Crumble• sad/ fluffy (AU) TH

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^ when I tell you I was wheezing at this photo for an hour..
Summary: cop!tom, he gets a call at work saying police are needed at a burning building sight, only did he realise when he got there that his girlfriend was in the building that was crumbling to the ground.
Warnings: swearing, fluff, sad
Word count: 1357

Your POV:
I was stood in the kitchen, making soup for dinner since I really could not be assed making anything special. My boyfriend Tom was working on the night shift tonight so he wasn't staying over tonight. We hadn't moved in together yet, we were still figuring that part out.

I stirred the soup slowly, making sure it wouldn't burn (yes soup burns, like sticks to the bottom of the pot it's happened to me before)

I heard my phone going crazy and it was giving me a headache so I walked over to it, knocking over my bottle vodka in the process. The liquid falling onto the flames, sending them shooting up into the ceiling.

I looked up at the monstrous flames, dancing in the colours of orange and red. "Shit!" I cursed, I ran over to the fire extinguisher, but it was jammed, smoke was quickly filling my apartment. I ran back over to my phone and dialled 911

"Hello?" Someone across the line said. "Hello?! I need firemen!" I said through the line, the smoke now entering my lungs, making me cough. "Alight where's your address?" She asked me, while I walked through the apartment to reach my door.

"It's 156 (made up road)" I answered. I made my way back over to the door noticing I couldn't get through as the fire had rapidly spread crossing over the exit. "Fuck" I cursed, running back upstairs, tears brimming my eyes, my throat spluttering.

"Miss please tell them to hurry, I can't escape, the fire had spread downstairs and I can't get out!" I panicked. "Alright miss, can you try finding a window maybe? They're on their way now." She asked.

"Yeah okay" I said, my coughs interrupting. I walked into my room, the floor next to the window had collapsed, the orange flames shooting through.

"No I can't, there's no way out" I choked. "They'll be there any second miss just hold on!" She soothed. "My head feels funny" I whispered. My throat scratching. "Ignore it miss l/n, stay awake for me" she tried.

"Fuck. Miss, please tell Tom I love him, so so much. Thomas Holland. You guys record these things right?" I asked, coughs interrupting each word.

"Yes we do, but you can tell him in person yourself" she soothed. I ignored her comment, tears falling down my cheeks as the room got darker with smoke, the room heating up. "Thomas is you get this then it means I'm gone. I'm so sorry, I should've been more careful. I love you so much, so fucking much. Gah" I screamed as I felt my chest clench, trying to find oxygen. "Miss I can't hold on any longer. I'm sorry" I choked before my eyes fluttered shut. My fingers letting go of the phone in my hand, and my body falling limp backwards.

"Y/n?!" I heard the lady shout before I succumbed to the darkness.

Toms POV:
Tom was working away at his desk, typing on his computer, finishing off a case that he had finally finished. He turned to the side seeing the framed picture of his girlfriend next to his computer. Her bright smile making him smile from just looking at it.

"Officer Holland" his captain shouted over the precinct. "Will you come here for a moment please" he nodded. Tom stood from his chair, smiling at his fellow police officer Harrison as he walked to his captains office.

"Yes captain Downey?" He asked. "The firemen have requested you, the car will send you directions, that's all the information I got, you have to go now" Robert nodded.

Tom returned it and walked over to his desk, collecting his jacket and equipment. "Officer Osterfeild! Go with him" captain Downey shouted over. The blonde boy nodded and followed Tom out of the precinct.

The boys climbed into the car, starting it instantly, not bothering to look at the address and just following its directions. Until Tom recognised the street he was on. "Why do I know this place?" Tom asked. Haz shrugged and looked out of the window. Seeing smoke clouding into the atmosphere, fire engines parked around the building, a slight crowd around the house.

"Y/n" Tom choked, as he realised it was his girlfriends house. He halted the car and instantly opened the door, sprinting over to the house.

"Give me the fucking uniform now" he shouted to the cheif. "Thomas, wait, we will just wait a second" he nodded.

"She's still in there Tom, that's why we called, you know the house and you'll know where she is. We've done as much damage control as we can, but we are on a time limit. The house will collapse at any moment. And she won't respond" he explained.

Tom nodded, tears blinding his vision as a fireman handed him a fireproof suit.

Not hesitating to walk into the house, walking through the flames. "Y/n!!" He shouted, over the crackling noises of the fire. "Fuck" he whispered. Searching the downstairs, avoiding the obvious flames. "Baby!? It's me sweetheart please" his voice cracked. He had searched the whole of the downstairs, not finding her. He used all of his strength to run up the stairs in his heavy uniform.

Thankfully searching her room first. "Angel please! Where are you!" He coughed.. "Tommy?" He thought he heard her croak. He followed the sound and saw her.

Her limp body lay there in between the fire, smoke and ashes left all over her body, blood forming on her dainty fingers from being so sensitive. "Shit" he choked, storming over to her and picking her up bridal style. He placed a quick kiss too her forehead, noticing she was burning up.

He stormed out of her house, bringing fresh air hitting both of their faces, but she was still out. He sighed and sobbed slightly. Bringing her limp body to the ambulance. The paramedics getting on her case instantly, putting her in a gurney and connecting her to wires. "Relation?" The nurse asked. "Boyfriend of two years" he choked. Tears staining his ashy cheeks. She nodded and let him sit next to her in the van.

"Fuck baby, I'm so sorry" he choked, holding her hand and kissing the inside of her palm. And leaning his forehead against it, sobbing against her now rough, hot skin.

Your POV:
Beep beep beep.
Was the first thing I could hear. Thank god, I must have made it out alive. My eyes fluttered open slightly, a light groan leaving my lips as I tried to sit up.

"Fuck. Sweetheart, you alright?" Tom asked. "Yeah yeah, I'm alright Tommy" I croaked, my eyes fully open now. He looked awful. His skin was ashy, skin was red, his under eyes redder, his eyes bloodshot, hair a mess, his cheeks were stained with tears.

"You don't look so good" I chuckled lightly. He returned it and shook his head, kissing my knuckles lightly.

"Thank god I got there when I did my darling, you've got to be more careful." He sighed. "I know Tommy, I'm sorry" I nodded.

"Don't be sorry, just promise not to burn down my apartment." He chuckled.

"What do you mean?" I asked, my eyebrows furrowing. "My love, your house burnt down, it came crumbling down minutes after I got you out." He sighed.

"You saved me?" I asked, tears brimming my eyes again. "I did, they couldn't find you" he nodded. "My hero" I choked with a smile, opening my arms. He followed my request and hugged me tight.

"As long as you're with me Angel you're not gonna be in any trouble again" he cooed, kissing my head.

I survived because the fire inside me burned brighter than the fire around me.

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