"Who is it, Rose?" Her mom's voice extended her ears but she couldn't open her mouth. She was frozen with her heartbeat only skying high.

"Go, sit in the car," His hoarse voice sent chills down her spine, not in a good way. He seemed darker and more intimidating than ever.

Rose gulps in fear, her hand still glued on the doorknob.

"Rose?" Her mom calls out again. She sighs before coming into the hall, "Rose-" Her words vanish into the space when her eyes fall on King. Whose eyes never left Rose's face.

"You," Rose's mom's voice shakes a little but she immediately withdraws Rose back.

"What are you doing here?" She piles up some courage in her voice. Whereas, Rose's expression did not change at all. One glance of his and she felt herself in that same hall again, she watched over and over how all of them were lying there, dead. How he stabbed that guy, his inhuman instinct also came in front of her eyes. Everything came back rushing in.

"She's coming with me," King states plainly.


"Leave right now or I'm calling the cops!" Her mom yells, thinking it would scare him off.

"I won't repeat again."

"Leave, I said!"

In a split second, King pulls his gun out and points at Rose's mom's head.

"No!" That's when he hears her sweet voice, and for some reason, it only made him angrier.

"Come with me or else she's dead!" He yells at her, not caring of the horrified expression that leapt on her face. Why would he anyway?

"Mom!" Words leave her mouth as he shoves the pistol more into her head.

"You can't take my daughter!" She cries, despite the immense fear building up inside her.

"Fine, then die." He states so plainly and almost pulls the trigger, "No, wait!" Rose's cracked voice makes him stop. She rushes in front of her mother. King watches as her shaking hands travel towards his hand holding the gun, "Please, no,"

"I-I'm coming with you,"

"Go and sit," He dictates while taking the gun out of sight.

"Rose, no!" Her mom swiftly holds her arm. Her eyes are red and sore and desperation was very much evident in them.

"Please-" She turns her head at King, begging him through her eyes.

"Are you deaf?" His loud voice flinches Rose. She glances at her mom through the blurry vision. She breaks down, even more, watching her mom suffering like that.

"I'll be back." She whispers as she holds her hands while giving a short assuring nod.

"Enough already," King spats before roughly grabbing Rose's arm and dragging her towards the car parked outside.

She watches as her mom yells and cries standing at the door. Begging King, begging literally everyone to help Rose.

A strange sadness starts lunging over Rose. As if nothing is going to go right for her from now onwards.

"Mom," She yells, "I love you,"

"No!" She cries maniacally, "Please, let her go,"

"Tell dad that I love him too." Her voice had a hint of despair in it.


Rose never left her mom's sight before King throws her into the car. She whimpers softly as her wound achingly throbs the moment it comes in contact with the seat's cushion.

King smashes his car's door on her face and she watches him approaching towards the driver's seat. Through her teary eyes, she observes his emotionless face. Looking at him she felt like he turned his sense of humanity off.

Rose shrinks into her seat, as far as she possibly can from him. He noticed and it only poked his rage. He drives off immediately after settling down. Numerous thoughts were blocking Rose's rationality of thinking sensibly, she just wanted to go away from him.

The silence of the drive was making her anxious, she was trying to make her heavy breathing not obvious; she didn't want any attention on her.

"Your phone?" He demands after a few minutes of silence.

Rose studies his hand stretching for it by the side of her eye. Why does he want my phone now? She thinks. All the worst possibilities were waving in, she was going nuts.

"Your phone, Rose," He demands again, making sure his voice is autocratic and loud.

"Why?" She builds the courage to question him back, her eyes are still adorning the floor of the car.

Rose was so close to bumping into the deck of the car, as he pulled over swiftly, but King harshly grabbed her shoulder and pushed her back.

He felt her body warm, too warm to be normal. Rose jolts at his touch and instantly pushes his hand aside before shifting her gaze back at the floor. As much as she is trying to hide it, her fearful instincts are tossing all over.

A man who killed dozens of people with a smile on his face is sitting beside her. The anxiety is doubling itself with each second passing by, her body and senses are extremely alarmed. The man who killed them won't think twice before killing me. She thinks.

"Asking you the last time," He speaks as he abruptly grabs her chin to make her look at him. Snivel escape her lips at his quick action.

"Give me your phone." Rose tries to get away from him but little is she aware that her actions of distancing herself from him are only making him more insane.

He leaves her chin watching her feeble attempts, only to grab her by the neck. Shoving her mercilessly into the seat, he leans a little towards her.

"You better learn to obey me, or else I won't be gentle next time." He speaks, applying slight pressure.

His grip wasn't too tight, his intentions were not to choke her, but to warn.

King catches sight of round tear balls forming into her eyes before they fall down her cheeks and meet his hand. He felt the warmth of it for a second or two before its path dries out.

Rose moves into his constraint, she takes her phone out of her pocket and stretches it to the level of his hand which is grabbing her neck. He saw her hand shivering before taking it away from her.

King starts driving after he flops back in his place.

She watched as he threw her phone out of the window, a short gasp escaped her lips. She turned her head to see her phone getting destroyed by the vehicles passing by.

"It's funny if you think you can go back home."

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