Lookism | Euntae Lee ( Vasco) X Reader

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" jace she was here, y/n's here" Vasco excitedly said, the group of people stop what they were doing as they all stare at the door, curious about this all so called girlfriend of Vasco. "come in y/n" with the a short girl much more shorter than Vasco walked inside the door. " good morning everyone" her voice sounds so smooth as her cheeks flush peach.

Everyone eyed with disbelieve, this is Vasco's girlfriend? A rough looking man with tattoos and muscle is dating such pure and fragile looking woman. " nice to meet you all" she smiled as the group started to crowd her " hello" one man said " hey thank you for coming" another one added, Vasco was push to the side as the group started asking tons of question to the new face.

" ahhh calm down" she spoke" still not letting go of Vasco's hand, Jace shouted at the group " shut up" with that the men shut their mouth as Jace only spoke " hello, nice to meet you thank you for being Vasco's girlfriend as first we didn't believe him" he said as he eyed Vasco who was playfully huffing his breathe.

" it's alright, I will hang out with you guys todays I hope you don't mind " with the a chorus of cheers and shouts resounds the whole room, the burn knuckles will surely parade this beauty and they will make sure the whole school know that this is Vasco's girlfriend.

Time Skip | Lunch time | there was a ruckus in the corridor of the school, " hey did you hear Vasco brought his girlfriend in school" one voice echoes, Daniel and his friends just arrived in the cafeteria place and was greeted with tons of people. "what's going on?" Daniel asked Zack who was standing beside him, Zack semi hit the male in the head as he responded shortly "why are you asking me, we're walking with you aren't we?" hearing this Daniel only scratch his head as he laugh aloofly.

Taking notice of the whole scenario, Daniel's head follow a familiar figure " ohh it was Vasco" hearing this the small group follow Daniel as they made way towards the group. Daniel was first to see what is happening, a very unfamiliar girl stood beside Vasco as the male protectively walk on her side.

" hey Vasco, Hey" hearing this the said male turn to see his friend " hey, Daniel" he walked toward the male as the group meet in the middle. " what going on?" Zack was first to asked, Vasco only scratch his head as he goofily smiled " ahhh my girlfriend paid me a visit" with this all eyes turns to the unfamiliar face.

Their eyes landed on the girl, as they slowly turned their eyes back to Vasco then back to the girl " WHATTTT~!!!!!!!!? The whole place asked in chorus, Vasco stood there innocently as he was confuse why the people won't even believe what he said.

" this is your girlfriend?" Zack as, as he pointed at the girl Vasco pulled y/n behind him as Vasco shows a serious face " don't be rude to my girlfriend Zack" with that the whole place turn into silence.

In the other place, Daniel along with his friends stood on the open space near the baseball field as Vasco introduced his girlfriend " hello, as mentioned I am Vasco's girlfriend" hearing this Mira and Zoey immediately pester her about their couple romance.

" wow so how did you meet Vasco?" Zoey was first to speak, y/n only smiled at them as the boys have their own group to talk " you sure got a pretty girlfriend there Vasco" Zack said as he pat his friends shoulder. Jace arrive not long ago as he gave Vasco a plastic of food, the small group settled in the picnic place as they sat in the green grass.

The chit chat continues as y/n sat with the girls " I am telling you, the very first time I met Vasco I thought he was a gangster" Zoey was fast to speak, as Mira offered y/n some bread, the talk was lively as they continue to talk about their love story.

" well, I thought so at first but our first meeting was really heroic" she nodded as she then eyed the bread in her hand " it was also funny" she chuckles as the girl waited for her to speak.

Flash back | at a Coffee Shop | y/n was sitting along minding her own business; the busy sound of the whole shop was comfortable for her. She was having a really good time until a group of man notices her sitting alone.

" hey miss how about you have fun with us" the one with the cigar said, the other males chuckles teasingly as they eyed the woman maliciously. " get lost" y/n said with spite as she took her bag with her standing up in the process.

The man didn't take her comment lightly as he eyed her smugly, she was about to walk out the table when one of the man grabbed her book and started tossing it with the group " hey here" he said, as y/n panicky tried to get the book back. It was a very special book; it was a gift from her father which she hasn't seen for a while.

" give it back" she said as the group continue to pester her, the coffee shop didn't do anything as they fear they might get beaten in the process. y/n jump in her place to grab the book but before she could even touch the book one of the man, grabber her hand pulling her close to his body.

y/n flinch with the whole position, the strong smell of alcohol and cigar was livid from the males mouth. His hand hold her tightly as he tried to land a kiss on the girl, she struggle hardly avoiding the kiss before the man could even do more someone punch the man in the face.

The girl falls on the floor as she was taken aback with the whole situation, there stood a man with black hair wearing orange jump suit. " I will need to punish you, because you guys are bad" with that y/n looked at the man with adoration.

y/n was now standing on one of the alley ways as the trouble maker group semi drag her with the male earlier. " you punk, do you think you will get away with this?" y/n stood closer to the unfamiliar face as the male only eyed her with concern. She silently mouthed " be careful" to him as Vasco's eyed turned to the thugs.

The fight was short as the group ended up being knock up by Vasco, y/n stood there awkwardly not liking how the bodies of the thugs earlier lay in the ground with blood in their face. " ummmm we should get out here" the unfamiliar face said, y/n felt comfortable and safe when he spoke and with that man reason she followed him out the alley way.

She didn't noticed that the unfamiliar man had brought her to a convenience store " ahh sorry about that, I just didn't know where to lead you" he said, y/n nodded before offering him a hand " ahh thank you so much, what's your name?" Vasco was confuse at first but later his cheek flush a bit as he shyly accepted her hand.

" it's Eun tae, you can call me Vasco" he said as y/n nodded, she slowly let go of his hand as Vasco stood there awkwardly his eyes light up as he remembered something " ahh I almost forgot" he took the book from his back pocket as he handed the banded papers to the girl. y/n's eyed widen as she accepted the book " thank you" she hold the book closer to her, " my name is y/n and here's my number" she smile as she pass him a paper, Vasco didn't realized what is happening.

y/n immediately bow as she smiled waving good bye before running away the place, she just meet someone amazing and her mind was already racing so hard. Vasco only stood in the place as he eyed the paper, and along with it is a band air packs. He covered his mouth with his hand as he softly eyed the paper. Where the name of the woman and her name was well written.

End of Flash Back |

" after that, we texted a lot and sometime after texting for so long, he offered to accompany me in my café stays" y/n said as the girls only giggles with jealous, who could have ever thought Vasco to be such a hero, y/n slowly turned to Vasco as the male caught her eye, slowly Vasco mouther short words " I love you" he said understanding this, y/n's face flare with joy.

Mira and Zoey notice this as they pester y/n why her cheeks were pink. The girl only smile as she covered her face avoiding answering the girls, there is no way she will tell them that Vasco is one of the sweetest boyfriend ever.


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