Period• fluff TH

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Summary: you're period rolls around and Tom is completely clueless.. need I say more?
Warnings: fluffy, blood, swearing
Word count: 1000

Your POV:
A sharp pain hit my lower abdomen, making me groan and roll over, face melting into my pillow, I clutched onto my stomach, praying to relieve some pain.

"Darling?" A soothing voice came from beside you. You turned over to see your boyfriend Tom leaning against the doorway, you looked up to him tears brimming your eyes as you felt a headache join the mix. "Are you alright baby?" He asked.

I shook my head, sniffling when I felt a tear leave my eye. He sighed and walked over and sat down on the bed, reaching his arm over to stroke my hair. "What's wrong Angel?" He whispered.

"It's shark week. And it hurts like a bitch" I whimpered. His eyes widened immediately, causing me to let out a small chuckle.

"Uh, right, that, you need anything? Those sticky things you put on your pants? Or what about those tampon things? Wait. Where do those even go?" He rambled. I didn't answer his questions until he figured out his last one. I could see the cogs turning in his brain until his eyes widened again. Looking at me before looking anywhere else.

"Oh, wait, does it feel good then? Cos you like it when you know" he lifted up his fingers. I shoved him. "Tommy" I groaned. "Right right, what do you need baby?" He asked.

I got another sharp pain and hissed at the pain. "I don't know" I cried. He leaned over and kissed my forehead. "Okay, give me one minute" he said. I just nodded and he grabbed his phone and left the bedroom.

Toms POV:
I ran out of me and y/n's bedroom, i gotta call my mum, she'll know what she needs. I lifted my phone from my pocket and dialled my mums number, who picked up after two rings.

"Hey Tom!" she shouted through the phone. "Hey mum. I'm just gonna get straight to it, uh, y/n just got her period and I feel useless, what do I do? I don't know what to give her or anything." I sighed.

"Probably should have mentioned, I'm with your dad and paddy, and your kind of on speaker sweetheart." She sighed. My cheeks grew hotter.

"Wait! Is y/n okay? Is she sore?!" Paddy's voice came through the phone. Y/n and paddy were very close friends, paddy looked to her like and older sister, so hearing she was in pain worried him. I thought it was really sweet, my little brother loving my girl almost as much as me. Not as much obviously.

"She's alright bud, she's strong remember, just a little sore from her cramps" I explained.

"Give me 5-10 minutes I'll get mum to load me up on things she needs and come over! See you soon!" Paddy said before hanging up the phone. I sighed and put my phone back in my pocket.

I decided to go make some soup for y/n, she likes tomato soup when she isn't feeling well so this is almost the same, so I'll try that for now, until paddy gets here.

Your POV:
I was still lying in bed, though I decided to turn on the tv to pass some time. I heard a knock at the door and there stood my boyfriend with a bowl of soup.

"Oh Tommy" I choked. Tears starting to well my eyes. He chuckled and walked over handing me the soup. "Why are you crying love?" He chuckled slightly again.

"Period hormones" I answered.

"Paddy is coming over, he's bringing the things my mum thinks you need." He explained. I sighed and took a spoonful of soup. "You brought your family into this?" I asked. "I'm not gonna lie baby, I am totally clueless on what to do for this period thing." He mumbled.

"It's okay" I chuckled.

I heard the door slam shut and feet padding up the stairs along the hallway, and in came paddy. "Paddy to the rescue!!" He shouted.

He came in and placed a bag onto the bed. "Go on y/n, open it." He pointed at the bag. I placed my soup down on the side table, and looked into the bag.

Inside was: chocolate, paracetamol, a small white teddy and orange juice.

My eyes slightly teased up again. "Thank you paddy" I whimpered. Paddy looked at Tom, eyes squinting a little bit as the cogs started to turn in his head.

"Why is she crying?" He whispered to his brother. "Hormones" Tom answered shrugging. I chuckled and opened up the chocolate taking a square.

"You wanna watch Thor Ragnarok with us pads?" I asked. He instantly nodded and climbed into bed next to me wrapping his arm around my shoulder. He was like a little brother to me, though he was a lot taller than me. 16 year olds are a lot taller now a days, he was even taller than his brother.

"So I have to share my girl now?" Tom chuckled. I extended my arm out. "C'mere tommy" I nodded. He shook his head and chuckled again and cuddled into my side. Resting his head on my chest. He liked to use my breasts as pillows.

Thor had just been beat up by the hulk, via cheating, when I heard light snores come from either side of me. There was paddy snoring away as he dreamt of something, his head leaning on my shoulder. And to my right was Tom slightly drooling on my top. I chuckled slightly, I was very much trapped.

I stretched my foot over to the remote, skilfully clicking the power button with my toe letting the room fall dark, the only light coming from the moonlight being the curtains.

Their snores only got heavier as I got myself comfier, sandwiched between the two. "Goodnight boys" I whispered.

Lights out.

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