingston blacksmith, yours was made by your finest as well sure, but it wouldn't save you from anything fatal.

"Why don't you let go of yours?" He asked, his head tilted up slightly, the rain drops fell rapidly on the both of you, making his curls fall over his forehead.

"Because I'm scared" you admitted in a small voice, you saw a twinkle in his eyes before he pulled out his sword with a smirk.

"As you should be my love" he nodded, the metal of your sword scabbard hissed against the metal of your sword as you pulled it out quickly.

He was first to strike, the harsh sound of the swords hurling towards one another as you fought in this battle against one another. The wind howled around you, the thunder crashed like waves in the sky as the lightning danced around it.

"Fuck" you screamed, hitting his sword harshly, managing to knock it out of his hand, you acted quickly, bringing the sword to his neck and pushing his body to the stone walls of the magnificent palace in front of you.

Your lungs heaved for oxygen as sweat and rain dripped down your face. His chest continued to rise and fall with every breath he sucked in, his jaw clenching as he looked down at you ever so slightly his eyes possessed with sin and wickedness.

"Do it" he urged, your sword dug into his flesh and you watched the blood begin to trickle onto the metal. You released him from where he stood, throwing the sword to the ground in a fit of rage.

"I can't do it" you whisper, not daring to turn around and look into those eyes again. Afraid that ,as if he were medusa, you'd freeze into stone.

"Why not?" He asks, though you know he knows the answer, you don't want to bring yourself to admit it.

"You already know Thomas. Don't be an arse" you spoke, loudly over the rain that was still crashing down on the both of you.

"Say it." He whispered lowly, you felt the warmth of his body trap you in his embrace, his left hand sat firmly on your waist. His breath tickling the shell of your ear.

"Fuck, fine Thomas. You want to know why?! It's because I fucking love you okay?! I can't bring myself to kill you! I'm so fucking in love with you!!" You shouted, turning around and looking up into his eyes. Thought this time you couldn't find what emotion lay deep within them.

Your eyes glistened with tears and a sharp wince left your throat as you felt the blade of his sword piercing through the skin of your lower abdomen. You looked down as he pulled the blade from your body, instinctively placing your hand over the new wound. Blood spilled from your body, the rain washing it away as if it were only a simple nose bleed.

Your eyes met his as your knees gave way, buckling as they hit the muddy ground. Your breaths were staggered now, your chest heaving for the oxygen your body craved. Grunts and whimpers tumbled out of your mouth as you felt the world slowly crumble away from your senses.

"That was your first, and last mistake my love. Your biggest mistake" he spoke, though it all sounded muffled and blurry. Even the cackling sounds of thunder and lightening were fading as you stared into his emotionless eyes. As the world slowly caved in, and it all turned to black.

Ooooooh that was intense and depressing. Inspired and had to write it, fluffier one will come next so I apologise for this angsty one!

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