The nerd and the jock• TH (au)

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Summary: toms football game is the perfect opportunity for him to show the whole school who his girlfriend is...
Warnings: swearing, suggestive, fluffff, the usual.
Word count: 1137

Your POV:
A secret relationship. Sounds exiting, thrilling, filled with adrenaline maybe. Some people might think that, but you thought otherwise.

You've always been brought up to know romance to be a powerful thing, especially in high school, the holding hands, the simple pecks, walking you too classes, but after the braces came on you found that no one wanted you, you weren't sure if it was because of the braces or not, because you always loved getting different colours, to match any time of the year, summer, halloweeen even Christmas.

But now you've lost them, your teeth were perfect now, and they had been for about three months, and when you did you were finally noticed, it was strange at first, but when your old best friend Tom Holland began talking to you again, you felt normal.

He said that he had missed your smile, and that you'd always had a nice smile, but now your smile shone brighter, big surprise, the two of you have been dating for about two and a half months.

But back to the beginning, you two were dating in secret. Since you and Tom had come to school in America for a new change, he had been known as the school jock, playing football, that looked a lot like rugby, and you had been the school nerd, crushing your exams and loved to read, it sounded stereotypical, you didn't necessarily see yourself as a nerd, but you only wanted the best in life, and to do that you have to do well in school.

It was your idea to keep it secret, you didn't want to ruin his reputation for dating a nerd, and he took it well, he thought that it was a good idea, but he wanted to show you off, so he thought instead for the first few months you could see how dating goes, and if it goes well then you both come out about your relationship. And you took his compromise.

Tom <3: meet me at our spot ASAP xx

You looked down at your phone and smiled, typing back an 'ok' before walking to 'your spot' which was under the bleachers, it was quiet and no one went, a perfect place to give each other affection when it was needed during school hours.

It didn't take long to get there and find your boyfriend, in his black jeans and team jacket showing the schools colours proudly.

"Hey lover" he smiled teasingly, wrapping his hands around your waist, pecking your lips sweetly.

"Hey, you wanted to see me?" You smiled, tilting your head noticing in the corner of your eye a red bag leaning against the stone wall that held up the bleachers.

"Yeah uh, I wanted to g-give you something, for my game tonight" he said nervously, letting you go and retrieving the red bag and handing it to you.

You furrowed your eyebrows and held the handles of the bag seeing nothing but tissue covering up something heavy, or little things that added up to be heavy.

"I want you to wear this tonight at my game" he said, and you smiled, digging into the bag and pulling out a shirt that reads Holland with a big 58 underneath it, which was his team number, some matching face paint, and a matching scrunchie with a bow.

"W-what, really?" You asked, shocked that he wanted to come out like this.

"Yeah, and when I win, I want you to run onto the pitch and kiss me" he smiled bashfully, his cheeks a bright shade of red.

"If you win" you teased, biting your lip.

"No no no love, when I win" he smirked.

You lived up to his request, you wore leggings, the shirt, which was a little big but you didn't mind, the scrunchie with the bow in your hair and two lines on your cheeks with the face paint.

People gave you awful looks, or disbelieving looks, but you didn't care, because once the whistle would blow for full time you could show them all that they were wrong.

It had already passed half time, and like Tom predicted, they were ahead by 7 points, only 5 minutes left until the game would end, and your heart was beating so loudly you were sure Tom could hear it from the pitch.

He stole glances from you every now and then, smiling when he saw you were already looking at him, you could have sworn he winked at you, but you couldn't tell because of the helmet that covered his head of curls.

There were only two minutes left of the game now and you were on the edge of your seat, the other team had managed to get 5 points, only 2 points more and they'd be tied, 3 more and they'd beat toms team.

They had blown the whistle for a time out, both teams huddling together and discussing game plans for the last minute now, the away team clapped first, getting into position, then toms got ready, and they had the ball so all toms team had to do was get it to the other side of the pitch and they would win.

The whistle blew again and the ball was passed to your boyfriend, the other team tried to tackle him and get the ball, but none succeeded, you'd never seen Tom run so fast, but finally he got the ball to the end with two seconds to spare.

The crowd roared and cheered for his team, his teammates running over to pile onto him in celebration, before climbing off of him.

You saw this as your opportunity, to run onto the pitch like Tom had wanted, you got a few looks from the cheerleaders but you didn't mind, you sprinted over to the big group of boys who had now lifted up Tom like he was on a human throne.

The boys saw you and furrowed their eyebrows, but toms smile only widened which you didn't even think was possible. They put him down when Tom patted on one of their heads, and you didn't hesitate to cup his cheek and kiss him, which he gladly kissed back.

"God I love you" he said out of breath, it was the first time you guys had said that, and you were a bit in shock, but the crowd screaming louder reminded you that you were in public.

"I love you too" you smiled, connecting your lips again, which he wrapped his arm around you showing you off proudly, and he would do that for the rest of your days.

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