Guilty sugar baby• Mob TH

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Summary: you used to work as a stripper until Tom bought you to be his sugar baby, but you don't like asking him for things..
Warnings: suggestive themes, swearing, rich talk idk, fluff, reader is in mid period? Short.
Pairing: mob!tom x ex- stripper!reader.
Word count: 0.7k

Your POV:
"Hey Tommy" you smiled, watching your boyfriend walk into your shared room. You and your boyfriends history was a little different to the others.

You were dating the infamous mob boss Tom Holland, and he had originally bought you from your old stripping job, and you were to be his 'sugar baby'. Though you didn't know why he chose you. You felt guilty whenever anyone bought you something and you could never bring yourself to cal him 'daddy', but to be fair you were 20 years old and he was 25, but that's the only thing.

After a while you both caught feelings for each other and decided to try dating, but Tom still loved to spoil you, every time he would see your eyes light up when you saw something you liked it would go into the cart, no matter how much you told him that you didn't need it. He would spend all of his money on you if he could.

"Hey sweetheart, I want you to come to the meeting room in 10 minutes, that alright?" He asked, crouching down beside the bed that you were lying on, and you quickly tried to go back to the Home Screen as you were thinking of buying yourself a new summer dress, with your money.

"Yeah sure" you said quickly, hoping he would just leave, because you knew that he saw what you were looking at, just by the look on his face.

"What are you looking at doll?" He asked, a smirk present on his lips, you rolled your eyes and showed him the summer dress that was put into your cart, with your old card information, so you could buy it.

"You got the card information wrong darling" he spoke as he snatched the phone off of you. You tried to fight him to get it back.

"No no, I have money, let me just buy this one thing" you frowned. Trying to reach for your phone, but it was too late.

"Nope, love it's on its way, it'll be here tomorrow, remember anything you want I buy it, that's why I'm here. Now let's go down stairs" he nodded, making you groan and stand up.

"Wait Tommy! Stop" you said, grabbing his hand and making him turn back around to face you.

"Your money's not just why I'm here, not at all, I'm here because I love you" you said, giving him a small smile, because you didn't want him to think like that. No way.

"I love you too. Now come on, let's go" he smiled, placing a hand on the small of your back to guide you out of your room.

"Right so what's the fucking problem?" Tom asked, slamming his hand down on the table. You felt like you had been in the meeting for hours, while they all talked about something to do with docks and land or something.

"We bought those docks about 6 years ago! And you're telling me that Harper's mob is trying to take it? Get a hold of our men and send em down" he spoke.

You loved watching your boyfriend at work, you were sat next to him while he sat at the head of the table. He was always so serious and you didn't get to see this side often but you always found it so sexy.

His jaw was clenched, he was pissed. His curls were sadly tamed and his suit jacket covered all of his muscles, though some were still flexing through. You subtly bit your lip and clenched your thighs together, you were on your period but you were allowed to be horny.

"Boss most of our men are in York right now wi-"

"I don't care!! Just get as many of our men as you can on the docks tonight! Meeting over, get out of my sight" he spoke, and when no one moved: "right fucking now" he finished, making everyone else stand and walk out.

"Thank god, C'mere love" he cooed, taking your hand and pulling you onto his lap.

"That took forever" he groaned, nuzzling his head into your neck, placing a few kisses there while you tried to untame his curls by playing with his locks.

"I know love, I know. But now, we can go back up to bed and nap" you nodded, kissing his forehead.

"Mmm I love you" he hummed, his low voice was hoarse and tired.

"I love you too" you smiled.


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