Mine.. only Mine• fluff TH

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Requested: you guys really wanted a mob! Tom, so here you go :)
Summary: you and Tom are partners in crime, nothing more then best friends, but your method of getting a guy to pay you doesn't seem to impress Tom.
Warnings: swearing, mentions of death, sexual themes, fluff
Word count: 1475

Your POV:
"Just through there" Tom said, pointing at the basement door, opening it for me.

So here's the backstory.. Me, Tom and Harrison have been friends since we were all 3 and well, I was 2. We had grown up together, training for the mob as we grew. And finally, once Tom turned 18 he was given his fathers mob, leaving the three of us in charge of the Royal Mafia. That's what we called ourselves as we didn't bother using all of our names in the title, plus the two boys tended to always call me Princess, we decided it was a suitable name for it.

The three of us were very close, yet big surprise, I had a huge crush on Tom. We always jokingly flirted, yet it felt real, and would often steal glances at each other, but again, big surprise I was too scared to admit my feelings, yet I could blow someone's head off easy peasy.

Anyway, here we are 7 years later, he was 25 and I was 24, and this dick owed us money, whom was waiting at the bottom of me Tom and Harrison's shared basement.

"Won't talk huh?" I whispered in toms ear. "Not a word" he whispered back, guiding my over to the bloke tied up in the chair.

"Well well, hello there Alec is it?" I said softly, my English accent thicker as I spoke lowly.

"Y-yes ma'am" he said nervously. "Don't be shy now sweetheart, unlike this scary man behind me, I won't bite" I smirked, now straddling the man in the chair.

"I-I" he stuttered, but I interrupted him, "shshsh, now, Alec, I'm pretty sure you owe us money don't you?" I asked softly, tilting his chin up with my fingers. "Yes ma'am" he gulped.

"Mhm, you gonna give it back to us the easy way? Or do I have to get bad cop over here involved?" I asked lowly. "I'll get it to you tomorrow, I promise" he choked.

"Good, but remember, if you don't, then I will find you darling, I promise you that" I smirked, raising myself from his lap and cupping his cheek so he would look at me. "Is that understood?" I asked, tilting my head. "Yes" he whispered. "Good, you may go" I said untying the boy and watching him leave with a limp.

Once the boy was away I turned around and came Inches away from toms face. He was tense, his arms folded, his tongue poking the inside of his cheek, eyebrow slightly raised and his breaths rugged.

"You okay Tommy?" I asked with a smile. "What the fuck was that Princess?" He asked sternly. "Works every time" I smirked before turning in my heel to the basement stairs. "What do you mean 'every time'?" He asked, following me to the stairs.

"You've not done that before have you?!" He asked, now following me up the stairs. "Why do you care Tommy?" I asked with a smirk. "I don't, but you can't just seduce men into giving us our money!" He declared.

"Just because you can't seduce" I giggled, opening the door, and walking into the hallway. Yet I didn't get very far as I felt Tom push me against the wall.

Both of his hands firmly placed against the wall, trapping my face between his arms, his head turned to look down the halls, to see if anyone was nearby. My breath hitched in my throat as he turned his head to me. He smirked and licked his lips, catching his bottom lip in his teeth, his eyes skimming my body up and down. Once his eyes met mine again he leaned in, his breath fanning the shell of my ear, his lips gently skimming my ear.

"I can seduce Princess, make girls weak in the knees, make em beg, make em cry for me, make em scream. So don't say I can't seduce angel" he listed, moving one of his hands and brushing his index finger on my cheek. "Because I could have you on your knees if I wanted to" he said lowly. Before backing away from me, walking off to the stair case and walking up the stairs. I watched him the whole way up, holding in a breath that I forgot about.

I finally breathed out when he was out of my sight "fuck" I cursed, as I felt myself aroused.

"I got the moneyyy!" Tom sang as me and haz heard the door closed. Tom walked into the kitchen meeting me and Haz while we finished off our dinner.

"You know what that means!" Haz said. "POKER!" I finished.

You see me, Tom and Harrison all had a tradition, when we did something successful, like get money back, kill off an enemy yada yada, we celebrate by playing poker.

"I'd love to play boys but I can't bare to lose anymore money at the moment" I giggled, putting my plate in the sink. "But it's tradition Princess" Harrison groaned.

"Tell you what y/n" Tom smirked, oh dear. "What?" I said suspiciously.

"Why don't we play strip poker?" He asked. My eyes widened. I mean, we had all seen each other naked before, long stories, but it was just a quick glimpse.

"What?" I laughed. "Yeah, what?" Harrison scoffed.

"Oh come on, it'll be fun" Tom laughed. "Cluck. Cluck" he mocked. Making chicken noises. "Fine!" I gave in.

Worst, yet best, decision of my life.


It had gotten down to this:

Tom was in his boxers and joggers.
Harrison was in his shirt, boxers and joggers.
And I was in my panties and shirt.

I took off my bra underneath my shirt, to try and keep some form of clothing over my breasts.

"I'm out" Harrison sighed, placing his cards face down on the table. "And I'm going to bed, carry on without me" he yawned before picking up his socks and walking out of the dining room.

"Well unlike Haz, I'm all in Princess" Tom smirked, pushing his tokens to the middle of the table. "I'm all in too" I smirked, I've so got this, I thought to myself.

"Ladies first" he raised his eyebrows. I sighed and placed the card on the table for him to see. His face was shocked. Had I won?!

Oh no, his shocked face turned into an evil smirk as he slowly placed his card on the table. He won. "Shit" I whispered.

"Mhm, titty time" he smirked, leaning back in his chair, his abs and muscles flexing as he crossed his arms over his chest, wetting his lips.

I sighed and stood up from my chair. I crossed over my arms, taking the end of my shirt in my hands and lifting it over my body.

"Fuck me, you're even more gorgeous than I ever imagined" he scoffed. My eyebrows furrowed.

"Imagined?" I asked. He nodded and stood from his seat, walking around the table, his smooth finger tips holding my waist, pulling me closer. "Pictured it so many times Princess. I'm sorry I didn't tell you sooner but fuck." He paused, looking at my breasts for a moments. "I like you so much" he scoffed.

"Thank fuck" I scoffed back as I smashed our lips together. He groaned into the kiss, my tongue sliding into his mouth. Our tongues battled for dominance, but he won. His hand reaching up and palming my naked breast. I moaned lightly into the kiss, making him smirk against my lips.

He was the one to break the kiss and press our foreheads together. "You've got no idea how badly I wanna carry on love, but, I want to take you out properly, don't wanna fuck anything up. Not with you." He says, slightly out of breath.

"Hmm, that sounds nice." I hummed. He pulled away and placed a kiss on my forehead before moving over and grabbing my top. "Here, put this back on before I take it back and do carry on" he chuckled. I returned it and pulled the top back over my head.

"I think we should call it a night darling, but, I'll pick you up from your room say about 2?" He smirked.

I returned the smirk and wrapped my arms around his neck. "Sounds perfect" I hummed, he chuckled lightly before pecking my lips again. "Go get rest love, you'll be needing it for tomorrow" he winked.

"Goodnight Tommy" I whispered, turning around and walking out the dining room, walking to my room.

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