Chapter 11: Give Up

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Gary: "Woah, Mr. let me pull daughter of arguably the best performer ever. Let me get that chair for you champ."

Ash: "Knock it off Gary. I'm sick of hearing this."

Gary: "Hey, you let it happen. You didn't even pull away. Besides you liked it anyway. Admit it. I personally would love to be kissed by a girl like her."

Ash: "Yeah sure. Keep talking and I'll tell Misty what you said."

Gary quickly shuts up and sits down before pulling up his Pokedex.

Gary: "Anyway...You'll have to deal with the media as they have free access to interview any student after school. They called for you and Dawn, so you gotta get ready for any questions."

Ash sighs

Ash: "This is way to much stress on me Gary."

Gary: "Guess that's the perks or disadvantages of being a champion."

Ash: "I just want to get some sleep. I haven't even talked to Dawn about anything since yesterday."

Gary: "Good luck at the interview then."

Ash simply sighs while staring at the sky

Gary: "Anyway I haven't found anything new on Gladion. It's almost like everything about him has been deleted. If want any extra info we need to talk to Lily."

Ash: "Alright. I'll talk to her at a later date. I'm going back to the dorm to rest up before the media comes in."

Gary: "Right. I'll continue to look up Gladion's past. Also remember to let me know if your feeling strange."

Ash nods his head before the two boys split in separate directions.

*With Dawn*

Johanna: "I knew you could do it Dawn!"

Dawn: "Thanks Mom, but I couldn't do it without the help of you."

Johanna: "Oh stop it. Besides focus on being better the next time you perform. You can't let your doubts stop you from achieving your goals. I'm glad you got right back up after breaking down. That's the girl I raised."

Dawn: "Yeah. People were expecting me to be another copy of you, but I guess I showed them that I'm only here to surpass you."

Johanna: "That's right! You'll be better than me in no time, but I do have one question?"

Dawn: "On what?"

Johanna: "How about you talk about that boy Ash. The current Kalos Champion." 

Johanna smirks on the phone.

Dawn face turn red as she covers her face with her hand

Dawn: "W-w-what do you mean...?"

Johanna: "Come on everyone saw it. The kiss. I remember young youth. Let me talk about the day me and you father made you."

Dawn: "AHHHHH! Stop!"

Johanna: "I'm only joking honey..., but I'll let you know something. I approve of Ash, so make sure you get to him first. I'll call you later."

Johanna hangs up the phone as Dawn stands outside blushing.

*With Ash*

Ash walks in the dorm and sits on his bed thinking. 

Ash: 'What the hell am I suppose to do? I really didn't want to answer any interview questions today.'

Ash breaks out of his thoughts as he hears his door opening.

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