She isn't normal •Part 3• fluffy

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Summary: Lenora and her family come back from their weekend out. You guys go to school and get picked on by gene and his bullies and arvin comes to save the day, accidentally giving you a pet name which causes Lenora to freak out. In a good way.
Warnings: fluff, angst, swearing
Word count: 741

Your POV:
School time. Yay. I stepped out of my daddy's car and entered the building. Today my outfit was skinny jeans with a black dress shirt with a bow, with my sleeves rolled up to my elbows. I was still getting glances from people hearing whispers like:
"She isn't one of us"
"She should just go back to where she came from"
"Why doesn't she just try wearing a skirt"

I ignored the comments and made my way to my first class. Which I didn't have with Lenora yet. In fact, I didn't have any classes with her today. I hadn't told her about me and arvin yet, and I'm pretty sure he hadn't told her either, since I did stress that I wanted to.

"Now class, this weeks assignment for home is advanced algebra, check for page 56" the teacher said while the whole class groaned.

The end of the day came and my last class was in the back building, therefore I had to leave through the back. I walked out the door and immediately came face to face with gene dinewood. "Hey there pretty lady, where you headin'?" He asked me. "My boyfriends" I replied. Gene scoffed and looked to the side nodding his head at someone. All of a sudden two of his minions show up.

He grabbed my wrist and dragged me over to dump behind the buses. "Get off of me!" I yelled. "Hey! Get off of her!" I heard someone shout. I looked over and saw Lenora running towards me "Lenora no! Turn around right now!" She didn't listen and tried fighting off the boys.

They were too strong. Me and Lenora both laying on the ground, gene was towering over me he placed a hand on my thigh, his touch was more rough than arvins. "Stop it, stop it please!" I tried yelling. "Hey!" I heard someone shout over. I turned my head to see my knight in shining, well, denim, arvin. "Get off of them!" He threw a good punch at gene knocking him to the ground. Genes face bloodied up as they scurried away.

"Lenora!" I shouted as I ran to her, "are you alright hun?" She was quick to nod, "what about you? I saw the way he was touchin' you?" She asked. I nodded. "I'm alright if you are" I kissed her on the head.

Arvin came over and kneeled beside me and his sister. "Are you two okay?" He asked. both of us nodding. "Are you sure pretty girl?" He asked cupping my cheek. I nodded again as he placed a kiss to my forehead. We both turned to Lenora.

Her mouth agape. Eyes wide. "WHAT?!" She shouted. My eyes widened "yeah" I said softly. She closed her mouth, before parting it again, pointing at the both of us. "You two?" She asked. We both chuckled and nodded our heads.

Lenora quickly shot up and started dancing. "YES YES YES FINALLY!" She shouted again. She took my hand and brought me to my feet and spun me around. "You're gonna be my sister in law!" She exclaimed. "Woah now, let's focus on right now" I replied.

I turned to arvin and he was just standing there smiling at us. "What?" I giggled. He just shook his head and looked down. " 'S just nice seeing my two favourite girls like this" he said. I blushed and walked over to him. I tilted his head up and hugged him.

"awwwwwwwwwwww" we heard a high pitched squeal. "Shut up I'm happy" arvin mumbled. Lenora giggled. "I'm gonna go wait in the car" she spoke again. Arvin just nodded into my neck.

As soon as Lenora was gone, he placed a light kiss onto my neck and came back up to look into my eyes. I blushed slightly and he smirked. He cupped my cheek and brought me into a sweet kiss.

"I love you angel" he mumbled into my lips. My eyes widened, before relaxing again. "I love you too Arvin" I replied. He smiled and gave me another sweet kiss.

Lenora is so me...

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