Chapter 25: Champions

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Ash, May, Gladion, and Gary all meet in the middle to shake hands. Ash and May walk off towards the center of the arena, as Gary and Gladion make their way to the locker rooms.

Gary grabs Gladion's collar, shoving him into a locker.

Gary: "What's your plans Gladion!"

Gladion smirks.

Gladion: "What do you mean Mr. Oak?"

Gary: "Don't screw with me! You've been after Ash. Your pulling someone out of him. But why? What's all this for?"

Gladion grabs Gary, before shoving him off. 

Gladion: "What I'm doing is none of your concern."

Gary: "I've been watching you. Who is the student your working with?"

Gladion: "..."

Gary: "If you won't answer. Your sister will pay the consequences!"

Gladion gives Gary a death stare.


Before Gladion can make another move, the cloaked figure comes up.

???: "Time to go Gladion."

Gladion: "Tch...."

Gary pulls out a Pokeball.

Gary: "Who are you?"

???: "Ah Gary Oak. Childhood friend of Ash Ketchum. Don't worry about who I am. You'll find out soon."

The cloaked figure sends out a Pokemon, teleporting both of them as they both escape.

Gary: "What are you planning?"

Gary punches a locker in frustration. Outside the locker room, Paul listens, before making his way towards the distance.

*With Ash and May*

The two wave to the crowd, as the crowd erupts into cheers for the two competitors. The two simply wave and smile.

Announcer: "What a win by Ash and May! They are your first ever winners of Master High's Dual tournament!"

A reporter comes over, before speaking to both of them.

Reporter: "Congratulations on your win!"

Ash and May: "Thank you!"

Reporter: "So let's talk about your strategies. First of all I see from May's team, you only used Blaziken, switching out Wartortle and Beautifly. What was the thought behind that?  "

May: "Well uhm...I-I have to give all that credit to Ash..."

Ash pats May's head, before whispering to her.

Ash: "Hey calm down. If you become a trainer, you'll have to deal with this all the time."

Ash turns back to the reporter, before continuing.

Ash: "Well Wartortle and Beautifly are obviously major parts of May's team, but they wouldn't give us much of an advantage against Gladion or Gary. We switched out both for my Gengar and a borrowed Zoroark."

Reporter: "Yes. And that strategy seemed to work out perfectly!"

Ash: "Yes. I can't take all the credit, as a plan is nothing if you can't carry it out. May played her part great. She weakened most of Gary's team, including thinking on her feet. The destiny bond wasn't a part of our plan, but her using was the smartest choice."

Reporter: "How do you feel working with Ash and winning a big event, despite almost just starting to transfer to a trainer? Why inspired that change?"

May takes a deep breathe, as she takes a quick glance at Ash to see him smiling brightly.

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