You worked yourself a bit harder this morning in the pool, trying to push your limits even harder. You managed to swim a whole lap before you had to take a rest on the side of the pool. You saw another text from Bucky asking what you were doing, so you sent him a selfie of you half in the water in the pool giving a shy smile, and you got a heart emoji in response. You couldn't help the giggle before you put your phone back to the side. You dried off using one of the community towels you hadn't bothered with before and headed back to your room slowly feeling exhausted. You saw your laundry hamper was gone and just went and jumped in the shower quickly to get rid of the chlorine before getting dressed in the same clothes and heading back to the dining room. Happy made fruit salad and sandwiches and smiled as you came in. You sat down tiredly.
"I just watched, you made it here without a break" he pointed out quickly as Pepper and Bruce came in.
"I swam a whole lap" you nodded. "Its taking too long to get my strength back"
"Considering we said bedrest, a whole lap is good" Pepper smirked at you. Daisy yipped at you and you pulled out the chair to let her jump on your lap for a moment. You held her close until she was satisfied and she jumped back down. You pushed your chair back in and everyone was looking at you.
"I was anxious I'm not healing as quick as I wanted" you explained.
"Makes sense" Bruce shrugged. "I heard from Nat, they found a way in. They plan on going in tonight"
"Tony's team is still strategizing" Pepper admitted. "He knows he can't go in guns blazing this time, although that's more his style"
"He does like to make an entrance" you raised your eyebrows. "First time I met him he was in his flashy suit, with Steve in his uniform and there were dead bodies everywhere and he acted like it was nothing"
"Tony is Tony" Bruce chuckled.
"You want to take a rest before we bake those cookies sunshine?" Happy looked at you pointedly. "There's a swing outside calling your name. I'll watch one of my stories while you take a rest"
"Thank you Happy" you smiled. "Why do you guys keep calling me sunshine anyways?"
"You smile a lot, and it feels genuine. You feel like a warm ray of sunshine" Pepper answered for them. "We need more of that around here" she added.
"That's a compliment" you flushed. "Thank you" you gave a smile and went back to your food. As soon as you were done, Happy took Daisy down the stairs while you went to lay on the swing again looking out at the view and watching her play down in the grass. You snuggled more into Bucky's sweater as the wind breezed by you and turned the music back on.

When you woke up later it was to Happy checking on you. You smiled and gave a small yawn as you sat up.
"You ready for some science?" he chuckled.
"Only the edible kind" you grinned and checked your phone. Bucky had texted you that he hoped to be home soon, and that they had a game plan in place. You texted him back asking him to be careful with a little heart emoji at the end. You were surprised that even his text messages gave you butterflies. The feeling blossoming in your chest was turning to somewhat an anxiety because you weren't sure what it was. You quickly followed Happy inside and he sat down after making a coffee for both of you and watched as you started making yourself at home in the kitchen. He would tell you where the ingredients were, or the pans and mixing bowls were but mainly stayed back and watched. You turned up your music with a smile as you started dancing around the kitchen completely relaxed as you made several batches of cookies. You barely realized the time, when you saw Happy playing on his phone for a minute, but told you not to worry about the time and to keep going. You found yourself starting to sing to the music softly as you danced. By the time you were done, you had made ten dozen large sized cookies and flushed. Happy didn't miss a beat and started putting them in plastic containers after putting a dozen on a plate. The rest he put into the freezer.
"I'm sorry I took over your kitchen" you gave a sheepish smile.
"Take over it anytime, you seem to have more spunk today. I was happy to see it" Happy grinned at you. "I ordered in butter chicken and rice for supper" he announced. "Why don't you go see if you can get Bruce out of his lab for a bit?" he ruffled your hair with a grin. You nodded and brought two cookies with you, taking a bite of one to make sure they turned out okay. You walked into Bruce's lab and he looked up with a smile.
"Is that fresh cookies?" he smiled.
"Happy let me take over the kitchen for a bit" you smiled at him handing him one. "He ended up ordering in butter chicken and rice for supper"
"I think it was my turn to cook too" Bruce took a bite of the cookie and moaned. "This is really good, I hope you made extra"
"I might have made ten dozen" you flushed and he chuckled.
"They'll be gone in a flash, don't worry" he shook his head.
"What are you working on?" you asked curiously.
"Inhibitors" he admitted. "It was a good idea. Not sure it would work on you where you are a natural though"
"I'm stronger with what's not natural" you gave a pained smile. "My mom used to make the water change colors and take shapes. I can barely throw a water sphere" you admitted.
"You'll get there, the girls want to help you get stronger with that ability" he smiled softly. "I know Nat has lots of plans for it, she was working on a game plan with Wanda"
"Well, I hope I can live up to their expectations" you nodded. "Come on, lets go eat" you started your slow walk back to the dining room. Bruce came out and held his arm for you to take. You hadn't realized how tired you had gotten until then and gratefully accepted.

