Chapter 38: Elite Four

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Paul and Nate are seen in front of the champion building.

Nate: "Well here we are. Time for you to step up your game."

Paul: "I've only ever heard this building from my brother."

Nate: "Well you're here now. No turning back. You'll have to defeat the Elite Four and then beat possibly the strongest champion ever. Cynthia."

Paul: "And what will you be doing?"

Nate: "Staying in the championship room with Cynthia and spectate you when and if you get to Cynthia."

Paul: "Are there going to be other spectators?"

Nate shakes his head.

Nate: "Only if Cynthia gives permission. Usually champions won't allow spectators to join because you can see the Pokemon they have, which gives the champion a disadvantage towards trainers and other champions."

Paul: "So how did you get permission?"

Nate: "I agreed to never fight for another championship. It allows me to have almost full access to any championship battle matches. I mean I already have to look over the whole region of Unova. Adding another region under my supervision would only be a pain and hinder my abilities to keep both regions under perfect conditions."

Paul: "Well we don't have much time, so I'll be going."

Nate: "I hope to see you in the champion room. Give it you all!"

Paul nods his head, as he walks into the building. Nate looks at the time, before setting up a timer.

Nate: "Well I didn't lie. More like I didn't tell the whole truth."

He pulls up a map showing the Hoenn region.

Nate: "Let's see how fast you can go Genesect!"

Nate hops on genesect, before flying off towards the two dots.

*With Paul*

Paul walks in, stopping before a green haired man, who's sitting on the floor.

Paul walks in, stopping before a green haired man, who's sitting on the floor

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???: "Oh hi there. Welcome to the Sinnoh's Pokemon champion building. I'm Aaron of the Elite Four. I'm a huge fan of Bug-Pokemon. Bug Pokemon are nasty and mean, and yet they're beautiful too...Do you want to know why I take on challengers in this room?"

Paul: "I don't really care."

Aaron gives off an awkward laugh.

Aaron: "Well it's because I want to be perfect, just like my Bug-Pokemon!"

Paul: "Right..."

Aaron: "Let me take you on!"

The battle goes fairly quickly, as Paul makes quick work of Aaron's Dustox, Beautifly, Heracross, Vespiquen, and Drapion, while only using Gyrados and Garchomp. Gyrados took some light damage, while Garchomp didn't take any at all. The door to the next room opens, as Paul looks at in his bag. He didn't have time to prepare, so he only had a couple of super potions. He had no potions or berries to remove status conditions and had only one revive. He would have to use all these items wisely.

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