Empty part 1• angst TH

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Summary: a nasty breakup. The poem, written in italics, was written by one of my dear friends Lena. Thank you for letting me use it!
Warnings: angst, swearing, emotional asf
Word count: 769
The argument is written in normal text.

I walk into my empty apartment
It's empty
Only the furniture is filling the room
It's quiet
Only my sobbing is breaking the silence
I sat down
My gaze fixed on the clock
More and more time passes since he left me

"You can't just expect me to forgive you! I see the way you look at him! It's not the same when you look at me!" Tom shouted, his eyes were red and puffy, his chest was heaving from yelling at me.

"Tom you don't understand! I love you! I love you more than anything or anyone! I don't want him! Not over you!"

"No. I'm not gonna be the one to come in between soulmates. I thought you were the love of my life. But your eyes say it all when you look at him." He sighed, rubbing his eyes with his knuckles.

"No tom, please, you are the love of my life. Please you're my soulmate!" I cried, grabbing his arm so he wouldn't leave the apartment. He shrugged me off though.

"I'll pick up my stuff tomorrow while you're at work" he mumbled, before leaving, slamming the door behind him.

"Tom!!" I screamed, my cheeks staining red with the saltiness of my tears. "Tom please" I choked, more to myself as he couldn't hear my silent sobs. My body collapsing to the floor as my legs gave in, buckling in weakness.

Everything passes in slow motion
My mind is screaming
Screaming his name
Screaming in pain
Screaming through the emptiness of my body
Through the emptiness of my heart
The heart that was filled with joy until a few hours ago
Joy because of him

My hands were shaking as I dialled his number, it rang about six times before he hung up on me, his voicemail telling me to leave him a message.

I waited for the beep and spoke into my phone, my voice hoarse. "Tommy, please come home. No one else will ever make me happier than you make me. I need you Tom. But I'm not going to beg you forever. Just please. Please" I choked, removing the phone from my ear and hanging up the phone.

My eyes filling with tears as I cried once again.

My eyes are hurting
Burning from the salty liquid that's dropping uncontrollably down my face
My gaze is moving through to the living room I see pictures
Painful pictures

He didn't take away our photos. Maybe just to hurt me more. Our happiest memories captured in a photo frame, smiles painting our faces in each one.

We were so happy.

It's him.
He's everywhere
But still nowhere
He's gone but still present
He left forever
But the memories will stay.

2 years ago*
" you promise you'll love me forever?" I asked, cupping my boyfriends cheeks while I stood on my tip toes so I could reach him.

"What makes you say that my darling?" He asked.

"I don't know, I just worry" I admitted, he chuckled lightly and kissed my palm.

"I promise angel, you're it for me. You're the one" he nodded, before cupping my cheeks as well and linking our lips together.


It feels awful
It's ripping me apart
Even more than his loss already did
Eventually I will heal
Heal from the inside
But not in a few seconds
Not in a few minutes
Not in a few hours
Im pretty sure not in a few months
The thought of him being gone
Gone forever
It's not easy to accept
He didn't want to leave me
But he still lost
He lost and left
Left me alone

"He promised me. He promised it was us. Us until we died together" I cried to myself again, my head burning in ache from all the restless nights of crying.

"What a lie." I mumbled. "What a lie" I repeated, choking in my pillow. "What a lie" I sighed out, the tears finally ending as I drifted off once again into a painful sleep.

Alone with painful thoughts
With painful memories
All of them showing him
Him being my happiness
My sadness
My joy
My love
My best friend
My home
My everything
Life took him from me
Life took everything from me.

Thank you Lena for letting me use your incredible poem. It moved me! It's absolutely brilliant! 💕💕

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