Beauty and the Beast• Mob TH (Part 2)

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Summary: part 2!
Warnings: character death, character almost death, swearing, fluff, angst.
Word count: 1392
Side note, I apologise for making Haz look crazy in this 😭

Your POV:
There was something sweet. And almost kind, but he was mean and he was coarse and unrefined. And now he's dead and so unsure.

You wonder why you didn't see it there before.

You had to admit you had a lovely day with Tom, you had spent a lot of time in the library, and he invited you into the garden for lunch with him and his dog, you had spent a couple days here, and now you were sat for dinner.

His maids had made you both soup, with a lot of cutlery, that his staff had told him to use to impress you with his 'charm', but he was confused, and so you made it easier, lifting the bowl to your lips like you did as a kid and drinking the soup from the bowl.

He chuckled and followed along with your antics, drinking the soup from the bowl, which led to you two sitting on the couch and watching your all time favourite film, 'beauty and the beast', you marvelled at the scene where belle and the beast danced in the ballroom, it was your favourite scene.

Tom noticed this, "you wanna do that?" He asked, making you look back at him, eyes wide.

"What?" you scoffed with a wide grin on your face that you couldn't deny. Which he just shrugged at.

"My mum left this pretty dress behind, but it's not as yellow as hers, it's more gold, and uh, I have a dance room, not as glamorous as that obviously, because magic doesn't exist in this world, but yeah, we could dance?" He shrugged, making you bite your lip and nod, which he smirked and returned your nod, but first you were gonna finish watching the film.

"I didn't think she'd actually say yes!!" Tom groaned, he wasn't disappointed he was just shocked.

"Mate you'll be fine, just let the curls lose, put on your best charm, and fix that damn tie!" Tuwaine, his right hand man chuckled, pointing at the tie that was crooked on toms suit, Tom smirked and chuckled too, actually fixing it.

The maids helped you fit into the dress, it was stunning, it sparked against the lights, your hair was curled, instead of looking like an infuriating mafia boss, you actually thought you looked pretty.

"You ready darling, ugh, you look stunning" the maid said, she really was lovely.

"Y-yeah, it's just a dance" you shrugged, acting as if it were nothing, though deep down you've never been so happy, you were even sure you were falling for the beast.

"Oh honey it isn't just a dance" she chuckled, making you turn to her in confusion.

"I've not seen the master so happy in years darlin', he's been cold and heartless for years, but since he found you properly again, he's not been able to wipe off that love-sick grin off his face" she rambled, making your eyes widen. Love sick?

You stood at the top of his stairs, fixing any last minute imperfections on yourself before you heard slow footsteps, which you looked up, there he was.

He stood at the bottom of the stairs, blindly fixing his cuff links as he stared at you in 'awe', you smirked weakly and made your way down the stairs to meet him.

"Darling- I- you look... you look stunning" he stuttered, making your smirk widen as you gained power over him.

He noticed this and shook himself, holding his arm out to you which you accepted, as he led you through to the ball room.

The music played loudly as soon as you entered, laughing quietly as you noticed it was the song 'beauty and the beast' he returned your chuckle.

You both started dancing, he rocked your bodies side to side to the music, little did you know his closest staff were watching from the outside.

"Seriously love, I meant it you look beautiful" he nodded, which you tilted your head to the side, "not that you don't look beautiful usually, you're just shining tonight" he smirked.

"Well, you look handsome yourself Tommy" you whispered, your faces growing inches closer to each other's, he smirked at the nickname that you had given to him in nursery. Your heart was beating rapidly as your bodies slowed, your faces getting impossibly closer.

Your lips were inches apart, until a gun was shot, making your bodies jump back, Tom pulled out his gun from his holster and pointing it into the darkness outside the small ballroom.

"Stay close to me peaches" he whispered, noticing you lack of protection, and he knew you couldn't stay alone. So you nodded you head and slowly followed him.

Until Harrison appeared from the darkness with a gun also pointing at Tom, in which the both of you gasped.

"Y/n, I'm gonna make this real easy for you" he said, not taking his eyes off of Tom. "Come with me, marry me, and I won't kill a single soul tonight" He finished.

"Are you fucking crazy?!" You asked, tears welling your eyes as you gripped on toms left muscle.

"Maybe" Haz smirked, taking the safety off his gun.

"Stand down Harrison!" Tom almost growled, doing the same, and clicking off the safety of his own gun.

"Stop it! Both of you, Haz, don't kill Tom okay, please don't do this, I can't marry you" you choked, unable to hold back your sobs now.

Harrison had tears in his own eyes too, "you'll learn how to love me one day" he said, firing the gun, You didn't see where it went, because another shot was fired, hitting Harrison right in the chest, and he collapsed to the ground, but you didn't care about that.

You rushed to Tom, finding the bullet had landed in his right shoulder, the wound was bleeding bad, his white shirt covered in his own blood while he choked, he tried balancing but failed as he collapsed to the floor.

"Fuck no, Tom please, stay with me please" you choked, unbuttoning his shirt to see to the wound. "Help me please!" You shouted.

You heard the servants gasp and rush away, which you prayed they were getting some help.

"You can't leave me Tommy please, not now, I can't lose you" you cried, you looked at him, he wasn't sad, he managed a weak smile, cupping your cheek lightly.

"Thank you" he choked, tucking a piece of stray hair behind your ear.

"For what?" You sniffed, hearing the maids and his men rush into the room.

"For teaching me how to love again" he sighed, before he let his eyes flutter shut, making you cry harder, "Tom please, I love you too, don't go" you cried.

His men took him out of the room, but you couldn't bare to follow, instead you stayed on the ground for a little while, you didn't want to risk seeing him dead when you just saw him alive.

Once Tom had been assisted too the maids came back to the ballroom and found you in a ball, calming yourself down, and they told you he was okay, alive but asleep.

When Tom next woke up he felt a shaking hand hold his tightly, he didn't need to open his eyes to know whose it was, so instead he smiled, giving her hand a quick squeeze.

"Shit Tommy oh my god" you sighed, kissing his hand all over.

"So you love me too?" He smirked, opening his eyes, though your cheeks were stained and your eyes were puffy, he still found you beautiful.

"Shut up Thomas" you scoffed, burying your head in your hands.

"I love you" he whispered, smiling sweetly at you, sweetly, but weakly.

"I love you too" you nodded, and you were truthful.

"Then that's all I need to know" he said before wincing as he sat up, lifting his hand and cupping your cheek before pulling you in, your lips collided with his in a lazy but passionate kiss.

He broke it after a minute, feeling your tears wet his cheeks, he glided his thumb against your cheek, wiping it off before connecting your lips again.

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