The battle• (AU) angst/fluff TH

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This picture is not mine^
Summary: the Hogwarts battle. Tom is the same year as Fred and George, they are best friends. You are the same age as Harry, Ron and Hermione, whom you are best friends with. But you found yourself falling in love with Tom.
Warnings: swearing, angst, I couldn't bare putting Fred's death in here so. Sorry. Fluff
Word count: 2082
Italics is the past:
Your POV:
Once again, we had another win! Gryffindor showed Slytherin once again why we are raining champs at quidditch. And I'm not being biased, but it was definitely thanks to my boyfriend Tom Holland and his three best friends Fred, George and Harrison.

I waited in the Gryffindor room along with my friends Hermione, Ron and Harry, patiently waiting for the Gryffindor quidditch team to come storming in and showing off their victory.

As if on que, the common room echoed with cheers. My boyfriend coming into sight as he entered the common room with the trophy in hand, Fred, George and Harrison following closely behind, patting him on the back and cheering. The whole common room copied their cheers, pumping their fists into the air.

"SpEeCh!!" The twins screeched. I saw Tom chuckle before he climbed onto the table, holding the trophy in the air.

"Well, let's do that cheesy thank you speech shall we?" Tom smirked, awaiting his applause. I rolled my eyes playfully, how was he not a Slytherin? He was so cocky sometimes. "Yesss!" People cheered. Tom put his finger to his lip, telling people silently to be quiet.

"Well let's start off with the obvious. My team. Harrison, without a goalie like you we'd be fucked mate" he chuckled, others returning it. "Fred and George, you manage to save my ass every game, beating the hell out of those fucking bludgers." He went on listing all of his team mates, leaving Harry at the end. "And Harry, not forgetting bout you mate, without you we wouldn't be kicking Slytherin ass every time, it's a hard job trying to catch that cheeky snitch. So my applause goes to you" Tom finished.

"Next is Hermione and Ron. Our number one supporters, cheering so loudly for us, hyping us up, you've got no idea how much we need that" Tom chuckled.

"Finally, the best for last. Y/n. Come up here for me my darling" he smiled. Causing our friends to mumble awes as I climbed onto the table. He helped me up with his hand placing a gentle kiss on my knuckles once I was sturdy.

"My number one supporter. My girl. Without you in the audience I couldn't do it my love. You help me through it all. Even when I'm a pain in the ass." He chuckled. I blushed deeply and smiled. "That smile gets me through the day, helps wake me up in the morning just so I can see it. I love you y/n" he finished.

He turned to our fellow Gryffindors with a smirk. "Public display of affection will be happening soon, avert your eyes while you can folks" he spoke, making people chuckle and awkwardly look away.

Tom cupped my cheek sweetly and brought our lips together. We both smiled against the kiss, breathing out in bliss. Earning cheers and whoops from our classmates.

"I love you baby girl" he whispered. "I love you too Tommy" I blushed.

I smiled at the memory, that had been about 3 years ago now. Tom, Fred, George and Harrison were all in their last year of Hogwarts, before they left. But they had to make it out of the battle first.

Voldemort returned. No I'm not afraid to say his name, I could be dead in the next few hours, might as well fear nothing for that amount of time.

Me, Tom, Harrison, Fred and George all stood on the balcony of the castle, staring into the sky as we watched our barrier fall to pieces, making it look like stars crumbling to the ground.

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