Chapter 9: Motivation

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The day of the contest came up as Dawn got ready to leave.

May: "Good luck Dawn. I'll be watching from home."

Dawn: "Thanks May. I'll make sure to win for you."

May smiles as Dawn runs towards the entrance of the school. May closes the door and walks to her room turning on her tv. She sits there for a while before she hears a knock on her door and opens the door.

May: "A-a-ash? What are you doing here? I thought you took Lance's challenge to come closer to your own dream?"

Ash: "I couldn't. I promised you I would watch May right."


Ash: "Hello?"

Lance: "Hello. Is this Ash?"

Ash: "Yes this is Ash. I've made my choice."

Lance: "I'd love to hear your response."

Ash: "I'm sorry to say that I've declined. I thank you for the challenge, but I have to postpone it. I already made a promise to a friend of mine that I would do in that date. I would like to postpone this challenge."

Lance: "That's fine by me Ash." 'Professor Oak is right. You've really changed Ash.'

*Back to the moment*

Ash: "I know that I told you two that you can't rely on each other, but I guess I should change my wording because sometimes we need each other. That's why I'll support Dawn with her dream."

May: "Then go. She's on her way already. You wouldn't want to be late."

Ash: "Right. See you later May."

May: "See ya Ash."

May watches Ash walk towards the entrance of the school before closing her door and walking back to her room.

*At the contest*

Dawn gets ready in her private room and walks out among the tens of other girls that have entered the tournament. She takes a deep breathe before slapping her face.

Dawn: 'You can do this Dawn. Do it for May!'

???: "The tournament hasn't even started and you're already doubting yourself. What happened to the great Dawn Bertliz."

Dawn: "What are you doing here Miette?"

Miette: "Relax Dawn. Teach gave me a wild card spot and I made it in the tournament. I'm guessing May and Ash are watching from their dorms huh? Better make it to the finals. I'll show the world especially Ash how good I am and crush you along the way."

Dawn: "I don't plan on losing Miette."

*With Ash*

Ash's manager: "We're here Ash. Would you like me to get some security guards or some private seating?"

Ash: "Nah it's fine. I wanna keep a low status, so I'll just go in with a hoodie on."

Ash walks in and passes a couple of people before he suddenly stops because he hears someone talking to him.

???: "Oh I thought after what happened you wouldn't come to any more Pokemon Contests?"

Ash: 'That voice! It can't be!' Ash turns around only to see nobody there. 'I must be hallucinating.' He keeps walking towards his seat before sitting down.

???: "So he's finally gotten over it huh? Oh well. I haven't made my appearance yet, but when I do I wonder what facial expression he'll make? Get ready Ash. I'll be back before you even know it."

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