I wanna hold your hand• fluff PP

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Summary: peter is by your side as you give birth to his little boy.
Warnings: swearing, giving birth, fluff, blood.
Word count: 1350

Your POV:
My legs were currently as wide as they could be. No not in that way your dirty human! Go to church!

Currently I was in hospital, trying to push out whatever the hell was coming out of my vagina. Giving birth? Psh should be easy, surely these mums were being over dramatic. Turns out I was very wrong, imagine pushing a desk out of you and come back to me.

My husband Peter Parker. Yes spiderman. Had been by my side this whole time, letting my squeeze the god damn life out of his hand while I pushed his son out of me.

"Please please! I can't!" I screamed, sweat and tears rolling down my cheeks. My eyes were clamped shut as I felt another contraction wash over me. "Gah, fuck" I groaned.

"I know Princess, you're doing so well sweetheart" he cooed, tucking a stray hair behind my ear.

"I can't push anymore I'm sorry I just can't!" I cried, looking down at the nurse who was helping me get the baby out. "Just a few more pushes y/n. You're doing great honey" she nodded.

I groaned and tilted my head, before pushing again, my screams filling the room. "GET OUT OF ME PLEASE!!" I cried at the baby who probably couldn't hear me as it's ears were pressed against the walls of my uterus.

"He's crowning, not long now you two, you guys are gonna be parents" the nurse nodded. Peter returned it and kissed my temple. "You hear that baby doll. We are gonna be a mum and dad soon yeah, keep pushing my love, almost these I promise." He whispered in my ear.

He continued whispering sweet nothings into my ear as I carried on pushing the baby out of me. "One more push!" The nurse encouraged.

I gave one more strong push and finally the room was echoing with the sound of a baby crying, as he took in oxygen for the first time. "Oh shit" I heard the nurse say, but I couldn't bring myself to ask what was wrong as my body almost instantly collapsed to the bed, my body felt terribly weak, weaker than I thought it should have. My eyelids fluttering open and shut. I wanted to lay my eyes on what no doubt was my beautiful son, but I couldn't bring myself to do it as I felt my head grow lighter.

"Oh my god. He's so perfect isn't he love" I heard peter choke, "y/n?" He asked. That being the last thing I heard as I passed out.

Peters POV:
As soon as y/n finished pushing and the baby was out he couldn't help himself turning over to his son. He was perfect. The slight hair on his hair was dark like his, and his skin looked so soft as the nurses cleaned him up. "Oh my god. He's so perfect isn't he love" peter asked his wife. But she didn't reply, and then he noticed her hand went limp in his. "Y/n?" He turned to his wife, her eyes were closed but her breathing was rapid.

"Get me a doctor now!" The nurse that had delivered peter and y/n's baby said.

"Hey hey, what's going on? Is she okay?" Peter asked, the nurses looked at him and nodded him to come over, he furrowed his eyebrows and walked over, letting go of her hand, he never wanted to let go of that hand.

That was a lot of blood.

"Why is there so much blood?" Peter let out in almost a whisper. "I'm so sorry mr Parker. She shouldn't have lost this much blood." She said calmly.

"But she's gonna be okay right?! I'm gonna hold her hand again?!" He raised his voice slightly, his voice cracking.

"The doctor is on his way now. She'll be okay" the nurse cooed, the doctor rushed in and saw what happened, his face already beginning to panic. Roll her to room 28c now." He said sternly, leaving the room again.

The younger nurse came up to Peter, holding him and y/n's little boy, and a book. "Go to room 78b we'll put her in there when she's out of surgery, in the meantime go and spend some time with your son, if you need any help look in the book, or give me  a shout" she smiled.

Peters eyes brimmed with the water of his tears, holding his baby in his arms. "Thank you" he choked. She nodded and left y/n's two boys in the delivery room.

Peter sat patiently in your room, waiting for you. He was rocking his son in his arms, still silently crying. His baby let out some whines. "I know my little Prince, mummy will be back soon, then we'll give you a name yeah? You like the sound of that champ?" He whispered.

And then he saw it. His sons eyes opened fully for the first time, they were a bright y/e/c. Tears filled his eyes again. "Your eyes are so beautiful my boy, their the same colour as mummy's." He cooed, "and your hands are soft like mummy's. I wanna hold her hand again." He choked.

His baby joined him, sobbing with his dad. "Shh baby, don't cry, it'll only make me cry more" Peter choked, lifting his baby and connecting their foreheads. "No matter what happens next my boy, I promise you I'll look after you, I won't be the best father in the world but I promise you I'll try. I'll try for mummy, and most importantly I'll try for you" he nodded.

His baby stopped crying. In fact, a smile appeared on his face, at the same moment his mother had been rolled into their room. Peters head shot up, and he carefully placed his son in his bed. His sons giggles filling the room.

"Is she okay?" Peter asked. The nurses nodded. "She's perfectly fine, she should wake up in the next hour or so." He nodded. Peter sighed in relief placing a hand on his heart the other one wiping a tear from his cheek.

And that you did.

Your POV:
After what felt like and eternity, my eyelids finally fluttered open, a light groan passing my lips as the light had blinded me.

"Sweetheart shit!" I heard peter choke, his hand immediately grasping mine. I squeezed his hand and he squeezed back. "Is Ryan okay?" I asked.

"Whos Ryan?" Peter asked. "Shit that must have been a dream then" I chuckled. "What do you remember my love?" He asked.

I sat up, my body tensing at the pain that flowed through my body. "I remember passing out when-" I cut myself off when my eyes landed on our beautiful son. Peter was right. He was perfect.

Peter followed my gaze and looked over at his son, smiling. "You wanna meet him?" He asked, I nodded, not moving my gaze off of our son. He sat up and walked over to where he was lying, carefully picking him up, whispering sweet nothings to him as he brought over, placing his in my arms.

"Hey baby, aren't you precious" I choked, as I felt a tear slip down my cheek. "You know, Ryan is a cute name" Peter nodded. "Yeah" I asked. Peter nodded in return.

"I like it too." I smiled, the both of us looking back at our son as Peter played with my hair gently. Ryan lifted his hand up, grabbing my pinky with his whole fist.

"You wanna hold my hand huh baby?" I giggled.

"Thank you my darling" Peter whispered, kissing my temple. "For what?" I asked, furrowing my eyebrows. "For giving me a son, starting a family. With me" he nodded. "I love you both" he finished.

"We love you too." I nodded. "My two boys."

Any man can be a father.
But it takes someone special to be a dad.

Tom Holland imagines <3Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon