Not my Peter• uh. Idk PP

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Summary: idk what to say without spoiling the whole thing... uh.. title?
Warnings: swearing, slight smut, fluff, fighting, could be classed as dark peter ig.
Word count: 1960

Your POV:
I lay in bed next to my boyfriend Peter, it wasn't quite morning yet, sometimes I just woke up in the middle of the night. I looked up at my handsome boy and smiled, I leaned up and kissed his cheek gently.

"You missed babygirl" I heard him croak. I rolled my eyes playfully and kissed his lips. He kissed back weakly. "Goodnight sweetheart" he whispered.

"Goodnight baby" I smiled. Letting my eyelids fall shut. Sleep taking me away.

I woke up the next morning. Peter held a tighter grasp on me, spooning me from behind. I turned over to the boy, he looked a little stressed. I kissed the tip of his nose, which seemed to loosen him up, his eyes fluttering open, and a smirk tugging on his lips.

"Morning Princess" he croaked, leaning in and kissing my lips. My eyes widened at the sudden gesture. "You okay?" I giggled.

"Yeah. 'M just happy you're mine" he sighed, kissing my forehead and climbing out of bed. "You want breakfast in bed?" He asked. I nodded my head, "mmm please" I hummed.

"I'll be right back babe" he nodded, leaving the room, heading to the compounds kitchen.

He came back minutes later with two slices of toast and orange juice on a tray. "You didn't get yourself anything?" I asked, taking the tray gratefully and eating my toast. "You'll see what I'm about to have in a minute" he said, licking his lips, his eyes scanning over my body.

"Okay?" I giggled. Finishing off my toast. I sipped at my orange juice. Getting to about half the glass when Peter moved the tray onto the floor. He came back up and kissed my lips. "You sounds delicious right now" he smirked. Kissing down my neck.

"Gonna have you for breakfast angel, would have you for every course of the day, but this will do for now" he shrugged.

After our weird start to the day, Peter had continued being like this. Whether it was while I was in the kitchen making soup for later, he would grab my boobs from behind, placing a sloppy kiss on the back of my neck. Or helping Tony build new suits for the crew he'd give my ass a playful grab, Tony returning my questioning glance.

This went on for a few days, it now being the third day and currently the horny boy was laying on top of me, kissing my neck again, his hands quickly moving down to the waistband of my leggings, and that's where I stopped him. "Hey Pete?" I asked. He hummed in response, still marking me up. "Can I talk to you a sec?" I asked. I felt him nod against my skin before he sat up.

"W-what's um, what's gotten into you?" I asked, chuckling lightly. "What do you mean?" He asked, retuning my chuckle. "Well you're I don't know, hornier than usual." I answered. "Sorry darling, just hard not to be when I've got such a beauty of girl like you" he complimented. Why is he so confident?

I walked through the compound, currently 'peter' was on a mission with Hawkeye and Natasha, this was my chance to talk to Tony.

"Mr stark?" I asked, knocking on the door. "Hey kid. Come in" he smiled.

I returned it and walked into his workshop, sitting down on a free chair. "I wanted to talk to you about Peter" I started.

"Is this about him being a horny bitch all of a sudden?" He asked. I didn't reply, my cheeks turning red and I let my head nod.

"Yeah, I don't know what's going on with him, at all." Tony nodded. I looked down at the ground, tears brimming my eyes. "M-mr stark?" I choked. Looking up at him. "I don't think that's my Peter" I finished.

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