By the time you got to the table, it was already set and Happy was putting out bottles of water for everyone. Pepper was already there, still typing into her phone furiously looking like she was getting upset.
"What's wrong?" you asked.
"This big shot from another company wants a meeting with me, but is giving me impossible times to meet up. He says he has revolutionizing technology, and only wants to meet at night. I told Tony about it, and he says not to meet at night with him but his proposal is so good I'm really tempted" she admitted.
"Sounds like a set up if its at night" you spoke your mind. "I'll go with you" you offered.
"No, its alright. I'll just make him meet me at the office during the day tomorrow. Happy will have to come with me to be additional security" she shook her head.
"Can I come? Maybe I'll learn something" you offered, not liking the other guy one bit.
"You're still benched young lady" she reminded you.
"Ice whips are easy" you gave a grin. "I wont kill him if he makes a move, I'll just freeze him. Then I'll tie him up and let the cops deal with him if he's shady"
"I'll just try to push the meeting by a few days" she seemed to really consider it for a moment. "Take your pill" she reminded you and you took it automatically.
"Y/N made cookies" Happy offered as he sat down.
"I love cookies" she smiled.
"They're delicious" Bruce grinned. "She snuck me in one"
"They are for dessert" Happy reminded you.
"There's like a hundred, an extra one isn't going to matter" you shrugged with a grin.
"Nat just texted me" Bruce announced after a few minutes. "They made it in and are securing the data. Bucky and Steve are watching the outside"
"How far away are they?" you were curious.
"A good few hours flight for sure. If all goes well, they might be back tomorrow at the earliest" Bruce shook his head.
"Good" you sighed gently.
"What else do you like to bake sunshine?" Happy asked.
You flushed a little bit and looked up with a smile. "Pies"
"Did you want to make some pie for tomorrow?" he grinned.
"More science I can eat? Yes please" you nodded.
"What kind of fruit do we need?" he took out his phone.
"Lets go with apples, maybe some blue berries, cherries and raspberries too" you gave a smile. "I know Pepper is allergic to strawberries"
"How?" she asked quickly.
"Dad's files, I used to get bored a lot" you admitted looking down with a shy smile.
"He's thorough" Happy shrugged. "Even Tony forgot that once"
You quickly finished eating and Pepper offered to take out Daisy so you took the balcony back to your room and sat on the swing looking out at the sunset. You checked your phone and saw a heart emoji from Bucky and sent him one back. It gave you those butterflies again as you grinned like an idiot staring at your phone. You laid down on your swing, and Alpine came out the bedroom door and jumped on your side while you waited for Daisy to come back from her walk. Pepper came in your bedroom door and waved to you saying goodnight, while Daisy came running through and jumping onto the swing with you and Alpine. You looked at your phone again, and Bucky wrote to you with one word that said "Soon". You bit your bottom lip and hoped that you would see him as soon as possible. You started to get a chill and headed inside, just taking off your pants and sweater and slipped into bed.  

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